67 Replies to “What will happen to Nikki Haley today?”

  1. If Trump couldn’t run Haley would be a disaster as president: a true RINO that danced to the tune of globalism.

    I suspect many conservatives would not be able to hold their nose for her and would stay home – which would be worse if it got joey sponge-brain-sh!ts-pants re-elected.


    1. The most laughable, and tragic part, is Nikki, whom some progressive Republicans note would apparently beat Biden head to head, would suffer the same villainization, lawfare and sliming any GOP candidate would.

      Instead of understanding that and doing her part to unite this dysfunctional party, she asks for Democrat votes and sticks around long after she has been defeated, selfishly refusing to back Trump and unite the GOP.

      She is a progressive and that is what they do, think of power and influence first, even if we and they lose.

      Yes Trump could do better on that issue too, but … It’s time to get over the real target of dystopic DeMarxism.

  2. Trump is 77 years old, rather portly, and could keel over any second. If I were Haley, I’d stay in the race.

    And if/when she loses the primary, she should consider running for president as an independent. If both Trump and Biden had strokes in September, she’d be the front runner. And it’s probably the only way she could get his majesty Donald Trump to debate her.

      1. I am “older” than Trump and am in better shape than many men 20 years my junior. Of course at my age things can change fast, but, when my golf course opens I will still walk 18, carry my bag and have beer as usual. I wonder is the rodent as healthy as a rodent?

      2. Bulletin: The older someone is, the more likely they are to suffer a debilitating medical crisis. The fact that you guys feel great is of no significance.

        Whether you guys actually like Haley is also of no signficance to my post. I never said whether I actually like her policies (answer: I’m mixed.)

        And why don’t you surprize us some time and not include insults in your post.

        1. Yes KM you are correct, and there is a strong possibility he will commit suicide by hanging and shooting himself twice or some other similar method. They will eliminate him in one manner or another. Then Nikki can be their UI and they can get Joe out of office without having to admit what a corrupt disaster he is. 14th best president ever is what they maintain. The illusion continues.

          1. I think many Democrats would welcome having Trump as the Republican candidate.

            He’s facing dozens of felony charges right now from four separate indictments. Whether those charges have any substance is immaterial — trying to deal with them, including making court appearances, will interfere with his campaign. Nor is it good publicity.

        2. “He’s [Trump] facing dozens of felony charges right now from four separate indictments. Whether those charges have any substance is immaterial — trying to deal with them, including making court appearances, will interfere with his campaign. Nor is it good publicity.”
          Actually, I believe you’re wrong to presume that the various courtroom dramas involving Trump are not good publicity for his candidacy in 2024.
          The more that Courts become entangled in American politics and causes, the less they are seen as independent arbiters of American law.
          Witness the recent resolution of a Mann v. Steyn defamation suit, which took 13 years to finally be heard by the Court, and produced a US$1 compensation award for the Claimant.
          Ask a neighbour whether they’ve heard about this case.
          Witness the recent resolution of a defamation suit against Trump, which produced an US$83M award for the claimant.
          Ask the same question of a neighbour .
          Remember how effectively Trump used Twitter, until ‘ruled’ silent.
          Use of Courts to govern politics is creating contempt for Courts, when widely known.

          Life Follows Art dept.
          Fifth Element (1997) – General Staedert fires missiles at the ultimate evil

          1. You may be right, but I was addressing what many Democrats likely believe. They must certainly savour the idea of widely distributing pictures (drawings?) of the Republican presidential candidate in court facing felony charges.

        3. Give it time, you might figure it out. But then again, probably not. It’s doubtful many others here are having difficulty understanding what I have alluded to.

    1. Even the anti-Trump NY Post knows what’s going on.

      New York Post @nypost 8h
      California Gov. Gavin Newsom praises Nikki Haley for helping Democrats make the case against Trump: ‘One of our better surrogates’

      1. The Democrats made a mistake in 2016 when they turned their primary into a coronation of Queen Hillary. They applied pressure to other credible candidates to drop out because it was “her turn.” They didn’t want the primary to become a circular firing squad.

