Ronna McDaniel to step down as RNC chair


McDaniels has been under pressure for months to step down after she failed to deliver the promised red wave in 2022. Recent reports about the RNC’s excessive spending also came out, putting further pressure on her to step down.

Her chief of staff stepped down earlier on Tuesday. “I know the timing of this news comes as many rumors in the press swirl and we prepare to merge with the presumptive nominee. I assure you, the RNC is in an incredibly strong position,” Mike Reed said. He will also be stepping down later this month.

This news comes after Trump and McDaniel met together at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago on Monday. After that meeting, it was reported that changes would be coming to the RNC. He posted after that meeting that McDaniel was “now Head of the RNC, and I’ll be making a decision the day after the South Carolina Primary as to my recommendations for RNC Growth.”

“party of losers”.

9 Replies to “Ronna McDaniel to step down as RNC chair”

  1. I am sure that Uncle Willard “Mitt” Romney did nothing to help her cause. I saw him bad mouthing the Republicans who opposed the execrable “Border Security Bill”

    The reason Viveke called the Republicans “a party of losers,” is because Republicans like Mitt, Mitch, and Lindsay are happy to be losers, just as long as they get their own share of the graft.

  2. The red wave didn’t happen for the same reason Trump lost the last presidential election. Wake up, Republicans, before they do it to you again.

  3. Allegedly apparently the Republicans had a majority in some House or Senate thing at one time, who knew?

  4. McDaniel’s Chief of Staff, Mike Reed said …

    “She will continue to lead this organization to merge seamlessly … should he be the nominee.”

    Should “he” be the nominee? Who the fkcu are these people!? What Country are THEY living in? Uh, yeah … Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell are the TRUE heads of the RNC. Loser TRAITORS.

  5. Got the job because of her corrupt uncle Mitt, no doubt. And they skate with no consequences, but leaving devastation in their wake. When do they clean out the RINO party of Utah?

  6. She was such a terrible chair because that was her intent. Uniparty loser.

    That Vivek clip is gold and just another example why he and no one else should be Trump’s VP.
