Tantrum Time

Faced with the news that his media water-carriers are in financial trouble, Maximum Leader publicly berates them for failing to conjure up non-existent customers. Not at all shocking for a man who sees no need for boundaries between the state and the economy.

A fired-up Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unleashed on Bell on Friday, calling its move to layoff thousands of employees — including hundreds of journalists — a “garbage decision.”

“I’m pretty pissed off about what’s just happened,” Trudeau said during a press conference in Toronto.

“This is the erosion not just of journalism, of quality local journalism at a time where people need it more than ever, given misinformation and disinformation…. It’s eroding our very democracy, our abilities to tell stories to each other.”

(From Kate) Drama Queen: the PM had at least 16 weeks statutory notice from Bell about layoffs of this magnitude so “garbage decision” & “pretty pissed off” were hardly “from the heart”.

46 Replies to “Tantrum Time”

  1. How many other industries in tier 2 Canada are wholly dependent upon gov’t welfare?
    Everything the gov’t of tier 2 Canada touches, turns to garbage.

    Canadian governance: It’s not working.

    1. This should be fun.. All the MSM cowards now victims of Gov that they supported, out free ranging looking for jobs will have stories to tell.. The citizen journos will have increased in massive numbers..Cant wait for the Turdoodoo stories to come out.

  2. Trudy has to fix his lisp if he wants to remain relevant with the 25-39 yo wxmyn, but it’s working for his base supporters (the toppers)

    Relax CSIS it’s a joke!

  3. Me thinks he doth protest too much!!!

    More online censorship bills incoming…because mis-info and blah blah blah.

  4. This is the reaction from someone who is “not too bright” and does not understand how business works.

    Because the main stream media has lied so much and has been the lapdog of the federal Liberal party, nobody believes them anymore. I cut cable about one year ago, I do not miss it.

  5. I grew up delivering and reading papers from about 9 years old. I read multiple newspapers daily and monthly news mags,watched the dinner time news, late news and woke up to the morning news. The invention of the internet meant I had access to other sources of news and this lead to me understanding that everything they had to tell me was complete bullshit. I haven’t had tv or a newspaper subscription in a decade. What’s happening to Bell is inevitable, and a good thing.

  6. Pfffffffttttt…He doesn’t give a damn about anything or anyone but himself. Sociopaths like him put on a good production only because they know it makes for good theatre.

    “…our abilities to tell stories to each other.”

    1. Key word – stories. Guy who declared a national emergency over parking violations says ‘garbage decision’.
      Never would have said this before C19, I’m aware how much divorce hurts and I hope he hurts. A lot.

  7. Pfffffffttttt…He doesn’t give a damn about anything or anyone but himself. Sociopaths like him put on a good production only because they know it makes for good theatre.

    Bell’s new slogan: Let’s walk

  8. Poor baby. Trudeau’s/Liberals/NDP investment in paid-off sycophants is not going well for the next election campaign, starting earlier than ever, and paid for by taxpayers. Every industry in Canada usually does staff cuts in regional offices first.

    Quality journalism is a “disappeared” version of what appears today. In the narrowly-approved media outlets, journalists do not even read their own material before pushing the send button.

  9. The reasons for Trudeau’s pretentious theatrics, in slamming BellMedia’s cuts, are twofold: (1) he’s upset for losing pro-Liberal CTV reporters, and (2) he wants to curry favour from other reporters, worried about future layoffs in a decadent industry, to continue their support for the Liberal party.

  10. Close your eyes, listen to the script, and what Trudeau said is no different than Comrade Eby’s similar screed from the day before.
    They are both commie SJWs and indistinguishable from each others policies and actions.
    Both need to be thrown into the trash heap. Both are clueless as to how the real world works.
    BCE, love it or hate it, has to be responsible to its shareholders.
    PERIOD. Dimbulbs like Blackie and Comrade Brother Eby will never understand those facts, they just whine about the loss of their Unifor controlled propaganda mouthpieces being shut down.
    Harder! Faster!

  11. Protecting democracy, saving the world.. Major Red flags that the “bought and paid for” media is supposed to explain away.. I bet they cant even stand themselves..

    Think.. What % of Canadians watch our Parliamentary debates??.. The junior high grandstanding?.. That would be not many at all.. Now, building a business plan and a relationship with your customers around this shameless fluff is crazy..

    Canadians don’t want to understand or be forced to agree.. They want to be left alone.. The never ending election / revolution is not informative or entertaining.. Its depressing..

  12. Shouldn’t he be kneeling and crying in front of a baby plush microphone when he spews this?
    He’s slipping.

  13. The writing was on the wall for these folks. Only 30 percent of Canadians believe MSM is trustworthy. We don’t need multiple outlets covering govenment approved stories. I checked to see if CTV had covered the NCI. Nada. I am furious at the CBC’s lack of coverage. This was an important Canadian story, and yet no mention in the main stream media. Well, people will just turn their attention elsewhere to stay on top of world and Canadian news. Blogs and substacks are filling an important role in the news universe.

