February 13, 2024: Reader Tips

Tonight, we present an interesting video entitled Art Deco’s Impact on Railroads.

While art deco focused tips would be amazing, sharing recent news tips would be fine too!

Bonus: This is hilarious! Reminds me of the time a 25 year old Brazilian woman, who had been in Canada exactly one year, proceeded to lecture me in my own home in Vancouver about how I should think about politics in Canada and how I should vote.

114 Replies to “February 13, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. How much did the P3 Regina Bypass Project actually cost?
    How much will the Gordie Howe Bridge actually cost?
    a $ billion here, a $ billion there, pretty soon you’re talking real $ money…
    Find the connection between these two, find the money!

    “The Gordie Howe bridge was slated to cost $1B. So far $7B has been spent and it’s not even close to finished. It could cost Canadian tax payers $52B when completed. Most of it towards bribes & kickbacks.
    Oh, by the way, there’s an existing bridge 500 metres upstream that works.”


    and for the record, I think the #Libranos had someone associated with the ArriveScam app turn the money towards the #Librano Party, in effect having the taxpayers of Canada fund the #Libranos

    Is there a dirtier way of funding the #Libranos and their ilk?

    1. Caesar built a bridge over the Rhine in 10 days. A couple of years later, he buil another one, faster. WTF are doing?

      1. Bitch please, why would russia need to import anyone feral, when feral has been a russian norm ever since Mongols created them?

        In any case Cucker Farson should stay there … and you should go back.

          1. Well yes, entirely predictable. Someone has to counter the orc propaganda with facts about russian feral nature.

    1. I cannot speak for what Tucker experienced in Moscow … but I can tell you with certainty that BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) is unsafe, unreliable, and unsanitary. I haven’t ridden BART in decades. It’s a rolling sewer on every level. And just now … after 60 years of operation … it is halfheartedly securing its fare gates as the criminal element prowling BART never pay fare to access the system. BART virtually invites the criminal element onto their system … for FREE.

      There is a straight line relationship between the number of third world immigrants flowing into America and the leftist-Marxist UNIONISTA dismantling of America’s schools with the rampant crime in the urban Bay Area.

      1. Are they immigrants or infiltrators?

        ‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.

        1. Fair enough. Nothing wrong with “immigration” … if its primary purpose is integration and adoption of your American identity. If not? If you want to bring the Lawlessness and cheap regard for life you experienced in your country of origin? Then stay home, or get deported … muy rapido per Trump’s plan.

  2. Moscow is mocking the ukes new military chief of staff. He had a career in the Soviet military before he joined the Ukrainen forces. He has family in Russia.

    This should be be a confidence builder for the beligured ukes on the front lines.

    Zelensky’s best before date is in sight.

    1. The problem is, he was the chief of the Ukrainian ground forces (which probably form 95+ percent of their military) since the start of the war and commanded the (very successful) defence of Kyiv and the Kharkiv offensive (which also was a success). Bringing those facts up 2 years into the conflict is literally retarded.

    2. Also, the only “family” he has in Russia are his parents, as far as I know, so shy didn’t you use a more precise term?

    3. Faster please. Zelensky is, bar none, the most dangerous self-hating Jew since Leon Trotsky.

      1. Too bad the kremlinbot will not reveal it to the local right-wing schweinie-lovers, that Pootin actually IS an actual communist. He did entered the membership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and there’s no such thing as a former member of the CPSU (they had no option to quit).

    1. “Should have been” not “should be”, context matters, shortbus. Now, they are not a priority, not even in top three.

      Anyway India is still the world’s largest open air toilet, no wonder they can find common ground with russians.

  3. *biden is the president of the us*

    -‘Your political system is so broken…’

    -‘I don’t give a damn! I’m not from California!’

    Well, it is broken maybe for this reason too. And the justice system. The agencies. Border policies, health policies. And tax code of course, but the audience disagrees on how.

  4. Former president of Mongolia shows what would happen with Russia if Mongolia restored “historical justice” on the same grounds as Russia supposedly tries to do in Ukraine: https://twitter.com/elbegdorj/status/1756818696700657935/photo/1

    I wonder, how many schweinie-lovers actually have the brainpower to realise that if Pootin’s claim for Ukrainian lands is justified, then the USA and Canada should belong to, shall we say, someone else (meaning not themselves)?

    1. But isn’t that exactly the message we are getting these days? North America belongs to the aboriginals, not the colonists.

        1. They are forcibly enacting — just not to the degree as is happening in the Ukraine. I believe Aboriginals now have a veto on resource development in BC. Also ” messsaging” has an impact — think burned churches, demands for compensation for many transgressions, etc.

          1. No destroyed cities, a handful of people killed at worst, no attempts to redraw borders. Nothing is common with Ukraine.

      1. Where did the so called First Nations come from?

        Many First Nations say they’ve always been in Canada. I’d like to know how they lived under 5000 feet of ice.

        Perhaps they’d share that traditional knowledge. It would revolutionize warfare.

    2. Not to mention how many countries came into existence in the 20th century. The founding of the UN changed everything, before that borders were constantly redrawn especially.in Europe. Who helped write the charter? Russia!

