16 Replies to “Does your wind farm have performance anxiety?”

    1. As stated in the posting “The BioCharger is designed to provide off-grid power from vegetative waste”

      What a great way to rid ourselves of bureaucrats, nannies and envionMentalists.

  1. “…that meant that only one wind farm could get its generation up,…”
    I saw what you did there.

    1. Realizing how impotent wind power has been of late, I tried to figure out what I could get away with. I finally decided I couldn’t use “flaccid” in a news story. But it was apt.

  2. Yep…No Wind and for the past 3 days in Calgary ZERO Sunshine…Not quite sure if those two big solar arrays in off 114th are producing anything.

    Oh gosh, I better watchout, the Local NAZI’s (liberal/ndp), might hear me disparging supposed renewables while I illegally PROMOTE Oil n Gas.

    Hello Danielle – Start the process – Independance pls.

    1. Currently, no pun intended, all wind and solar facilities in Alberta are producing 1.3% of nameplate capacity or 0.9% of total load.
      Phase-out coal, oil and gas? Lunacy!

  3. My neighbor’s Canadian flag (it’s actually in tatters, like it’s maybe 20 years old?) has rarely moved in the past few days, and it’s been that way since last autumn.
    He’s also a true Trump hater, so a bit of mixed messages from leaving his Canadian flag looking like a rag, and hating freedom in general here, we speak about once every month.

    No sun, no wind, 1100 years of coal, couple hundred years of oil, and I can’t even guess how much nat.gas is just barely below the land surface here in AB. Someone should clean that up…

  4. Wind power peaked within 3 minutes and lit a cigarette and relaxed for the rest of the hour.

  5. 13:53 April 8. Wind is at 1 MW out of 4481 MW capacity.

    That’s 0.02 percent

    Almost Dean Wormer country

  6. I cannot find the news clip … but the recent storm in Northern CA caused a lot of power outages. And a woman who had installed a Tesla Powerwall … because PG&E told her that was her only solution to PG&E’s “safety” Power shutdowns … said the Powerwall didn’t last 24 hours and she is still without power.

    Packs of toxic batteries are NOT a solution to anything

  7. I wonder how much power the turbines require to keep them warmed up while stopped.

    An inquiring mind

  8. Electron disfunction? (said with a non political correct chinese accent)
    When does the six month pause in unreliable permits finish? Is Danielle still reviewing regulations? Just demand a cost benefit analysis for cost and carbon reduction and watch the subsidy farming renewables fail.
