Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

A senior BBC employee branded Jewish people “Nazis” and white people “parasites” in a string of social media posts.

The BBC has been informed of statements made online by Dawn Queva, who is a scheduling coordinator at BBC Three, according to her online profile.

Posts made on her Facebook page include calling Jewish people “Nazi apartheid parasites” that funded a “holohoax”.

Her posts repeatedly attack white people, calling them a “virus” and “mutant invader species”.

Ms Queva, whose location is listed as London on her Linkedin profile, also brands the UK “bigoted” and “genocidal” and claims white Europeans are “melanin-recessive parasites”.

Also: BBC editor who is paid to help 15 Somalian criminals stay in the UK quits the Beeb after shocking Mail exposé

45 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. This is the kind of thing that happens when you go woke. Would the last Jew out of the UK please remember to turn out the lights?

    1. I’m old enough to remember when soccer hooligans were a problem that needed severe policing and facial recognition BANS from stadiums.

  2. So she’s a racist nutbar. 🙂
    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

    1. Not really.

      As I recall Zundel was a holocaust denier. He didn’t call Jews nazis, he was the nazi.

      1. Yes, Zundel was more of an unrepentant Nazi than anything else. His line was basically, “The holocaust wasn’t nearly as big as they say it was, and it wasn’t that big a deal anyway. Certainly didn’t do us Germans any harm. Why all the moaning?” Or that’s the impression that I got, I never considered it important to study his beliefs in any detail.

        I do wish to represent him fairly. He was my immediate neighbour in Toronto for a couple of years, and though I never met or saw him, it happened that his security system (which was, as you might imagine, formidable) covered my front door, so I always felt a sense of neighbourly gratitude.

  3. It’s not so much that only women say such things .. It’s that the ones who do get put into high office.. Men of that stripe do not.. They are taken more seriously?.. How is that a thing?..

    In a world increasingly run by women the need for some sort of decency and self regulation is needed.. With men its always been the threat of violence.. It’s wise to be careful what you say because a punch in the face or worse is possible.. This regulates the discourse..

  4. …that concerns about anti-Semitism were “met with indifference or a shrug by management”.

    That’s all you need to know.

      1. Ah yes, the “places of worship”. Too bad you can burn down churches and nobody seems to care.

  5. Known as “The Big Switch”. Early after the second world war all the Jews joined the Nazi party and all the Nazis converted to Judaism. Very similar to the other Big Switch after the Civil War where all the Klansmen joined the Republican party and the Abolitionists joined the Klan. I’m told by my liberal friends that this is 100% true and to question it makes you a very bad person. /s

    1. 1. Ask them who sent the 101st Airborne to get those kids in college in Little Rock.

      2. Get better friends

  6. This will be fun. The BBC is losing it’s mandatory licensing fee. They will be obligated to provide programming that attracts voluntary viewers. Guess how that turns out with people like Ms. Queva running the scheduling.

    1. I’m not so optimistic, Orson, Labour will romp in there soon and, if anything, that fee will be retained and increased (and enforced)…

      A party that promises to scrap the fee immediately could well win in a landslide! Why support an entity that will only ever hate you?! To fix it, you’d have to gut it completely and fire damned near everyone in it! For keeps!

  7. I remember when Iran President Mahmoud Ahmajinedad was in power, and when he hosted a Holocaust denialist conference. One invited panelist got a tad carried away, and called Jews a “virus” and “vermin”. The corporate media in Canada gave the event only cursory coverage, so as not to embarrass the Iranian government. But one writer for the Canadian Jewish News made the point that these very same insults, against Jews, were used by Adolph Hitler and his fellow Nazis. So the BBC thus is protecting some person of the same ilk.

  8. Outed. Result will be a lateral transfer folled by a promotion sometime later when deemed politically safe.

  9. “Diversity is our strength”. I’ll bet she ticked all the right boxes. An unaccountable state propaganda organ employing cultural Marxists – no news in that. She could pull down a $300k salary at any Canadian university humanities faculties or the Heritage Ministry.

  10. Looking at her puss, I find confirmation of a relatively new mind meme of mine:

    The saying should be : “MOST of the time — but not ALWAYS — you CAN judge a book by its cover”. We don’t see it much now but “resting bitch face” was a remarkable formulation.

    While, one should always allow a tiny shadow of doubt when making a preliminary judgment, everything in that piece is writ large upon her puss.

    1. I often thought the same when you see photos of pedophiles in the media. More often than not, my kneejerk response is…”Yup, that checks out.”

  11. I asked Bing Copilot “did Dawn Queva of the BBC get fired” and was getting lots of good stuff (including NAZI references) when suddenly all the text disappeared and I got …

    “My mistake, I can’t give a response to that right now. Let’s try a different topic.”

  12. So you import turd world, give them a voice and this happens?
    Shocking, who would have thought?
