17 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

    1. Elaborate money laundering? Possibly coupled with IRS blackmail. It’s the only answer that makes financial sense

  1. “The biggest question is where did the $18 billion come from in 2021?”

    Saudia Arabia, I’m told by a Tesla buff. For some reason they are keeping this this company afloat with lots of cash.

  2. The thing Tesla has always had going for it is respectable, if not superior styling and design. Clearly … either Rivian couldn’t afford the design talent … or this is what a Saudi Sheik believes is a good looking pickup truck.


    And $71k for a basic-looking, yet uglier pu truck? Base price? Anyone who believes Rivian sales are going anywhere but DOWN … deserves to lose their ESG investment dollars.

    1. Tesla cars are better looking than most evs/hybrids, I’ll give you that. But Cybertruck? Come on….

      Rivian needs a new grill and headlights. Cybertruck needs a wrecking ball.

      1. Maybe the Fanboys will live in their cyber”truck”. God knows the payments are as much as rent. The Xs and Mills that haven’t grown up are fawning over anything EV. Overeducated idiots, all of them.

        1. Around here the people drooling the most over Teslas are lower middle class single mothers. It’s more about status signalling than anything else.

      2. I have enough problem keeping my brushed stainless steel sinks from getting scratched and gouged. I certainly don’t want that problem with my ridiculous looking cyber truck

    2. Yeah, it looks like a bargain basement miniature pickup from Ford. Losing a billion dollars building an ugly truck – Green Is Ugly.

      1. Losing a billion dollars…right into someone’s personal off-shore bank account.

        I strongly suspect most of these “green” boondoggles were money laundering schemes from the very start. Much like the ‘book deals’ and ‘Netflix development deals’ that certain well-connected people get big money for while never actually producing any books or TV shows.

  3. How much of a factor is the weird headlight dedign.
    I’ve tried to like the innovation but failed.

  4. If Ford really wanted to be “Ford”, they’d build one small pickup in one color, as cheaply as possible. Sell them everywhere.
