20 Replies to “Trudeau’s Political Prisoners”

  1. I have always said this was an RCMP set up and FRAMING of these guys…….CORRUPT RCMP?? you be the judge of that……CORRUPTION starts at the very top……and the top guys were Turdo & RCMP Commissioner LUCKI???…………..sure looks like it

    1. That’s true but insufficient. The mainstream media has been an integral part in all this by actively covering up what has been going on in the Coutts 4 absurdity of a trial. They too are guilty of hiding the crimes committed by the Trudeau cabinet and former RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki. This is not just for the Coutts 4 fiasco but also in manipulating release of information about the Nova Scotia murders for political gain. So this also includes bloated corpses like Bill Blair, former Toronto police chief, as guilty, guilty, guilty. Along with the fat toad who acts as CBC President while residing in New York – Catherine Tait.

  2. The big reason nobody wants to talk about this is because the whole thing revolves around the fact that the truckers and everyone else were forced to choose between taking the jab or not. No politician is going near that because they are all afraid of the pharma elite and those that work with them. Only those outside of this influence such as Steve Kirsh or poor powerless folk like me can talk about the killer jab. Anyone can read about the plandemic. Weaponized viruses made in labs. The banning of Ivermectin. Two weeks to flatten the curve. Safe. Effective. Wear a mask. 6 feet apart. Be kind. Arrive Can. Forced isolation at airports. Cops calling you at home ,making sure you don’t break your promise to the border guards and go down town. Remember that poor fello that died because the would not give him a kidney because he would not take the jab? So you can see why the Conservatives will not touch this because most everybody that cooperated has reason to hang their heads in shame. It is a can of shit they won’t kick over. I can’t wait to celebrate the fall of Trudeau,but I don’t expect that all of this will be addressed. More likely ignored. Move on nothing to see here but death and lies and corruption. That’s all.

    1. I see nothing specious about your reasoning, Spouter. Perhaps adopt another adjective, such as Teapot, Reality, Porbability or Truth

  3. Remember Mahr Ararr?
    Omar Kadher?
    Dear Leader and all of our Simpering Class felt these cases were of Abused Rights and High Principles..
    Handing over enormous amounts of tax payers monies, where a proper hanging was more appropriate.
    So now the “Emergency” Not an emergency..Where the State of Thuggery strutted about,helping us..
    Now that the Declaration of an emergency has been found to be an illegal act by our politicians and their willing minions,why should the tax payer pay?
    These were criminal actions,those who did them,must be held to account..
    “I was just following orders” and “I believed there to be an emergency at the time”.
    Are self indictment..
    What is 700 days without due process and constant slander by the State Propagandists worth?
    Mayhap we need to round up a bunch of those involved and lock them up,with the same special treatments???
    A just punishment,fitting their crimes..
    As they seem to believe they,the minions,cannot be held to account..For abuse so blatant.

    1. Justin Trudeau paid $10 million to a convicted war criminal, and then gave a judgeship to his lawyer.

  4. And to think that if they weren’t white and did actually murder someone they’d be getting millions from Potato and his junta.

    1. It’s a proud part of Canada’s heritage to serve as a peaceful retirement spot for mass murderers and their bootlickers.

      The made men of Hamas are assuredly already arriving here, being waved through by immigration officials who don’t bother to inspect their obviously fake Canadian passports, and dreaming of the happy day one of their ugly granddaughters becomes deputy prime minister.

  5. In order for the government to justify invoking the emergency act they needed more than bouncy castles and dance parties.. These men were in the wrong place at the wrong time.. Trudeau and his lynch mob needed patsies..

    The sad part is .. The Freedom Convoy was correct on all counts.. Six weeks later the government gave them everything they wanted.. The pandemic was over.. But not on their terms..

  6. “The Mounties bombed an oil installation as part of a dirty tricks campaign in their investigation into sabotage in the Alberta’s oil patch. ”

    Were the officers involved ever identified and fired?

  7. An excellent article from Gord Magill.
    A long read, definitely worth the time.
    Trudeau and Lucki should be charged,
    Will anything come of this if the judge doesn’t do the right thing and expose the real scum?

  8. Whatever happened to the RCMP genius who orchestrated the vandalism of those two excavators,then bragged about doing so..online.
    Where has he/it been promoted to?
    Of course the vandals have been charged?
    They even posted video of themselves committing the crime.
    Has the RCMP made good the damage they did?
    Oh Right,..Stunningly incurious media we have in Can Ahh Duh.
    Perhaps he/it is burning churches and heading the investigation..
    Like the two boy wonders from out East,the two who shot up the firehall and then testified,sitting together, that the firehall was the 3rd or fourth occasion they set up to fire on their own,that morning..Either they are now leading the RCMP marksman program or they are doing speaking tours on “The dangers of firearms”..

  9. sigh . . . . .
    people people people.
    it’s ‘farce see ’em pee’ and has been since the limerick popped up back early 80s.

  10. Arse EMP couldn’t get a search warrant so went Full High River, then lied about murder conspiracy to satisfy CBC, are now threatening people who discuss it, but not the trial judge who’s unhappy that their evidence is fraudulent. Soviets from Peking.