        And it backfired. Clinton wasn’t properly battlehardened — either by the mainstream press or by her own party — to run a presidential race, and she lost what was hers for the taking.

        So I say nuts to the idea that Trump shouldn’t be oppossed by other Republicans. Anything Haley throws at him will pale compared to what the Democrats will do. If Trump can’t handle Haley, he’s the wrong guy for the job.

      1. Nah, keep your viewpoints solidly in line with the leftist globalist establishment, as usual, KM:

        KMs “independent” viewpoints:
        Trump bad.
        Vax good.
        2020 election fair.
        MAiD good.
        You are naught more than a shill.

        1. Wow, you must really be a fan to being paying that much attention. I’ll send you a poster of myself so you can pin it to the ceiling above your bed.

          But a few corrections:

          o Trump bad: Don’t like him, but I thought he did some good while in office.
          o Vax good: Correct. It did more good than harm.
          o 2020 election fair: I never said that, ever. But if you want to challenge an election, you had better come with solid evidence. The Republicans’ challenge was inept and did more harm than good.
          o MAiD good: Yes, but only under limited circumstances.

          I hope that clears things up.

      2. Killer unDORK
        Just learn to STFU when you are uninformed, and take the orcCOLON with you to silence.

        U2 azzholes can git wrong 120% of the time

    2. Psst … those “portly” photos of Trump were photoshopped. Haven’t you learned, yet, not to believe those AI photos? Or much else spewed out of AI programs.

      1. Virtually any time Trump is outside he’s wearing as bulletproof vest. That creates bulk. He’s not that heavy, is in very good health and obviously has very good genes.

  3. She is about to have her *** handed to her but since Democrats keep pouring money into her coffers she will continue to bark at Trump’s heels.

    1. Someone named Nimrata who wants to force everyone to use their real names online, but doesn’t use her real name when running for president.

      1. Yes … she reminds me of the support call centers where every East Indian gives their name as ‘John Wayne’ … with a slight (read: heavy) Indian accent

  4. If Trump dropped dead the morning of the convention Haley wouldn’t get one more delegate. There are no Democrat Party elected delegates to be had other than the ones she already has.

  5. For people like myself who support Trump ! Why not talked to her and if you win make her the Vice President! The Republicans need the strength of both to get the Us out the shit we are in!
    Hopefully our Conservatives win Canada! Free The West!

    1. For the same reason, Trump wouldn’t pick a Democrat as a running mate? There are better choices and they would be actual conservative Republicans or even someone like Tulsi Gabbard who has been red pilled.

      1. Tulsi should be Trump’s running mate. They would mop the floor with the dystopic demagogues.
        Trump needs someone at VP who knows their way around the Capitol, who can reach across the aisle.
        She is a no brainer. It should be her or Tim Scott who also fills the bill. Noem is an unknown at this time.

        1. I agree. She would be my pick. Intelligent, well spoken, military and congressional background and, although apparently it shouldn’t matter, not too hard on the eyes.

          1. From afar I still think Nikki Haley would strengthen the Republican chances! Stop the infighting and get on with righting the ship!

        2. Tim Scott. No, absolutely not. Do some checking. Can’t be trusted. The VP has to be wholly trustworthy, wholly loyal and able to be a good President and entirely follow-through with Trump’s agenda, not just if something happened to Trump but for the next term.

  6. That ad has legs… and wings… and thighs… and it comes with, biscuits, mashed potatoes and coleslaw. ;o)

    Beauty. And it can be easily and cheaply updated by adding each State primary loss to the list.

    *sigh* It’s probably gonna get pulled for trademark infringement. I don’t think KFC will want to be involved.

  7. Nikki Haley says she’s Christian, but it’s complicated
    Dogged by questions about her faith, what is she trying to prove?

