Putin’s Propaganda Present

Well done Mr. Prime Minister. And of course lets not forget the small army of geniuses in the PMO who signed off on this as well. You’ve made all of us so very proud to be Canadians (again).

National Post- Vladimir Putin brings up Canada’s applause for ex-Nazi in Tucker Carlson interview

Ezra Levant- Trudeau is personally responsible for granting Putin his sharpest propaganda talking point.

Sun- Putin makes Canada’s embarrassing ‘Nazi in parliament’ story worldwide news

Globe and Mail- Canadians won’t be fooled by Putin propaganda on Ukraine, Trudeau says

Globe and Mail- Prime Minister invited Waffen-SS veteran Hunka to his official reception for Zelensky

63 Replies to “Putin’s Propaganda Present”

    1. The Globe and Mail was started in the early 19th century by George Brown, to be the Liberal party’s propaganda newspaper So I am not surprised at all.

  1. ““Canada stands with Ukraine, not just because we are friends to Ukraine, but because the rules-based order and the system of laws and the UN Charter protect all of us, not just Ukrainians.””

    Did the “rules based order” protect the yugoslavians from NATO?
    Did the “rules based order” protect the Libyans from NATO?
    Does the “rules based order” protect countries from organizations that expressly call for genocide?
    Does the “rules based order” protect people from members of parliament calling for genocide as part of their party platform?

  2. On a brighter note
    While focusing on a bad man visiting Parliament, the little potato doesn’t have to answer the question: What affect does the importation of 400,000 immigrants have on the supply and cost of housing?

    1. What lies are you referring to? Please be honest and not simply spouting American propaganda.

      1. Ukraine shouldn’t exist
        Ukraine belongs to Russia
        US orchestrated Maidan
        There was a deal on the table.that Johnson kiboshed (Bennett says there wasnt)
        NATO promised not to expand east


      1. That’s not what’s important, what’s importamt.is how many recognized Putin was obviously full of it

    2. Allah, don’t you have an NDP party retreat to attend?
      Your presence here is as nothing but a troll.

  3. So here’s your reminder that all MP’s, yes, THAT INCLUDES THE “CONSERVATIVE” PARTY, gave the Nazi a standing ovation.


    But who is surprised? The same Parliament UNANIMOUSLY stripped away our rights during the covid fraud, just as they UNANIMOUSLY declared that Canada had committed genocide.

    Not ONE of those MP’s deserve to be seated in Parliament.

    1. My MP had the gall to get pissed off when I called him out on it. I pointed out that his BS meter should have been working. The outside chance the guy wasn’t in the Waffen SS was very low. Yes there were other resistance groups but membership was low in those groups. All conservatives should have been saying, “just hold on a minute here.”

      1. You think any of those idiots know their WWII history? Come on. Let’s be serious about the empty suits we elect for just a second.

        Yes, they are dumb enough to not realize the only guys fighting the Communists in Ukraine were the Nazis.

        That’s why I think an asteroid is the right answer to the Ukraine War. Nazis vs. Commies, should I really pick a side? Or should I munch my popcorn as I plan how to deal with the last man standing?

    2. And what was wrong with applauding a war hero? You’re carrying on as if there were something wrong with Hunka. There isn’t. He’s a good Canadian and a legitimate war hero, and deserves applause. It’s not his fault that Turdeau set him up to be used as Russian propaganda. It’s not the fault of the MP’s, who tend, reasonably enough, to go about their daily business without concerning themselves with how foreign propagandists might exploit it. It’s Turdeau’s fault. Stop carrying water for him.

      1. A generous assessment ebt.

        The ukes have a very shameful history when it comes to dealing with their Jewish population. They needed little encouragement from the nazis to carry out atrocities. They were enthusiastic recruits. As a nation they have attempted to erase and rewrite their history leading up to WW11 and beyond.

        Hunka might be a ‘hero’ to the ukes because because he fought on the nazi side opposing the communists but he is no Canadian hero. Did he also fight Canadian or allied troops? He would have given the opportunity.

        Ukrainian Canadians celebrate ‘heros’ who otherwise might be described as war criminals.

        1. Comrade Stalin certainly expects you to call them war criminals, so you wouldn’t want to disappoint him. Nobody else considers Hunka or his unit to have committed war crimes. Obviously he wasn’t a Canadian war hero, but he was and is a good and valuable Canadian citizen as well as a Ukrainian war hero. Maybe he would have fought against Canada, if Canada and Ukraine were at war. It never happened. And if they had gone to war, maybe he would have magically produced peace! My fantasies are as valid as yours.

