32 Replies to “Just Sayin’”

    1. is it still called sharing a beer if you take it and leave the table as soon as the waiter is paid?

      l shamelessly deeply detest this thing in the PMO


        I think this is a BS poll……….

  1. Self-selecting poll pushed out by a lib to their followers and retweeted to the lib’s followers’ followers and so on.

    What’s amazing is that anyone chose Poilievre. That’s not a good sign for Sparkle Socks.

    There needs to be a poll with the question, “Are you signed up on Twitter (X)?” I wonder what the ratio of Yes/No would be.

    Somehow, this poll strikes me as similar.

  2. Strikes me as being correct.

    Given how hard they beg the government to tax the hell out of them, it’s clear most Canadians would enjoy being roofied and waking up in a third rate Tofino b&b with a murderous hangover, a sore a-hole, and a lifetime of nervous STD assays.

  3. I would only want to have a drink with PM Cockwomble if I can throw my beer in his face while it was still in the mug.

  4. So what you’re saying is that I will be within arms length of him with an (as of yet) unshattered beer bottle?

  5. I don’t doubt it. The sort of Canadians who would share a beer with PP tend not to be on Twitter (I’m not, for the same reason that I don’t stand outside the Japanese Macaque cage at the zoo and watch the little monkeys fling excrement at each other).

    This is like taking a poll of Tesla owners and asking them if they “believe” in global warming.

  6. Good. I hope the biased poll goes to his head so he still thinks everybody is swooning over him.

  7. Share a beer?
    As in what happens soon after drinking a few?
    That part of the beer I might be more than happy to share with Dear Leader,same I would share with the first one,his stepdad apparently, should I walk past its grave.
    That said
    When are we stepping out from this CON federation?
    As a people who would elect not 1 but 2 Trudeau’s are too stupid to coexist with,let alone pay tribute (taxes) to.
    The West is one of the richest regions in the world,why are we determined to freeze in darkness and poverty at the whim of such idiots?
    It is not as if Can Ahh Duh is providing Military Defence,Border Control,expediting internal trade or any value to the tax payer..
    We already have to perform all the responsibilities of a federal government,so why continue the farce?
    Law and order..Justice ..ha .

  8. Frankly, I wouldn’t give any of ’em the sweat off the backside of my balls, let alone grace them w/ my presence over a cold beer. None of ’em have done a damn thing to earn that privilege.
