Friday On Turtle Island

Woke Britain:  Too may white people in the countryside.  And education in Britain.

Dementia Joe’s America:  Satan announces early retirement.  Biden’s aggressive travel schedule.

Fascist China:  Microsoft censors Uyghur genocide.

Blackie’s Canada:  Fake ancestry.  Well, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the current courses on gay sex, global warming scams and Islamophobia.  Black history to be mandatory in Ontario schools.  Some activists visit Trudeau’s office.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.

13 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. Our Premier Flubber Ford shows absolutely no respect for his citizens thinking they’re all racist too and need to be educated in American history of Black society as we’ve very little history of our own here.
    Is it any wonder our kids are out of whack here?
    Next up will be how the white population genocide it’s Native Population.
    I have absolutely no respect for our government and it’s politicians as they’ve lost trust with reality for politics.

    1. I wonder if they will include the Scottish case of Knight v. Wedderburn, which resulted in the UK banning the slave trade in the UK in 1778. Some famous lawyer worked as advocate on that case, but for some reason I can’t sankofa his name…

  2. Biden is no doubt “meeting with customers for his private business” as well, when on vacation.

  3. As for the racist colonial British countryside…precisely how rural England is colonizing itself escapes me.

    “from envy, hatred and malice, and all uncharitableness, Good Lord deliver us” – as the Book of Common Prayer once put it. Christ put it succinctly: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.”

    If there still exists such a thing as a Book of Common Prayer, it probably says “from loveliness and beauty and the tatters of Christendom, O Wokeness deliver us”.

    No wonder they hate Tolkien.

    1. Well … I will soon … hopefully within the year … or early 2025 will be fleeing to the countryside of America. Am I motivated by racism? Well … look around at the landscape of CA … where the basic cost of living and the REAL threat of violent property crimes is completely out of control (intentionally) … and look at the racial makeup of the perps (blacks and brown-skinned Latinx peoples) … and draw your own conclusion.

      And why is this happening? Because the Marxist Left has successfully stripped the thin blue line holding our civilization together by spreading the LIES …

      – America incarcerates more people than any other nation on earth
      – America incarcerates a disproportionate number of black men

      Yes, and America doesn’t “disappear” perps, or cut off the hands of thieves, or toss perverts off roofs. America is far too tolerant for its own good. Far too lenient. Far too (misplaced) compassionate. I might add that as the multi-culti experiment has surged since the 1960’s … so has crime and incarceration. Seems as though some segment of society simply cannot handle the rigors of an education, work ethic, and intelligence required to live in a capitalist … FREE society.

      I never CHOSE the skin color of criminals. I won’t go into my bonafides on the topic … but I’m the LEAST “racist” person I know. Obama changed that attitude when he called me “systemically” racist. GFY Obama … and all who spread your corrosive brand of racism. GFY’s. Meanwhile … I going to put some physical distance between myself and those who don’t share my values.

  4. “Last Generation Canada confirmed in its press release that five of its members were arrested for blocking Wellington St. and painting the PMO, which followed a symbolic burning of a stroller on Tuesday. ”

    An “organization” dedicated to the damage or destruction of property to advance their goals, yet the government can’t be bothered to go after it financially to recover the costs of their nihilism.

    1. Which is why I say they are another bogus group set up by TurdHole and funded by we the taxpayers.

  5. “Fake Ancestry Upsets Senate”

    But, but, but …. why?
    Isn’t it for everyone to decide who they want to be?
    They, the media cartel tells everyone that if not, those if nots are phobic of every imaginable kind.

    Never fear though, the semantic cartel will spin it out.

  6. If there are too many White people as claimed by the white liberals, let them solve the problem by offing themselves. The real problem is that there are exponentially way too many white liberals who hate Whites.

  7. Too may white people in the countryside
    ?.. People don’t crash the gate to live in Bo Dunk nowhere.. They also don’t crash the gate to join the army.. They want prime real estate and the good jobs..

    I suspect by the time our brown betters get around to populating the tundra they won’t be interested in coming here anymore.. They had a mule and 2 acres of land where they came from..

  8. Rural UK is a great place. The small towns and villages are beautiful and safe. The big cities are cesspits.
    Wonder why that is?