          In every country that was occupied during the second world war, there were reprisals against collaborators once the previous regime had been replaced. In countries that had been occupied by the Soviets, Jews were recognized as having collaborated disproportionately and suffered much of the reprisals. But you’re right, there was definitely some good old-fashioned Jew hatred too, of exactly the kind our government seems determined to import. I do not believe it is some innate Ukrainian genetic trait.

          Every nation in Eastern Europe considered itself entitled to exclusive possession of its own national territory, and very frequently insisted on the right to remove minorities by force, or indeed extermination. The Ukrainians often acted in exactly the ways their neighbours had been acting for a hundred years. They had no way of knowing that it was about to go out of fashion. They certainly did know that Stalin intended to exterminate them, and that the Germans were saving their lives.

  4. “Canadians won’t be fooled by Putin propaganda on Ukraine, Trudeau says..”

    Well, since some Canadians repeatedly voted for Justin, I’d say they can be ‘fooled’ by just(in) about anything.

  5. The standing ovation accorded by all members of the House should be an indication to Canadians that the people elected to represent us are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. The fact that L’il Tater Head extended the invitation and it passed through the security detail is also most concerning. I noticed in the interview that Putin mentioned that Tucker at one point tried to join the CIA, and Putin thanked God that he was never accepted, that is a prime example of what a security investigative detail does. Here in Canada our security forces are too busy fabricating bogus charges to intern Canadians with rather than protecting us.

    On a sidebar considering L’il Tater Head couldn’t even remember the year of Confederation I wonder if he could give a two hour interview and history lesson in the manner that Putin delivered.

    1. I don’t recall any SDA readers pointing out that Hunka was a Nazi, until after Jewish groups pointed this out on Sept 24

      Hunka appeared in HOC on Friday September 22. On Sunday September 24, Jewish groups pointed out Hunka fought with the Nazis.

      So why do we expect all parliamentarians to have figured this out in 2 minutes on Friday?

      1. Hey Joe, how many SDA readers do you seriously believe glued thier eyeballs to that parlimentary dog & pony show on that day?

        Other than the usual resident Nazi apologists of course.

    2. Again, you can see who’s at fault here, and you insist on blaming the MPs who clearly did nothing wrong. Knock it off.

      1. The point that Putin made was not that Canadian MPs are ignorami, although they are, but that Zelensky and his people were right there, had to know that Hunka was an SS veteran, and nevertheless went along with it all.

        Putin wasn’t trying to tell the world that The Justin Show is a clown car. That’s our problem, not his. He made a point about the pro-Nazi elements in the current Ukrainian regime.

        1. Precisely. Putin is screaming, “The Ukrainians are Nazis!” and Trudeau’s response is, “Geez, do you think we can manufacture any Ukrainian Nazis for him to make hay out of?” No MP and indeed, no Canadian Ukrainian has any responsibility for that.

    1. The former PM of Israel Bennet – who was acting as the mediator at the time – says there was no deal on the table, the two sides were far apart. He has nothing to gain by saying this.

      1. “The former PM of Israel Bennet – who was acting as the mediator at the time – says there was no deal on the table, the two sides were far apart. He has nothing to gain by saying this.”

        Says who? How would you know what he does or does not have to gain? Your opinion has been proven worthless too many times to do anything but laugh at that unsubstantiated assertion.

          1. “Says Bennett himself. Check his Twitter reply to Elon Musk.”

            That’s nice. Too bad the question I asked you was this:

            [Says who? How would you know what he does or does not have to gain? ]

            …so Bennett himself said he had *nothing to gain* by saying that, did he? Where exactly did he say that, Allan? When? How do you know what personal reasons he might have, or what financial incentives might have been offered?

            I say again: your biased, knee-jerk opinions are worthless.

            (not to mention oh-so-predictable….)

    1. In other “Hungary Mentioned!” breaking news the Hungarian president has just resigned in a child abuse scandal.

      Hungarian President Katalin Novak announced her resignation after she pardoned a man convicted of being an accomplice who helped to cover up abuse in a children’s home.

      “I made a mistake. Today is the last day that I address you as a president. I made a decision to grant a pardon last April, believing that the convict did not abuse the vulnerability of children whom he had overseen. I made a mistake as the pardon and the lack of reasoning was suitable to trigger doubts over the zero tolerance that applies to pedophilia”


    1. Yes, easy peasy! After covering up all the abandoned babies and dead bodies he drove over on his motorcycle trip through China, he was set.

    2. Well, once those Nazis were let in, there was no point allowing them to be persecuted. Since the Communist Party had sworn blood vengeance on everyone who took up arms against Comrade Stalin, common sense and public safety required that the Nazis not be publicised.

