30 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. The woke police did say that they had to correct who the shooter was. They, at first, identified the shooter as a female, but later corrected it being a male…becoming a theme, show up to collect evidence and and can’t even get the facts straight (pun not included)

  2. On another site I saw a screenshot of this person’s record and, while they still have her listed as female so men aren’t being saddled with this crime, she is also listed as white non-Hispanic despite being born in El Salvador.

    Remember, no matter how bad the crime statistics are when broken down by race, the reality is much worse because of the games they play.

    1. A random El Salvadoran has a 15% chance that they are white.

      People who identified as a sex whose junk they lacked used to be considered bat shit crazy. Now they are normal. Pardon me if it isn’t all that obvious.

  3. “Authorities have identified the shooter as Genesse Ivonne Moreno, a 36-year-old transgender immigrant from El Salvador, according to multiple independent sources speaking to KHOU 11 Jeremy Rogalski.

    “Moreno, who has a criminal history stretching back to 2005, was previously known as Jeffery Escalante, based on records from the Texas Department of Public Safety.

    “His past arrests paint a troubling picture…”

  4. Don’t ya just love this.

    Biden campaign bragging about using a Chinese spy app even though Biden signed a law banning it on all federal devices.

    Plus the shooter is a Bernie fan.

    Just can’t make this up

  5. I think it’s important to know how the US Gov’t categorises “hispanic” as it may be different from what most folks accept as being actually “hispanic”

    It doesn’t include race or national origin.
    It does include “culture” as outlined here at the US Census site in paragraph 4:


        1. A dancing hispanic duck? I’m putting you in touch with Disney. marc, there’s gold in them thar hills!

  6. Well … I was wrong. I thought it would be a common garden variety Biden-supporting, womyn, angry that she can’t get an abortion after 8mos of pregnancy in TX …

    Nice KILL officers !!

  7. Then there is the 5’6″ and a 190 lbs, BMI 31 (obese)
    So a fat, tranny, illegal immigrant, murdering, serial killing, Hamas supporter, bum, just wants a chance?

    MS-13 turned down its’ application.

    The U.S. needs a mobile MAID operation.

    1. He’s invented a whole new category of mass murderers … tranny incels
      No prospects , no hope for any

  8. Checked with our broadcast-news web pages on this, afterthe perp’s name was released. CTV carried an Associated Press story which made no mention of the perp’s trans status. And CBC News has now censored the story.

  9. How many times has the violent criminal been deported to el salvador given that it has a record going back to 2005?

    How did the Non-resident Alien get a firearm? Especially with a record?

    who was their FBI handler?

  10. A hybrid leftist nutcase .. A white man who is not white or a man.. Wanting to kill Christians because Jews are in Palestine.. Or as I like to call it, a 70 IQ with a gun in its hand.. The new normal..

    1. You forgot that this is Joel Osteen’s church which means you won’t find any Christians there.

  11. So what we have here is a pretend man pretending to be white shooting up a pretend church trying to kill pretend Christians and the media is trying to make this great pretense about pretending the shooter was pretending to support Hamas. Did i miss any pretense?
