9 Replies to “Back Of The Bus Whitey”

  1. One of my alma maters.

    I stopped donating to either of them years ago when they climbed aboard the “diversity” train, which is just racism in another guise. The idea of my money going to pay for some DEI administrator would make me an accomplice to a crime.

  2. So can those of “In The Pink” the excluded..refuse to pay taxes?
    Maybe not,but you sure can “minimize”.
    And refuse to hire any graduates of such corrupt institutions.
    And Tradesmen ,pay attention..As an “Undesirable” your rates,when repairing such structures shall reflect their love..
    Forward to our glorious future

  3. Time for some “John Galt” strategies on such institutions? Don’t support, don’t work for, don’t assist.
    Let them DIE by their own DEI.

  4. This is taken from the Charter,

    (2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

    Discrimination against heterosexual white males is written into our laws.

  5. I have commented previously about my “less than special” ridership on Regina’s Transit system. In the morning, the riders would primarily be middle-aged white women traveling to their downtown office jobs. In the afternoon, it was anyone’s guess as to who would be sitting beside you. Most of the time, the afternoon riders were recent immigrants from the middle East and Africa OR our very own indigenous population. None of them had very good personal hygiene. I endured this for almost 2 years until I thankfully retired.

  6. White males in Canada (all over the west where DEI is now part of the theocracy) should start referring to themselves as white niggers until this pathology is exorcized.