      This country did indeed let in a lot of Nazis after the war. A lot of Jews, too. How many of the Nazis then went on to collaborate with this country’s enemies? How many Jews? Which was the better acquisition? Didn’t both groups actually become generally good citizens? Both groups seem to have produced disproportionate numbers of good citizens. I see no grounds to argue that they shouldn’t have been allowed in, or should have been delivered to their persecutors once here.

  6. Blackie keeps flailing away, but we’re not listening to his nonsense, at least in no way giving any credit to anything he ever says. It’s always spin and deceit from his nibs.
    Amazingly, about 25% continue falling for his BS and propaganda. Braindead idiots.

  7. How long do we have to wait before we can see Tucker’s interview of Justin?

    (warm up the popcorn machine)

  8. The vaccine is safe and effective.. End of story.. Top down mismanagement where your job is not to think, but conform.. Any doubts you might have on your own judgment can be channeled into destroying people who question your judgement.. We call this integrity..

    We stand with Ukraine.. End of story.. Everybody in Parliament couldn’t care less to run the details.. A holiday..

  9. Trudeau’s Streisand moment. If he had kept his mouth shut Putin’s comment would have been missed, ignored, or forgotten. Instead, his mouth rattled away like a loose board in a truck. Now it’s world news and everyone is reminded of his colossal error.
    Narcissists/sociopaths/psychopaths cannot tolerate any form of criticism.

  10. Meanwhile … in “Murrican” news, JohnPeg … Putin declined to even offer an opinion on the sad state of Biden’s mental faculties … instead citing the fact that “Murrican” foreign policy is surely operated by Deep State “Institutions”.

  11. Truly admire the passion of the people in support of Ukraine but they seem to be angry as this wars narrative continues to collapse, and as always they need to berate, insult the people that are only seeking more information to make a more informed judgment. My family origin immigrated from that area in the late 19th century and it makes my heart weep what’s happening there.
    Truth is its a civil war not our war and eventually it will come to an end and they will rebuild and heal. So I say to the ones that consistently stomp up and down, why don’t you pack it up and go fight on the front line for the cause you believe in, the more you whine just shows how much of a coward you really are. If money is the issue to get you there, will gladly help !

    1. Its not a civil war, never has been. Go read Streklovs comments on his activities in the Donbas and in Crimea.

    2. @Kuz

      Agree 100%

      Half of my ancestory is Ukrainian as well.

      Today we are Canadians and do not support foreign civil wars anywhere.

  12. Where I live we have many families that have blended Ukrainian/ Russian families through marriage and in saying that who wants to prove to me that this is not the case in Ukraine/ Russia.
    Anyone who is in denial that this happens is only proving Putins point of Nazis Nationalists in power of Ukraine

  13. Canadians won’t be fooled by Putin propaganda on Ukraine, Trudeau says
    Fooled?.. Seeing as I know nothing of their culture, heritage and politics.. I will flip a coin and hope a third position isn’t the correct choice.. How is that for fooled..

    At best this is the EUs border dispute.. What does victory even look like when all of our sanctions have failed to bring the pain.. They now do business elsewhere.. Ukraine needs endless billions and foreign mercenaries to hold the line..

    Or should I be talking about the spring offensive that if successful will end all the free money.. Im sure they are working hard towards that goal.. Fooled is a interesting term..

  14. On our entire bunch of Uni-Party morons..
    They all campaigned to represent us,claimed they would “serve us” in all kinds of ways..
    Now their utter ignorance,the kind that found them giving a standing ovation to a WW2 Nasty, should be considered..
    They really are this stupid.
    Look at the “Panics” of our age.
    Shit so stupid,that you need a lobotomy to believe.
    Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming.
    That Government can create wealth.
    That bureaucrats can ever be qualified to run other peoples lives for them.
    That welfare benefits a society.
    That treasuries can print wealth.
    That national Debt is not treason.
    That persons,who have proven themselves too stupid to figure out what sex they themselves are,should be listened to on any matter.
    That 4 of 10 citizens can be engaged in nonproductive destructive work and that the remaining6 will not suffer..
    And that they themselves provide any benefit to civil society..

    All the insanely stupid shit that government has imposed on the citizens..
    There is no master plan.
    Just the banal evil of compound stupidity.

    The entire House of Commons,the Senate,Our military Leadership..they applauded an unrepentant Nazi..
    because they truly are ignorant of Canadian History.
    And profoundly so stupid,that they believe they are “helping”.
    There is no way around it.
    They are so stupid that they are not even aware of the obvious…They are the NAZI’s of today..
    As Their petty little Dread Covid Theatre proved to all.

    Of course,when the likes of Justine finally figure this out..they will buy themselves the snappiest of uniforms.
