20 Replies to “Meet Australia’s Disinformation Czar”

    1. Character wise she is repulsively ugly though. Does the term douchebag apply to women as well as men, either way she is one.

        1. Yeah but will you respect yourself in the morning? Who am I kidding? Although it would appear we would both be too late to f*ck her brains out, someone beat both of us to it.

  1. Someone needs to coin a new phrase to highlight this technique. “Irony” just doesn’t cover it anymore. If you put 100 psychiatrists in a room, a vast majority of them will behave in such a manner as to convince you that they are, themselves, in need of a good psychiatrist.

    Such is the case with these “disinformation experts.” Ultimately, they are, themselves, the perpetrator(s) of what they claim to be eradicating.

    In the former, I understand how it can happen serendipitously. A person can be influenced and encouraged by their own personal progress, and wish to do something similar to benefit others. Hence, you end up with the unstable attempting to help the unstable in some cases. In the latter, however, it is egregious and planned out. I’d argue that there is no need for a disinformation czar on the surface. And, I’d wager this woman’s motivation is vengeance as well as deeply held political ideology. She misidentifies what she perceives to be “misinformation” based on whether is corresponds with her own opinions. The absolute hubris and narcissism of that approach is astounding. As a way of showing necessity, she wraps her censorship up in a bow of potential child abuse (which may be a valid goal), but the vast majority of her efforts are nothing more than silencing contrary opinions.

    People like this need a hobby.

  2. “For #16DaysOfActivism, the @eSafetyOffice is running a social campaign around identifying #coercivecontrol. ”

    Time to report her repeatedly?

  3. When will the Aussies march in front of her office with “YANKEE GO HOME!” signs?

    Doesn’t Oz have enough homegrown tyrannical socialists to fill the position?

  4. Shrug. They’ll put up with her, and heel and sit and lie down when she tells them too. Just like Canadians.

  5. Free speech was fine when you had no audience.. A throw away right that cost them nothing because everything else was locked down.. Then along came social media to upset the balance and spook the powers that be..

    And spooked they were.. From our conduct to their own failures.. They can now push a button to end the debate before it even starts.. And why would they not lock everything down again.. The natural order of things..

    No newspapers, no MSM, no media worth watching.. Just the internet that they are going to take full control of.. So many players all wanting the upper hand.. The tyranny of the conversation has me wanting some silence..

  6. Governments fear people figuring out how wasteful and useless they are. Here is a novel idea, do good. Of course that would result in 90% of civil servants (as if) resigning.

  7. The Australian government is a sick entity onto itself. It makes sense that they would have a female such as this within their purview.
    Remember how that government treated its citizens during the manufactured Covid crisis.

    1. It was our version of republicans in power then, the libs/nationals coalition; labor/greens are like the dems. And, for all sorts of reasons, both groups appall me; then and now… I shudder to think how we’d have fared had we’d had full labor/greens in office then!

    1. You think this bimbo runs anything? They never do, unless it’s something the important people actually want to fail.

      No. She’s the front woman for the old, fat, ugly Chinese intelligence agent who makes all the real decisions.

  8. So basically the Australian Labor Party hired this bimbo to try to stop Australians from telling each other what everyone knows—that the ALP is a front for the Communist Party of China, and that the Han Chinese are the sociopathic blood-suckers hell-bent on world domination and genocide that the ABC insists the Israelis are.