    1. I will add another gripe that illustrates well why MSM has lost public trust — not CTV, but the Globe. The WHO Pandemic treaty (some say power grab) is getting a lot of attention, yet our media does not think the topic is worthy of coverage. The only mention I could see in the Globe was a recent, very snotty editorial making fun of Leslyn Lewis for taking up this important cause. Fine if they want to argue with her contentions, but instead they chose to ridicule her — and in doing so deprived Canadians of knowing what the concerns are. They also dismiss the concerns of many other prominent and qualified people, such as James Raguski and Tess Lawrie. My husband subscribes to the Saturday Globe. I mostly do not bother reading it any more as their coverage and perspective is simply out-to-lunch — their journalists are snotty elites, out of touch with Canadian concerns. They also will not last long as a business if they continue to ignore many important topics.

      1. LindaL …
        The Globe’s Leslyn Lewis story is so typical of the response from the left when they can’t win an argument on facts ..and the Canadian media are elitist leftist snobs .. they call anyone with whom they disagree a bigot , racist , Nazi , or whatever is convenient at the time.

        Trust in the MSM has become so bad in Western countries (especially UK and Canada) , that you basically cannot believe anything they say unless it can be verified by independent media , so most people who want the truth just ignore the MSM as it really isn’t worth the time.

        Ironically neither the Canadian MSM or Trudeau have the common sense to understand the hole they have dug for themselves.

  14. No journalists are being laid off.

    Media workers want government jobs with the CBC, they would never commit an act of journalism because the CBC would never hire them if they did.

  15. Trudescu (if only!) mentioned only 2 of the 3 ______information words.
    Mis and disinformation. Missing is malinformation: correct information which may undermine government and therefore need to be quashed.

    When it comes to this moron-clown, I am forced to comment around the edges, not on the always ridiculous content because to do so would lend dignity to his lies and stupidities which would be demeaning.

  16. The Spawn is upset that he is funding (from unborn taxpayers) a business that has no business case anymore. Not that he knows anything about business, he is most concerned that the announcement isn’t delayed till immediately after the next election. “I’m surrounded by traitors!” – A. Hitler

  17. Up next: since corporations won’t support journalists, the government will need to start a new wing to create free and fair journalism.

  18. BELL is a huge business enterprise.. They wanted in on the gubermint gibs and the gubermint said, no.. So BELL made 4800 workers walk the plank.. The welfare GODS must be appeased..

  19. Why is what BCE does, an (ostensibly, haha) private company – of any f**king business to Trudeau?

  20. I bet a lot of shareholders of BCE are also voters.
    And I also bet most of them know Juthtin is a fckin neo-Marxist asshole.
    And everybody knows that the business of neo-Marxists are these three things:
    Scarcity, Poverty and Thievery.

  21. Where has loyalty gone, eh, Joostaihn?

    Why it seems like only yesterday you gave these media moguls $600 million from the taxpayer, and now look at what they do to you … just when you’re trying to spin another pre-election lie that everything is hunky-dory!


  22. “[Bell chief legal and regulatory officer Robert] Malcolmson also said the job losses were directly tied to regulator direction on Bill C-11, which updates the Broadcasting Act to require digital platforms such as Netflix, YouTube and TikTok to contribute to and promote Canadian content.”

    Disintended consequences.

  23. broad question.
    is this a business decision? kinda like business decisions by the billions for the last 500 years? good bad or indifferent. wise profoundly stoopid up down too early too late just right multiple reasons insider sabotage. made by those entitled and tasked to make decisions affecting that particular business?
    alllll of a sudden ONE of them irks the TURDeau to the point of uncontainable outrage.
    outrage l say outrage.
    do tell what line of bizznizz is this one? ah. the MEdia. that up until yesterday were, a certain one of the MEdia, on point with liberalism.
    whats worse truddie? bad publicity or none at all? ’cause now its NONE AT ALL from this former source of liberal spew.

  24. Of course he’s upset. He gave them at least 600 million of our dollars , exclusive access, and every protection they could want and now they are quitting!
    It still wasn’t enough pay to prop up an empty suit!

  25. Justin is only upset because the layoffs reduce the number of ‘reporters’ that are subservient to the Liberal party.

  26. Media gets bought, exec run off with the money, staff gets laid off. Trudeau pissed off bought media doesn’t stay bought. Did he really think the rats ready to take gubmint money to lie were going to stay around on the ship they scuttled? I don’t get why he’s upset, they still kiss his ass as they sink below the surface, faithful to the end.

  27. When JT says Misinformation or Disinformation he really means ” Stories that do not support my Narrative de Jour.”
    Mustn’t give Canadians access to the facts that much of the rest of the world sees.
