28 Replies to “Disgraced Former Alberta Health Minister Under the Spotlight”

  1. Every order in every province in Canada was exactly the same.

    1. Deena Hinshaw was a small town nobody, one of those horrible mousy individuals you see in every high school. When her moment in the spotlight came she took advantage of every second to lord it over those who had wronged her when she was in her teens. There was a certain political party in the 1930s where individuals like this took power and used that power with evil intent.

      Kenney was like a deer in the headlights and went along with all the lies.

      1. Except for that part where Kenney ignored her and dictated orders for her to sign. You know, the reason why the orders were void.

        I certainly don’t see Hinshaw as power-mad. She had a sinecure and was doing everything in her power to avoid doing a moment’s work at it.

    2. And Bonnie Henry has now had a documentary made about her positive handling of her response to the “covid crisis”. Protestors showed up at the screening in Victoria which resulted in a heavy police presence. BTW, the documentary attendees gave a standing ovation to Henry, who was in attendance and required a police escort out after the showing. Much wringing of hands by media and “personalities” that there needs to be calm and the evil of negative emotions to such glorious and valiant efforts made by brave public servants. In light of the Deena Hinshaw dressing down by the courts, this fantasy movie couldn’t come at a more appropriate time.

      The Tale of Two Provinces.


  2. Some people didn’t just accept the crap, they used it to further their power against their own people. There are enough sheep in the crowd to go along with it and sadly, not enough pushback from those who had something to lose.

  3. Small note of correction. Deena Hinshaw was the Chief Medical Officer of Health not the Minister of Health. She was a political appointment of Wretched Rachel.

    1. Canada is just chock full of stupid people. Many still wear masks and medical people, in hospitals, force the wearing of masks. Now tell me just how stupid that is? It is a science documented fact that masks cannot prevent the spread of an airborne pathogen. Oh well, carry on.

      1. My mil landed in the hospital just after the new year, 2024. I had not been in a hospital for many years, since pre-covid for sure. I was really worried we would be forced to mask, or at least have a confrontation about it. I am happy to report that at the U of A hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, there have been zero issues with not wearing a mask. The majority of the staff do, but it feels low-key and not forced. No comments have been made, no one slipping you the side eye, nothing.
        I’m not sure if it is having Danielle Smith at the helm, in a sense? I don’t want to give our new government too much credit….but it depends what is happening in other parts of the country…

        Still far too many people wearing masks, when you’re out and about. That is still true. Helps to point out the more damaged people I guess.

          1. AS is BC.
            And I would note that in Canada now, if you require a Transplant and happen to be one who decided to invoke Bodily autonomy…by saying FY to your Bio-Weapon..??
            You are REFUSED.

            I tore up my Organ Transplant Agreement with Alberta.
            If I’m denied a transplant on the above basis..? Then theres no F’ing way you’re taking my Organs. I would ONLY donate to immediate Family.

          2. Of course. That’s because of turdo’s No. 2 Hemorrhoid. That would be the big, blue, bloated one … the one without the Turban.

  4. The pandemic took out Alberta Premier Jason Kenney.

    In Ontario the pandemic led to Premier Doug Ford’s return with an increased majority.

    Therein lies one difference between Alberta politics and the rest of the country.

  5. Does that judgement say that whatever decision a chief medical officer makes in a province has to be enacted by the political party in power???

    So if a lunatic medical officer decides to impose a 24 hour curfew then that’s ok??

    Please correct me if I am wrong.

    1. The Act authorized the Government to determine and declare the existence of a medical emergency, and then authorized the Medical Officer to make any orders appropriate. The idea was that the Medical Officer would have the sense and discipline to limit herself to medically justified measures. Thus, the Government could not simply say, “OK, emergency, you’re all under arrest, Christians and Tories first!” Of course, that’s all been put right, thanks Danielle!

      In most provinces the law gives the power to make orders directly on the Medical Officer, with no action or ratification from the government required.

    2. No. It serves to point out the folly of government appointees setting government policy.

      In Alberta the government appointee was fired. The premier was fired as well.

      Did that happen where you live? If it didn’t then prepare for your next 24 hour curfew.

  6. Dr Henshaw totally lost my respect when she went on record saying a young teen had died from Covid. When it was pointed out by his outraged sisters that the kid had Stage 4 brain cancer, was in hospice care, and only tested positive for Covid on the day he died, Dr Henshaw blamed admin for incorrect information. Very much had me wondering just what the criteria were in her department for “died from Covid” and how many other deaths were falsely reported that way.

  7. Wait. Mssr. Frei! In America … all constitutional rights were summarily withdrawn from each and every citizen (and illegal interloper) because … “Emergency”. “Emergency Powers”.

    All it is going to take is one more “atmospheric river” in CA … or one more “Bomb Cyclone” hitting the East Coast … and a brain damaged mental patient excuse of a President will declare a National Emergency … and Buh bye Constitution

    1. Yes, but that’s an American thing. The topic under discussion here is a Canadian thing. Do you see the difference? Or do you think that Canada is a part of the Excited States of “Murrca? Please stop trying to hijack the topics to reflect ‘Murrcan happenings when they are obviously Canadian topics. Please check out the first two comments under “Why This Blog” at the top right of the page.

  8. I hated that the reports of deaths were subject to patient confidentiality. OK so a person in the 20-30 age group dies in late 2020 oe spring 2021…… but no info on the patient? If a healthy 25 yr old died of covid that scares me……if a fat diabetic 300lbs fat kid dies im not so scared…. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!!! I called BS on this early on. The govt want to close down family members businesses but wont release detailes of the deaths for privacy reasons? FFS keep the names private but tell us detailes ! !!!!!

    This just gets me worked up all over again…. Never Forget!!!

  9. I remember watching Deena Hinshaw incessantly sanitizing her hands during that nightly update and thinking there was something wrong with her. I looked for it online a few times without luck but there it is. She’s a nut alright.

  10. Maybe someday the populace of Alberta will find out that AHS was intentionally killing people ala MAID by pulling the plug and forcing Remdesivir on people who otherwise would have recovered while the nurses of tiktok danced on their graves.
