Thursday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  China’s TikTok.  The Biden crime family.  Biden threatening to veto aid to Israel.

The Planet Is Burning:  Environmentalists have dark personality traits.  Rainfall in the Amazon.

Blackie’s Canada:  Trudeau trashes the Conservatives.  Justin’s CBC is upset that someone doesn’t believe in Black History Month.  Dear Leader explains that Poilievre is Trump.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.   A cartoon.

27 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. Where are the studies of astroid and meteor impacts that our scarred planet carries?
    Bouncing and flipping the planet such as the split impact that generated the Great Lakes?
    Our planet is carried by the Sun’s rotation off gases and can be quite accurately be measured.
    The Sun rotation of 5 1/4 to one of our orbital year. It friction our shape and keeps it rotating as it carries it in a stable orbit. Our water loss has generated an imbalance of weight too.

  2. Every bill should be ‘standalone’ – no more of this focusing on (say 1% of the assigned funds) and saying that if you don’t support the entire bill then you are in essence ‘pushing Grandma off the cliff”, (“and don’t worry about where the bulk of the cash is ending up”).

  3. Well, I guess that Canadians are tired of the Liberal/NDP turning Canada into an outhouse. I know that I am. Put Trudeau where he belongs – in jail for treachery, and fraud.

  4. Ref Amazon rainfall. We were flipping through channels last night from nature show to nature show, and within a couple of minutes we cycled through: David Attenborough dooming and glooming and lecturing about the drought and receding glaciers in SA; the imminent demise of shorebirds in Alaska on another; and a faux Brit whining about the “uncertain future” faced by Muskox on the third. CLICK!

    TV. So little for the mind.

  5. The CBC news webpage has for years (and not only during ‘Black History Month’) had a banner Being Black In Canada, which shows five fists raised in the Black Power salute. For those who missed the sixties, Black Power was a violent response to perceived lapses in achieving racial equality. Last month I wrote to CBC Ombudsman Jack Nagler with my concerns over this odious depiction. Mr Nagler kindly punted me over to News Editor in Chief Brodie Fenlon who has yet to respond. To be clear, black people make up 4.3% of Canada’s population, compared with 19.3% Asian descent. Why no months celebrating the history of them, or other ethnic groups in our population? Over to you Mr Fenlon. And kudos to Lisa Robinson for raising this issue. Whatever you do, don’t apologize for speaking the truth.

  6. I think Black History Month is okay but don’t expect me to give a flying fkcu. A positive thing is that although it is close, black history does not have as many lies as Indian history. Maybe rename it Black Fable Month?

  7. Justin Denying he had ANYTHING to do with inviting NAZI Waffen SS member Hunka anywhere.


    No one gets into a PM’s inner sanctom without an express yea from the PMO & PM him/her/she itself. So as per usual this 2 bit punk Rat fk is Lying…

    One can easily see via his actions/deflections on a day to day basis that his upbringing was one where he NEVER, AT ANY time, had to take responsibility for his Comments or Actions.

    And it’s glaringly OBVIOUS.
    Still a Narcisstic CHILD – Never grew up.

    I can state that without a doubt I’ve never in my entire life Despised/Hated Anyone… He is the first.

  8. “Many Environmentalists Have Dark Personality Traits, Study Finds”

    Let us examine this.
    While this correspondent considers assorted psycho… experts to be somewhat glorified witch doctors, be that as it may.
    From observation one can conclude that the guy that runs this country is fully equipped narcissist and psychopath, with the media cartel being supremely helpful. What is interesting is (heh), that the population of women fully supports the guy and there would be no surprise if he is elected to rule this country after the next election.

  9. So for black history month this year, is the role played by African kings in the slave trade going to be featured?

  10. Counsellor Robinson

    This is good and clearly sincere:
    “My statement is merely wanting to support unity and equality for all,” she wrote. “Instead of segregating people based on their colour, religion, or sexual preferences, we should be celebrating our shared humanity.”

    This is NOT good:
    “I am not a racist”. Never ever say “I am not racist”. This is too often heard as “I am racist”. It’s nearly as bad as “some of my best friends are black”.

    I am a stickler for rejecting all lefty lingo from my speech and writing.
    Probably 99% of what is called racist today is simply not, but every time you use the R word you give it legitimacy.

    1. She’s my local counsellor. I voted for her when she ran for the Ontario Party in the provincial election, and municipally. Despite a verbal or written mis-step now and then, she’s the kind of person we need at all levels of gov.


      1. Oh, I agree absolutely.
        But she should not be saying what she’s not (racist) but say only what she is (a principled advocate of human equality (before the law) and unity. Which she does.

    1. “A vast globe-spanning empire is built on the foundation of how difficult it is to look directly at something that is extremely unpleasant to look at, about which you have been propagandized and indoctrinated your entire life into accepting as normal. In school we’re taught that we live in a democracy and that our government is basically good while other governments are bad and their countries are places you would not want to live in, and then in adulthood this false indoctrination is reinforced and built upon by propaganda from the mass media. Before we have time to learn how to think critically, we are spoon-fed a worldview designed by the powerful for the benefit of the powerful, and we will experience cognitive dissonance if at any time we are presented with information that contradicts it.

      That’s the primary job of mass media propaganda: not so much to convince us to believe new stories about weapons of mass destruction or whatever, but to build and reinforce a worldview within us which is fiercely loyal to establishment power structures.”

      One can be complicit either by compulsion or by choice. It’s important to know which you are.

  11. “The introduction of mass FAB500 strikes onto the Ukrainian battle field have given the Russian forces a new qualitative advantage that will change the course of the war (though not its outcome). The U.S. political and military specialists who still believe that attrition is a viable strategy for the Ukrainian army are clearly way off the path of reality.”

    1. I guess not everyone wants to die for Ukraine. But leave it to biden to punish them.
      US State Dept forced all Ukrainians to tie their financial assets to their smartphones by developing the DIIA “State-In-Smartphone” app for Ukraine, and now Ukrainians who try not to die will have all their assets seized.

  12. Justin’s CBC is upset that someone doesn’t believe in Black History Month.

    She is 100% correct.. It’s wonderful that your black but do I really have to kiss your ass for 30 days straight?, every year.. Its insulting and quite frankly we have better things to do..

    Earth hour, lets all sit in the dark and pretend its a good idea.. Activist $$$ dumb..
