52 Replies to ““Mayor Jyoti Gondek” Is Not A Character In A Tim Burton Movie”

    1. holy hannah what a list of damages.
      how in GAWD’S NAME do people like her get elected??????
      is there NO INDICATION in the entirety of their path to power to portend this?

      ah well y’all with the green and orange ‘do’, vote away!!!
      personally lm in the process of, pay real close attention to the following term SDA:
      no longer gnashing of teeth, sky is falling (it actually is in places) fret fret fret and lots of outrage.
      nope. now in my mind and view it all a mashup drama, horror, comedy, historical revisionist reenactment (see how l did that ??!?!) human interest etc.

      1. also that name.
        gotta be a clever anagram in there some where.
        l see
        almost worth coding up a program.
        l did once, a shortcut cheat to the newspaper jumbled word puzzle.
        counted the letters then did iterations displaying all unique combos and there the solution stood out and the eureka moment ‘howcum l dinn see dat’

    2. I see lots of complaints but no one here seems to give a hoot about the petition for her recall. The petition needs 500,000 signatures in 60 days and everyone at SDA seems to be ignoring it. WTH?

        1. This place has substantial readership in Calgary. By which I mean, not just me, though I have put on weight recently.

    1. Yeah, but the threshold is HUGE. Someone has started one but I would be surprised if it succeeded given the short time frame and threshold requirements

  1. “Elections have consequences” – quote by the guy named after the Prophet Mohammad’s horse.

  2. How can this be? I thought that Albertans are conservative and sooo much smarter than the rest of Canadians.

    1. There’s a number of factors behind both Calgary and Edmonton’s city councils and mayors. Much of it shenanigans and possibly illegal, I suspect. But the fact you can’t get voter turnout at all in civic elections and the ones who do show up are public sector union members sure helps.

      1. In other words, just like TROC, including Quebec, but Albertans still think that they’re special top-secret super conservatives, when in reality, they’re no different than TROC, except that their provincial gov’ts are so limp-wristed that they hand out huge portions of their GDP to other provinces.

        1. Blah, blah, blah…

          How many other provinces have given their commie-lite premier the shoe, elected someone who at least appears to be small-c conservative & has taken over the provincial board w/ small-c supporters, all in a matter of a couple of years? And there’s far more to come.

          1. Yes. We need to figure out how to organize better on the municipal level. Since we’re competing against the full weight of the NDP and their public union pals. And deep-pocketed property developers, who are not our friends, And probably the previously mentioned Dominion machines.

            Another thing people don’t seem to realize, Edmonton and Calgary are overwhelmingly migrant cities. Both from out of this country and also many from Eastern Canada, most of whom lean left. I believe I read around 40% of the population of either was not born in Canada. I know I do not recognize either city from my youth.

  3. Like the reflexively lying, conceited, pompous, ultra-far left communist homosexual supposedly elected (under a cloud of voting irregularities) before her, Gondek should be a wake-up call to those who still believe in fair elections.

    It is well beyond highly unlikely that Calgarians voted for these NDP plants multiple times. These are just the frontmen for the POSs who actually rule us, pushing their self-serving agenda onto us, and trying to make it appear as though the majority of us want this idiocy.

    1. Watto, the magical mystical inner workings of Dominion voting tabulation machines and software, could well have something to do with it.
      And even when you’re so deeply unpopular and hated as e.g. Da turd, you can always add that other winning WEF-tard strategy of fraudulent votes by mail to ensure ongoing success

      1. Nenshi’s fraudulent third victory (as opposed to the first two fraudulent elections) was marked by obvious low-tech voter fraud, including not printing enough ballots in areas that were overwhelmingly anti-Nenshi.

        I believe that it is easier to commit fraud with electronic machines, and believe that is why they are being pushed. But I also believe that fraud has occurred for a loooOOOOOooooong time to (s)elect whatever puppet has been preselected. The only time I believe the winner isn’t predetermined is when multiple puppets are running, in which case there is no concern over which one of them wins.

        In the case of Edmonton’s Anne McLellan, there were always enough mysterious last-minute ballots to push her over the line. Despite the fact that many of these were from commercial or industrial addresses. And that several of these addresses were the same for many voters. The controlled media was strangely incurious about these oddities, even as they happened again and again and again…

        Close votes requiring recounts also overwhelmingly went Liberal/NDP in a manner that is impossible statistically.

  4. Does she not own a mirror? Oh wait, isn’t it vampires that can’t see their own reflection (or maybe that’s goblins…)?

    1. PhD in Urban Sociology? Well, there you go, that’s at least equivalent to Grade 3 – what more can a city ask for?

  5. Edmonton and Calgary are why I gave up on Western Canadian Independence!
    Both have become urban s—t holes.

    1. That’s what cities are for. We should build walls around them. (With moats inside the walls.)

    1. LMAO! I was wondering where I had seen that familiar figure figure before! Right on the money, Steve!

  6. Why Calgary, why? You knew what she was about… didn’t you?
    Didn’t you learn anything from the last A-hole?
    I guess not. Morons.

    1. scanner/tabulators run by software can be manipulated. Flip every second vote for Farkas over to GoneBitch.

      1. Mike; unless they destroy the paper ballots after the election, a Judicial recount, manually done under strict supervision, would reveal the fraud. That’s why the scanned ballot system is actually fairly secure; nobody wants to take the chance of being caught cheating. Also, with our system of scrutineers at the polling places, and at the tabulation centers, opportunities for cheating are drastically reduced.

    1. Yup. I fail to find any other explanation for this evil shite.
      I lived in Alberta for 30 plus years, and remember Ralph K very well.
      They have taken Alberta, despite Danielle.
      The 2 cities are occupied. Change my mind or lend me hope.

    1. Yup, our 100+ yr old shack assessment went up $200k, tax up $20/mo.
      $640k 50% of landowners and got it stopped. Avoided another $25 tax hike.

  7. Her record is unbelievable. Totally incompetent. Everybody in Calgary needs to sign the recall. Otherwise, your city is lost.

  8. Forget Dominion machines, eastern migrants or other conspiracy theories. Conservative candidates numbered about a dozen while Progress Alberta, the union and commie front, supported just one – Gondek. There is still enough conservative voters to elect a conservative mayor they just have to get their shit together and run ONE candidate. and it was Kenney who brought in the recall legislation, deliberately setting the bar high enough to make it useless. ( I hate career politicians). And yes, I voted Fargus.
