Guilbeault lights a firestorm

There’s a truism in politics: “All politics is local.” And there’s nothing more local than the road full of potholes in front of your house. But Minster of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault, supposedly speaking on behalf of the entire federal government, seems to think we don’t need any more roads. The reaction was fast and furious.

Liberals rebrand carbon-price rebates in bid to make policy more palatable

The Saskatchewan and Alberta NDP distance themselves from their federal brethren regarding banning promotion of oil and gas.

Also regarding the NDP’s banning everything, because, why not?

NDP to move bill calling for ban of coal exports as Canadian output booms

66 Replies to “Guilbeault lights a firestorm”

        1. The NDP and the Liberals are the EXACT SAME party. Any hairsplitting is mere distinction without a difference.

          1. There are Ignorant people and Stupid people.
            Ignorant you can educate. Stupid is forever!!
            Liberals/ NDP = STUPID

            My opinion is that Justin, Steve, Christia, Jag, should take a walk on a deep lake with very very thin ice.

          2. Liberal elites in days of yore said the NDP were “Liberals in a hurry”. You cannot top that.

      1. Tomatoe Tamato… He is a self avowed Marxist. Liberals and the Dippers are of one mind. Who can tell the difference?

    1. They now have a party to their left (Greens – no, they’ll never have more than a few MPs, but still…), so yeah, they’re gonna have to up the stupid. A lot.

    2. Yes,and yes! To cut export of coal would devastate BC’s Kootenay region where about six mines are going full bore employing hundreds of people,with thousands more dependent on their production.

      32 million tons in sales lost and thousands of job losses if the communists get their way.

      1. My freind’s son just got a job at the Elk Valley mine, mechanic $50+ an hour, sign up and relocation bonus. Mine just bought 12 new Haul trucks. Teck sold some of its position, Sumitomo owns 33% of it. Metalurgical coal for steel making..
        Not enough people involved to sway the vote of the lower mainline..

  1. I guess the Canada Carbon Rebate is part of the Carbon Reduction Action Plan, or CRAP for short.

  2. Visiting Canada may soon be like a visit to the Old West of the 1860’s, or today’s Historic Williamsburgh.

  3. Dear Canadians;

    Would you like to see your future roadways? Please visit N.CA … and you will FEEL your future. Jerry Brown declared WAR on our roadways decades ago … by defunding road maintenance and expansion. Then … every city with a budget problem and leftist city council (every city in CA) followed suit. The theory being that making driving annoying and expensive (blown tires and wrecked suspension) will … “get people out of their cars”

    And I just had a personal, off-the-record, conversation with my own tiny cities (pop. 45k) city Engineer … and he claimed that if he were King, he’d take-away one lane of every two lane road in our city and dedicate for bikes … just to make driving impossible … and … “get people out of their cars”

    Yes, it’s open warfare against your lifestyle of convenience … and that kind of reprobate is in charge of every level of government. You will WALK, BIKE, live in an urban hive and eat bug-powder smoothies! Plebes! Behold what “Progressive” really means … it means Regress … back to the 12th century … so you can live like a third-worlder.

    1. Kenji, does said city engineer, walk the walk, bike the bike and/or take public transportation to work? Does he travel anywhere? How does he get his groceries/essentials? Even if everyone gets theirs delivered there will still need to be infrastucture for all the supply and delivery vehicles, etc. It will take years, after everything crashes, to bring society back to where it was before they started all this nonsense, in the first place.

      1. “back to where it was”
        no Zon, its humpty dumpty time if they succeed.
        the chaos will sweep over everything.
        ‘up to their ass in alligators draining the swamp’ syndrome on a global scale.
        mass starvation can happen in the midst of plenty.
        mao did it. stalin did it. foreign aid diverted into the black market, etc

      2. He actually lives in the next city east of us … and claims he takes BART (one station from here) … then walks to the city offices (a maximum 10 min. walk). He didn’t say … but I assume he drives to the BART station … or maybe has his wife drop him off. IMHO … it’s the functional equivalent of Pete Buttigeg pulling a bike out of the SUV he’s driving in and biking the last 5 min. to the office. All show, no go.

    2. “he’d take-away one lane of every two lane road in our city and dedicate for bikes … just to make driving impossible … and … “get people out of their cars”
      Sounds like Toronto, and most cities in Ontario,

    3. How’s that monorail coming down there? They seem to be blowing through the requisite billions of dollars with actually no tracks yet…

    4. it’s too bad that GUIBEAULT…..didn’t get tangled up in his rope when he was climbing the TOWER as an activist , cause if he had WE WOULD NOT BE HAVING THIS CONVERSATION, how SAD would that be???? not very…..

  4. “Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson, attending an International Energy Agency ministerial meeting in Paris this week, said there is a growing push around the world to displace coal with renewable energy and the expectation is that demand for coal will peak before the end of this decade.”

    Has anyone informed China?

    I swear, we are being driven into energy poverty, with not enough time to prepare to switch to whatever the will o the wisp energy sources that are being bandied around (nuclear is the only answer).
    With all the resources left in the ground, it will be akin to starving next to a refrigerator filled with food (Government is ensuring that outcome as well). It’s almost as if they don’t want us around, which begs the question, who is going to service thier needs, dock thier mega yachts, berth thier private jets, build thier Mc Mansions? Has no thought been given that thier glorious excess of capitalism is what has been powering and providing for them, this whole time?

