46 Replies to “February 8, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. It must be nice to be that rich you can say anything and not get banned on Twitter. Oh wait… he had to buy it first.

    2. So only the Generation of Electricty so as to charge these batteries is considered under that edict eh.??

      Funny they don’t mention the Cost of mining, extracting & shipping all the components to a fabrication facility. None of THAT is emissions free either.

      But It doesn’t much matter, EV’s are going NOWHERE in any way you look at it. And thats Simply wonderful to see.

    1. So uh…Whats the water level like at Lake Mead..??

      I was at the Hoover dam this past Dec and it sure looked like said water levels were VERY VERY LOW.

      1. 24 feet higher than last year and that was before the current storm.


        Currently at 1,074 feet, up from 1,068 ft at the end of December. An issue I have will all of this, is how water use has changed over the decades? I can only assume they are diverting a lot more water, so saying Lake Mead is at or near historic lows is not an accurate statement. Might make more sense to quote how much water has been diverted compared to the past in addition to current lake levels. And Lake Mead isn’t even a natural lake.

        Imagine environmentalists saying “there’s a record number of cows this year” as support of an improving environment.

      1. Over what? Pointing out that F**er Carlson being a treasonous c**nt makes him no different than so many other mediots and presstitutes?

  1. The Guardian loses their sh*t over a potential Trump presidency.

    People who support him may not realize it’s their lives at stake, too.

    Eric Worrall replies: “I must admit, a part of me feels a little sorry for people suffering such extreme fear of climate change and the coming Trump presidency, despite the harm their ideas have inflicted on the rest of us.”


    1. I simply do not BELIEVE GoneDYKE was “voted” in. I had never even heard of her…nor had ANYONE I know either.

      This was also the first time I’d ever seen Dominion Vote Tabulators used…said machines using 1995 “286” level Tech for the most part (IMO).

      Nope, I believe this Commie bit of Trash was INSTALLED and done so with help from the SOROS Foundation who operate here in identical fashion as in the US.

      I also find it interesting that virtually every Big City in the country has some progressive woke sack of dung in the Mayors chair.

      1. Gondek was a Calgary city councillor for 3 years before she was elected mayor. Are you from Calgary?

  2. The House Government Operations Committee investigating ArriveScam — with the Liberal, Bloc and NDP members voting in support — suspended their investigation:

    (Paywalled, but the G&M is the only medium covering the GOC hearings).

    Still struggling to find the text of what Conservative MP Larry Brock tabled at the GOC meeting two meetings ago. He tabled sections of the dining report mentioned in the posted article. Caan ny interested SDAer help?

    Not a peep on this by the independent, conservative media on this as yet. Yet the to G&M articles of yesterday and today suggest someing is big happening here.

      1. GRumps…

        That particular Stench has been with us since long before 2015, inherited & passed on by Successive LIBERAL Govts (and most likely during Mulrooneys tenure as well), since at least 1969…i was 17 at the time.

        Being inherently Corrupt with a penchant for Lying seems to be a pre requisite for being a Canadian Federal Politician.

    1. Thank you for posting this – I truly think that the authorities which be (all over the world) have reached peak stupidity. It is time for a major cull. If I am culled, then so be it. I am 72 and have my affairs in order. Perhaps we should thank the Chinese for releasing COVID 19.

      1. Wasn’t long ago a kid went around a road block with a tractor to get to a hayfield and was roughed up and jailed by the Alberta state police.

  3. Gardening tip of the day. In the late summer plant lots of carrots. They will come up and by October they should be ready to eat. But leave them in your garden over winter. You can pick some occasionally if you can break the frozen soil. But they will last into the spring and taste just as good as they did in October of the previous year.

    I broke into my outdoor garden yesterday and picked a bunch of carrots. They were covered in a foot of snow but weren’t frozen even though the ground was. They tasted amazing. Just what is needed for the apocalypse. Doesn’t seem to work with onions.

    1. Gardening tips? Good one Steve.

      Yesterday was sausage making day. A couple of local farmers and I make sausage in the winter out of wild game. Yesterday it was elk. We made a coupla hundred pounds. These guys continue a tradition their grandpa’s started.
      Come over for the best breakfast sausages ever…