    3. I don’t recall Putin’s history lesson rewinding back to the days of the Mongol hordes… let alone back to Cro-magnon -vs- Neanderthal man

      1. So what if it didn’t? He used some fake history going back 100s of years to justify a present war. If all other countries follow suit, everyone will be at war with everyone. WWII will seem like a walk in a park.

      2. I watched the first half of the interview and he DID talk about the sweep of Genghis Khan and his Mongol horsemen invading from the East.
        I love history and geography ALWAYS plays a part in it. Russia has been invaded many times, from western Europe over the German and Polish plains and also from the east with only the Ural mountains acting as a break. So most of the eastern invasion happened south of the Ural mountains and before you hit the “stan” countries. Because of all of these invasions, I think Russia is super paranoid and is very intent on controlling all of its borders.
        If you disagree with me, please educate me with your knowledge.

        1. “Because of all of these invasions, I think Russia is super paranoid and is very intent on controlling all of its borders.”

          Absolutely they are, and they are fiercely patriotic as a result.

          1. More accurate would be to say “fiercely idiotic”. Anyway, thank you for exposing yourself as a full-blown schweinie-lover. If you believe in Pootin’s partiotism you’re quite simply a Ruϟϟischeschweinen Propaganden sellout.

    1. “Ruϟϟischeschweinen Orthodonkey “Church”,

      What are you, twelve years old? Give it rest.

      1. I realise that you never had a creative thought in your life, Flintstone from 20000 BC, but it doesn’t mean you can expect everyone else to be that way.

    1. That isn’t the worst of it. The article points out that they are experimenting with hydrogen buses. They have a working solution, blew money on a non-working solution, and are going even further down the rabbit hole with hydrogen, all to solve a problem that doesn’t exist in the first place so that they can appear virtuous.

      “On that front, with concern mounting that battery-electrics may not yet be conducive to the Canadian climate, there has been increasing interest in hydrogen buses. Edmonton and Strathcona County are currently testing a couple of those and, while the early returns are apparently encouraging, Hotton-MacDonald is insisting on more winter performance data and wants to see how the manufacturing industry develops.”

      1. – And in Edmonton (of all places) they plan to go with ANOTHER non-workable solution, just to virtue-signal harder. Does nobody talk to these people? – or do they do like politicians everywhere; “Well YES, we invited the top experts on this subject for consultations, before we made the decision!” “”Top experts” – who were they?” ” – TOP.” { – apologies to ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark” – } “So what did the ‘experts’ recommend, and what actions did you take?” ” – Oh, they said “don’t do it” so we ignored them!”

        So how do these new buses extract power from hydrogen – burn it? And in the dead of winter they’ll fog-out every road they drive down, most of which will condense-out on the pavement and freeze? Or do they use PEM fuel cells, and end-up with large quantities of water that they CAN’T be allowed to drain onto the roads (especially in winter), so will have to regularly pump-out into safe receptacles that don’t exist and will be a significant unbudgeted expense to provide?

        And where will they get the hydrogen? “Oh wind turbines are too intermittent to supply mains power, so we’ll use the wind turbines to electrolyze hydrogen!” Errr, that process runs at ~28% efficiency. They’re gonna’ need a LOT more wind turbines; you know, all those wind turbines that’ve been making no-electricity days all winter?

        I predict another expensive and embarrassing bus failure for Edmonton – wonder if they’ll care any more than they did for the last one? “Well at least we TRIED to “SAAAAAVE THE EARTH!!!””

      2. I will add my usual blurb. Edmonton had electric buses up until 15 years ago when they ripped out the lines. It was among the stupidest things ever done by the world’s stupidest city council. The streetcar and then trolley bus system worked like a damn for 100 years. Then just as soon as there was a real demand for electric buses they killed the system.

    1. I have to admit … “I was just coming to that” … is just about the funniest self-writing meme I have ever heard … and it will always sound funniest when heard with a slight Russian accent. As usual … Elon Musk’s intellect cuts through the chaff and goes straight to the heart of the matter … with good humor.

  5. I wish you folks would get over this Russia phobia. It is not the least bit interesting. Not one of us has the power to change another country or for that matter even do right in our own countries.

    1. What you refer to as “Russia phobia” here is simply a natural reaction to 100% deranged out-of-touch “Russia philia” of other members, so maybe you should ask them to get over their “philia” as well? Just a suggestion.

    1. Maybe that was the excuse for Hammas. I read the forensic pathologists’ reports on the bodies discovered. Two babies under the age of 1 had been put in ovens and the ovens turned on. All the pathologists were able to find were blackened, wizened corpses – the ovens were still on.

    1. This has oddly pleasing symmetry. Richmond is almost entirely Chinese. As is the source of most of the drugs killing people in BC.
      Sucks to be you, hypocrites.

      1. Sorry for typos. My connection is very erratic. Missed the edit opportunity,
        ” Chinese also behind fixing voting machines.” Ĺ

  6. Toronto: the place where when anyone calls you a White racist you are expected to apologize for your “whiteness”.

    ARMS RACE: City rushed to remove symbol so offensive no one can explain it