    It’s going to be a rough go for succeeding generations to come..

    1. Yeah … but when all of China’s mechanized infantry and artillery all run out of petrol … America’s EV tanks will sweep them off the battlefield … so long as we’re all charged up to 80%. Hold on. Just a little bit longer … relax soldier … read a good novel while you’re waiting for the charger.

      The actual belief system now operating in The Pentagon

    1. He’s a typical mal-educuated upper class midwit. He’s good at the chat, has lots of friends, and likes simple solutions to complex problems. People drive too much? Just stop building roads. Simple! And he lives in an echo chamber so tight that saying he’s not going to approve any new road projects sounds completely sensible to him

      The problem with Liberals and the political class generally is that NONE of them can imagine a situation where Canadians say NO! The truckers said “Excuse me, no, please” and they were so shocked they invoked the Emergencies Act.

  5. There will come a time, and it seems its approaching rapidly, that we will have no choice but to ELIMINATE those who willfully impede progress in an attempt to turn back the clock to something akin to the 12th/13th Century…

    Kindly add Gyoti GoneDyke, Sohi, Notley, Guibeault, McKenna, Angus & the Turd among others to that growing list.

    Howeve, I do fear that like the 2020-2023 Pharma psyop, the majority will be as they always have been – masked SHEEP too brain addled to recognize reality.

    1. Steakman, the Coke Zero brain addled host of 630 Cheds, 9 – noon talk show derides all things conspiratorial. Shuts down any whiff of what’s to come with… Where is it happening? None of this is happening. So… willfully ignorant, or in on it?

  6. One of the problems is that the majority of Canada’s political class have similar profiles. They live in cities and their careers prior to politics were done at desks in offices. They are oblivious to the concerns of Canadians who don’t live and work like them.

    I remember back to when a Saskatchewan NDP MLA in government was debating the abysmal condition of highways and rural roads in sask. Thinking she was witty she said something like “my back alley (in a city) gets more daily traffic than many of those roads.”. A Conservative opposition member retorted that “perhaps, but those roads outside of the city are needed for school buses, police services, ambulances and getting to and from work while your back alley is merely for your convenience.”

    The Sask. NDP MLAs attitude is nearly identical to the attitude of Trudeau’s government. They are both arrogant and ignorant of reality outside of their city bubble

  7. Banning coal exports?
    Where are you going to get the electricity to power those stupid EV’s then?

  8. Don’t panic everyone, we’ll still get new roads thru the CCP and their ‘belt and road’ systems.

  9. Pretending to have “principled” positions these overlords are doing the bidding of those they say “yes sir” to.
    Those who hold our public debt.

  10. Vote for idiots, and your government will be comprised of idiots. To quote the famous philosopher Gomer Pyle – “Surprise, Surprise”.

  11. In 11 years, the Canadian Forces better be ready to enforce gas station, refinery and gas power plant closures, if this plays out. Wake up, people. This is “feel good” suicide.

    1. At the rate the CAF is currently deteriorating in equipment and personnel it will not be operational in 11 years. Likely much sooner methinks.

  12. It’s a clever way of telling the provinces to go pound salt on major infrastructure projects.

    But imagine pushing a transition to EVs while calling for less road infrastructure at the same time. I think Guilibeault is getting ready to rescale the CN Tower in an orange jumpsuit.

    1. I think an orange jumpsuit would be a fabulous future look on him.

      In, say, Stony Mountain Correctional Centre.

  13. This is a mirror like reflection of Pierre Trudeau who sowed disaccord between Quebec and the rest of Canada to achieve his personal goals back in the 70’s. Like transferring cash from our economies to Quebec’s in order to build French signs on restaurants and public washrooms for American tourists in Montreal.

    Wake up Canada. This has gone waaaaay too far!!.

  14. That is why we need to enshrine in law 15-Minute cities so that all the common people will live within 15 minutes walking distance of all their basic needs.

      1. “You need to be enshrined in amber.” … very good. I must remember that quip for future use.

      1. Thanks for doing your bit to save unme from death-by chronic-pudd-pulling. 🙂

        The last thing it needs is more centerfolds.

    1. Yes, and build walls around each 15 minute city out of the skulls of those who prefer freedom. Oh, and murder all those who wear eye-glasses too b/c who needs to see clearly when our gov’t is festooned with an UnMe in every cabinet position to do all the proper seeing for us?

  15. Not a whole lot of laffin goin on hereabouts but this was some much needed relief:

    Guilbeault: “active transit”.

    The Epoch Times:

    “The minister clarified that the government will “of course” still have money for existing roads. Also public transit. And “active transit,” which includes walking, cycling, roller blades, wheel chairs, and…snowshoes. Mr. Guilbeault said his comments on ending funding were specifically related to “large” road projects.”

  16. In Machiavelli’s The Prince, it says that you can tell the quality of a prince by his advisors. Truer words were never spoken.

  17. Prince Guilbeault just flew to COP 28—–just doing a little figuring with Uncle Google! —–A flight one way would take approximately 238,840 Litres by plane——round trip= 477,680 Litres!!!!

    If you were truly worried about Anthropogenic Climate change would you have flown???
    But he wants us serfs to walk, bike, and skate to where we need to go!

    Prince how does your logic hold up!!!!
