25 Replies to “When The Democrats Do It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

    I hope Joe puts up a fight and rats everybody out.

    Let’s go Brandon!

  2. Brandon would never be charged for the same reason Hitlery wasn’t charged.
    So he took unauthorised files home; so she wiped a server of evidence. “We won’t be pursuing charges.”

  3. Special prosecutor Hur (Republican) turned the tables on Garland and the DOJ and it’s hilarious. He knew damn well Biden wouldn’t be indicted so he said fine…I’ll reveal all the gory details about Biden’s mental deficiencies in my report.
    Hence the lovely train wreck of a press conference.

    Orrrrrrrrrrrr. Maybe this all a Machiaevellian scheme from the “Stop Joe”camp to hang him out to dry. He’s become tiresome.
    Everything happens for a reason in Washington.

    Goin’ with door #2

    1. The plot be thickening: Is Garland now on the dump Biden team, or has he made the worst AG error since Trump’s Jeff Sessions recused himself on the Russia hoax?

      Here we go again: Gross negligence becomes extremely careless becomes mentally unfit to stand trial.

      “I get that Democrats are upset by this — although, as I’ve observed a number of times, they are the ones who gave us this norm-smashing world, and they have not had an iota of sympathy for what the lawfare campaign they have waged against Trump has done to him, his family, or other people who’ve been steamrolled in a way that never seems to happen to the Joe Bidens and Hillary Clintons of our politics. But none of Biden’s humiliation is Hur’s fault.”

      The principal culprit is Biden for willfully retaining classified documents — notwithstanding his hypocritical railing at Trump for doing so. As far as analyzing how Biden’s mental decline should factor into the decision on whether to indict, Hur was just doing his job — and he’d have been derelict if he hadn’t given Garland the full picture, depressing as it is.

      If Democrats want to be angry at someone, be angry at Attorney General Merrick Garland. The regs make the report confidential, but Garland is the one who decided to release it publicly. You can argue that, politically, he had no choice. But the truth of it is that he did have a choice. The one who didn’t have a choice is Hur. The reg required him to provide his superior, the attorney general, with a report “explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.” That’s what he did.”


  4. What’s most interesting is that his “ghost writer” is neither being charged for being in possession of classified documents, or for obstruction of justice for the destruction of evidence.

    No one expected Joe to be charged.

  5. I have always been of the opinion that the mob boss has been putting on an Emmy awarding act.
    Serving any number of objectives.
    JFK said “nothing happens by accident, every thing is planned.”

  6. So a man deemed non-Mens Rea is not going to be charged for criminal actions-but he can remain President of the USA-good lord the world has gone mad.

  7. This is hilarious. We all knew Joe was suppose to bow out after he won the nomination and now they’re going to have to drag him through the rest of the primaries. While most of the rank & file are zombies and will accept whatever they’re told to accept, a lot of them have had their eyes opened living through a hell they voted for, and even minor defections threaten to upend the democrat election cart.

    Should the paste eater be forced out of office before his term is up then next in line is the braying jackass and she can make the case that the nomination should be hers simply because she holds the office. Not only that, but if the jackass moves up the ladder the dems lose the tying breaking vote in the Senate with the first order of business being her replacement.

    Nothing better than watching a trainwreck in slow motion.

  8. No one in America needs a 300-page DOJ Report to know that Biden … forgot … that his son did NOT die in combat, an American hero. Nope. He died of a brain tumor. Surely a genetic defect.

  9. So when he took the documents home it was at least 4 years before he became president and he was deemed forgetful then.
    If he was a forgetful then wouldn’t the cognitive decline have gotten worse by the time took office and deemed him unfit?

    1. Not only has old Joe been obviously “forgetful” for more than four years, they want to re-elect him for another term. Which would mean Joe being in office until late January of 2029…a few weeks short of FIVE more years. What kind of state is he likely to be in five years from now?

  10. Gavin Newsom is just biding his time.

    I think he’s hoping Biden will bow out at convention time, and he’ll announce he’s running.

    1. He’ll have to come out in the open and fight out with Michelle and Kommiemala for the nomination.
      Which will be fun and some compensation for the serial abuses of authority, common sense and competence.

  11. “… mental state of willfulness.”

    In the special counsel’s report he used this phrase to suggest that Biden did not possess “a mental state of willfulness” in actions he committed. Why is this important? Well, it’s a euphemism. It is the Department of Justice learning from their fiasco with Hillary. In her case, they came right out in a press conference and stated that they were not going to pursue a prosecution because “there was no intent.”

    “mental state of willfulness” = “intent”

    What the DOJ found was that people will actually read the law, and the clause(s) dealing with misappropriation of confidential material has a specific and listed non-defense. That term is “intent”. My point is that the special counsel’s report was not unfavorable to Biden. It was suppose to be a full whitewash. The media (bless their hearts) missed the cue. As a result, their initial reactions were defensive and in some cases capitulation. But, the clear hint of a backtrack is plain as day in the LA Times which actually came out with an editorial explaining the benefits of having a president with a poor memory.

    1. That’s been the precedent for years. Intent means a lot. This is so that classified material gets returned.

      The Trump situation is completely different. His lawyers stated multiple times that all documents were handed over. Here they were in plain view at maralago.

      Classified or declassified doesnt matter, it was government property either way.

  12. Why not both?
    He did his crimes before he became the “elderly man with a poor memory.”
    His current medical condition should be a factor in sentencing, not an excuse to not prosecute.
