39 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Oh good grief more Israeli or should I say pro genocidal propaganda? No one with any intellectual power at all discounts that nonsense immediately. Every bit of Israeli propaganda has been completely debunked. Give it a few days and this bit of nonsense will be debunked as well.

      1. l think the faux albertan is progeny of the generation that claimed FDR arranged the pearl harbour attack as grounds to declare war on japong. they claim the fact the carriers were away as proof of a conspiracy.
        better luck convincing a flat earther.

    1. The Israeli’s must be really skilled to build these tunnels and stock them with computers in such a short time.
      Hamass couldn’t do it in years!

      1. That was quite the server rack for a supposedly impoverished refugee camp deeply in need of foreign aid and the help of the UN.

        Bitcoin mining, maybe? Cloud computing center? Just trying to get by, right?

      2. I’m with Joe. There’s no way that a resident of Gaza could dig a hole and buy a computer. That’s insane!!! What’s the matter with you people? Next thing you’ll be telling me that they know how to pull the trigger on a gun. Come on, guys. Do you know how CRAZY that sounds!?!?!?!

        Show a little common sense.

          1. So Hamas knows if you have proof? Wow they are truly supermen. Too funny. I asked you if YOU have any proof. Of course you have no proof. Much like the mass rapes and the mass beheadings and the dead babies all of which have been debunked you keep falling for the Israeli propaganda. I bet you think Zelinsky is the saviour of Ukraine too because CNN tells you so.

          2. Hey Joe. Is Shanni Loak still dead? I think she might be, all they found of her was a piece of her head. Not even the whole head, just a chunk.

            She was the one dead in the back of the pickup truck with your boy’s boots on her back. In the video that HamAss posted themselves. The one with the broken femur, remember? Yeah.

            Tell me again about all this debunking, Joe. Maybe provide some details about all the evidence you have that proves HamAss didn’t do what they bragged about doing for months. Hm? How about that?

          1. Given our Fearless Leader’s immigration campaign, I’m willing to grant he might be in Alberta.

            But -from- Alberta? Nope. Bro is a mooselimb from DumbF***istan, and proof that half of any population has below average intelligence. Which for DF-istan is really saying something.

        1. You mean -photographic- proof, like for example if the IDF dropped a 500lb bomb on a building in Gaza, and then secondary explosions stretch for half a mile east and west of it because the tunnel full of fuel and ammunition that was underneath blew the hell up?

          Yeah, we have that. Google “secondary explosion Gaza” for plenty of examples.

          Also google “Pallywood” for why we laugh when you say things like “every bit of Israeli propaganda has been completely debunked.”

          They don’t bother with propaganda. They don’t have to. They just re-post pics and video from HamAss social media.

    2. Wonder if said “Albertan” real name is Yusuf (Arabic: يوسف Yūsuf).

      Or is it a fwench liberal eastern transplant?

      1. Frank
        Usually it’s name is unDORK, he/she/it lives in Calgary and works at a gubbermint lab. Question is, is it’s employer encouraging this antisemitic behavior?

    3. Debunked? I suppose you think any report of rape of Israeli women or beheading people is also “debunked.” Go suck a lemon you lying HAMAS propagandist scum bag. The only genocide going on here is what HAMAS is planning for Jews.

  2. Fill the tunnels with enough explosives to collapse the entire block.

    Personally I think the Israelis should be using propane or butane gas in the proper concentrations to augment the explosions and destroy all the concrete shoring and the structural integrity of the earth surrounding the tunnels.

    If it causes subsidence of the buildings above it? Too bad, the property owners can file a civil suit against the people who built the illegal tunnels, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

    1. A truckload of propane in the tunnels followed by ignition could do magic. Just be a long way away.

      1. It’d be like watching the Hellmouth collapse in Sunnydale. Entire neighborhoods would vanish into the sand.

        Then the UN would charge them with war crimes for blowing up every school, UN office and hospital in Gaza. Because that’s where the tunnels go.

        I’m a fan of the idea. Go IDF.

    2. ” … I think the Israelis should be using propane or butane … ”

      No way! Where’s your environmental sensitivity? Methane, man! There’s way to much of it, haven’t you heard?

      1. Hi Jamie, the thing is methane is lighter than air. Propane is heavier than air so it will flow downwards into tunnels, foxholes, and trenches and mix with the oxygen.

  3. I’ve heard of “air rights” above private property, and certainly “mineral rights” below property … but “terrorist tunnel rights”? Sharia are some really oddball Laws, eh?

  4. Wealthy national socialists in canada are very progressive, they love government that keeps them rich and in charge, and hate any potential competition to their power. Jews are their natural enemies due to their entrepreneurial spirit.

    The UN has been their chosen vehicle for hatred, but they’re being more open about it now, they want the 2030’s to be like the 1930’s.

  5. I don’t know and I’m not going to look it up.. The UN has 180 countries where 30 of them are worth living in.. Exactly why the 30 have to pay lip service to 150 is beyond my understanding..

    We are slowly turning into them.. Not the other way around.. The UN was set up so the winners of WW2 could rule the world together.. It serves no purpose today.. 80 years and a million miles away.. The world order has shifted..

    1. “…It serves no purpose today…”
      Well… it arguably serves as cover for terrorist networks.
      Also referring back to the Vicky Nuland gaffe of 2014, she obviously was supportive of the UN ideals over the EU’s in the political furniture arrangements for the current Ukraine leadership.
      The UN works with the industrial military complex. I would imagine their only peacekeeping successes occur in conflicts where weapon purchasing, or the potential there of, is insignificant.

  6. If I wasn’t so lazy I’d send this link to all the Hamas c**ksucking MP’s in our Government.

  7. One can be complicit either by force or by choice. It’s important to know which you are.

    All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

    You and pretty much everyone else is one of those innocents. You’re just not being killed as quickly as other innocents.

    “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
    Article II

    In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    Killing members of the group;
    Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”


    Everyone should be looking very carefully at just how much of their own life can be described by that list.

    Quick start guide: the COVID fraud meets all those criteria.

    Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Palestine, the COVID fraud and many, many others are all fronts in the same worldwide war on humans.

    Many, many people are going to require a huge amount of patience when it becomes apparent that almost everything they’ve ever known is a fraud.

    Take care of each other.

    1. The sooner the last member of the HAMAS is dead, the sooner peace can happen. But not one second sooner.
