18 Replies to “Diversity Is Our Strength”

  1. Where have all the students gone?
    With out passing
    Where have all the students gone
    Short time ago?
    Where have all the students gone?
    Liberals picked them every one
    Oh, when will you ever learn?
    Oh, when will you ever learn?

  2. Now do all the Beauty Colleges in America … where black folks get fully funded Obama Student Loans … that they never intend to repay. Certainly not on hairbraiders salary. Reparations! Reparations!

  3. They get accepted, come here, transfer to a public college, and then demand their fees back?

    why couldn’t they go to the public college in the first place?
    Why isn’t their permit immediately cancelled when they leave the private school, without graduating or even taking a semester of classes?

    As usual, it’s just another scam way to immigrate to canada, that the government looks the other way on.

  4. So, no students. I’m probably safe in assuming there are no teachers, either… and no Mr. Dhakecha.

    Things that make you go hmmmm… Mr. Dhakecha said he applied to have the school closed, and yet it’s not closed. Who wants it to remain open? Hmmmmm…

  5. Of course, it’s government-sponsored scam. For anyone who has been paying atttention, this is been going on for at least a decade and half, maybe more. Why are we only hearing about in the MSM now?

  6. This is even slimyer than all those Caribbean immigration consultants in Toronto a few years ago. At least they got busted whereas this scheme seems to be either ignored or condoned by the PTB

  7. The ones who haven’t snuck across the border into America are stealing cars.. The schools are a scam..

  8. “He says he has applied to the Ontario government, which licenses the college, to close its Vaughan campus”

    And open up a super campus in the building he owns outright.

  9. This is just a pipeline of unending clients for immigration consultants/lawyers. All these sham colleges are owned by the latter. From the article – right at the bottom:
    “But Mr. Blaney questions whether it is a good idea for immigration consultants and people with companies involved in international student recruitment to also run colleges because of the potential for conflicting interests.”

  10. “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”
    ― Eric Hoffer, The Temper of Our Time

  11. Enterprising folks could take their illegal drug profits & bank them as fees paid by imaginary students attending fake colleges. Just sayin’.
