14 Replies to “A Democrat Border Con”

  1. So, you had the white population escaping the cities and now mass immigration are heading into them too as they usually go for the government gravy trough of funds and programs.
    Conservative people tend to escape the bullshit as more aggressive people tend to dominate.

    My Jo came in.
    What a beautiful piece of work this instrument is…my banjo.

      1. yep.
        mckenzie king consulted his DEAD mother via a Ouija board.
        gawd preserve this nation against itself.

        1. Well, in fairness, she was smarter than he was, it might have been a good idea to consult her. But I admit, a ouija board is not an adequate substitute for a good phone connection.

  2. If I ever need a review of yesterday’s weather there’s no one better than Victor Davis Hanson.

    “Still, it remains somewhat unclear why Biden and his Homeland Security chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, destroyed what Trump had achieved.”
    Yeah, it’s a real head scratcher, Vic. I wonder what it could be?

    If it’s space that needs filling you should’ve outed those three squishy Republican RINOS who voted against the Mayorkas impeachment resolution.
    Reps Ken Buck, Mike Gallagher and Tom McClintock.
    What was Buck’s reason for doing so? ” we are setting new levels — low levels for these impeachments,…
    That ship sailed long ago you stunned halfwit.

    1. I left the Republican Party decades ago and became an Independent just so I didn’t have to feel associated with morons like Buck.

      “Low levels for these impeachments”????

      For the second Trump impeachment they ignored the basic concept of “hearsay” evidence so they could try and impeach him over what that fat Ukrainian Vindman said he heard was discussed on a call he wasn’t even on.

  3. Someone asked me “why are the Republicans now trying to stop these new rules limiting immigrants at the border? This is just an election ploy.”

    I answered “why did Joe Biden wait until just before an election to announce new border rules? He’s been President for over 3 years.”

    I hope Trump wins and I hope he shuts down the border. It will be fascinating listening to the left who are now crying so desperately for change. Heads will explode. Newspapers will go out of business. Old women will clutch their pearls. Whoopi Goldberg will not move to Canada. There will be quietness at the dinner table.

  4. I’m going to try a little experiment here to see if this gets by the AI censorship algorithms. When Trump was talking about building The Wall it generated a great deal of discussion, one of its greatest proponents was Rush. I wrote a memo to him that evidently didn’t make it through the censorship curtain. I had said that the reason the Democrats and the left were so opposed was because they wanted, now comes the punch line, State Sanctioned Slavery. The Democrats knew that from the Eighties they were losing part of their voter base, it was slowly leaking away. The election of Obama was a stop gap period, but the Black voter base was becoming better educated and was moving into the capitalist (Republican) sphere. So the Democrats couldn’t move back into their policy of ’emancipation’ without an audience to play to, enter State Sanctioned Slavery through unfettered illegal immigration. Lets see if that makes it through the censorship board.