    At one point, she added a section to her website titled “Is Nikki a Christian?” The answer, of course, was yes. For many South Carolina voters who needed reassurance that their candidate would represent them, that meant praying to and believing in a Christian God.

    Once she was in the Legislature, her conservative colleagues’ skepticism could be cruel. According to a 2021 Politico Magazine profile, “Some of her Republican colleagues would try to provoke her with jokes about alien gods; others would force uncomfortable discussions about religion.” Jake Knotts, a veteran GOP lawmaker, said: “Everybody knew she wasn’t a real Christian. Everyone knew she converted for political purposes. Her whole career has been stair-climbing, and becoming a Methodist was just one of those stairs.”

    Haley has also faced questions and criticism about her conversion to Christianity from South Asian Americans and other racial minority groups. She is seen by some as a racial and religious “sell-out.”

    In a political culture where “flip-flopping” is a derisive term, religious conversion can look like the ultimate flip-flop: a disloyalty not just to a political position or party but to God.


      1. I think a better question is, who gives a shit if Trump’s a Christian? Or not? If it mattered, you’d think it would have mattered by now. When has it? When would it be likely to?

  8. Nikki is the Uni Party war machine candidate. The fact that she’s Curried Shrillary is just what the menu had on offer. No one’s buying it.

  9. Killer unDORK
    He/she/it thinks that being old, but still sound of mind, means that OLD should rule the day.
    But the IDIOT fails to grasp that a VP is there to cover any health related emergency. Tho, there are quite a few who are too old and they mental state has become a problem. Those fools run on EGO, if they were honest with themselves they would retire for the good of the country.

    I’ll bet the unDORK is fat and out of shape!

    1. Your reading skills need work. I said that Trump’s age increased his chances of a debilitating medical crisis, which is patently true. And this fact has ramifcations for Haley’s campaign, as it opens up a possibility she wouldn’t normally consider with a younger man — namely, that the Republican Party might be scrambling to find a new presidentiall candidate in the middle of an election year.

      In regards to the running mate, they aren’t much good as a back up until the presidential candidate is elected.

      1. OPINION only. You who should know better, and you know nothing of his health. Should really moot this comment.

        It’s all you’ve got Right doctor!

        1. I’m not commenting on his health (save for the fact that he’s a bit portly). I’m commenting on his age, and stating the patently true fact that the chances of suffering a debilitating medical condition increase with age, and that this has ramifications for Haley.

          If you don’t want to carefully read what I say, please don’t comment.

      2. I said that Trump’s age increased his chances of a debilitating medical crisis,
        Isn’t that argument what got President Obama such street cred running against McCain ?
        What’s with all the passion for leaders in their 40’s ?

    2. “I’ll bet the unDORK is fat and out of shape!”

      The unDORK works out nearly every day and still boxes (reacreationally). If you ever want to climb into a gym and go a few rounds to test your fitness, I would be happy to oblige. All in good fun, of course.

      But if I lost 10 lbs I wouldn’t miss it.

      1. Now Undork, you know the first rule of fight club is never to talk about fight club. You’re setting a bad example.

  10. Nikki Haley will continue as long as the long dead corpse George Soros continues to dump money on her campaign. Losing the present primary will change nothing.

  11. C’mon, it would be easy to beat Trump. All you have to do is present a vision for middle working America, that is not grim, bleak, creepy and depressing….. The Dems, the Uniparty, the faux intelligentsia don’t even bother to fake it anymore.
    Sorry, you must all be tired of hearing this.

    1. Has Nikki Haley decried selective prosecution and ex post facto prosecution, or lawfare? I might be impressed if she has.

  12. Just in the news. The internet is down in N/C and get this. The voting machines are not working. Only in a dem rum America.

  13. A quote from Haley today:

    “I said earlier this week that no matter what happens in South Carolina, I would continue to run for president,” she continued. “I’m a woman of my word.”

    No, you’re not. You originally claimed that you would *not* run for the Republican nomination if Donald Trump did. YOU LIED.
