Obama’s CIA Had Foreign Intel Spying On Trump Campaign (Bumped)


The revelation that the U.S. intelligence community, under the Obama administration, sought the assistance of the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance to surveil Donald Trump’s associates before the 2016 election is a chilling reminder of the lengths to which the Deep State will go to protect its interests and challenge its adversaries. (The Five Eyes countries are the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.) This bombshell, reported by a team of independent journalists, exposes a dark chapter in American political history, where foreign intelligence services were reportedly mobilized against a presidential candidate.

The alleged operation against Trump and his associates, which predates the official start of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation, is a stark example of political weaponization of intelligence. The involvement of foreign allies in surveilling American citizens under the pretext of national security raises serious questions about the integrity of our democratic processes and the autonomy of our nation’s intelligence operations.

The narrative that has been pushed for years, that the investigation into Trump’s campaign began with an Australian tip about a boastful Trump aide, now appears to be a cover for a more extensive and coordinated effort to undermine Trump. If reports are accurate, British intelligence began targeting Trump on behalf of American intelligence agencies as early as 2015, long before the official narrative claims.

27 Replies to “Obama’s CIA Had Foreign Intel Spying On Trump Campaign (Bumped)”

  1. This particular Mark Steyn piece was posted here well over a year ago. But, I recommend that you read it again in tandem with this new post from Real Clear Politics. It wasn’t just foreign intelligence personnel carrying the torch. It was far left past politicians like former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

    Tinker, Tailor, Clapper, Carter, Downer, Halper, Spy
    by Mark Steyn

    1. Bingo. Maybe new to some people but this was reported and ignored as it happened.
      Oh, and the lies haven’t stopped, they’re growing bigger every month leading to November.

    2. Mark Steyn is a Hero of mine. I wish President Trump would put him in a Cabinet Post. Maybe Covid Vaccine Retribution Secretary…

      This site is my favourite Blog.
      Anyone interested in the best reporting on this should be reading Conservative Treehouse.
      Sundance is second to none in his articles on topics like these.
      An example – https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2019/08/18/maria-bartiromo-outlines-the-architect-of-spygate-and-crossfire-hurricane-cia-director-john-brennan/

      The FILTHY Constipation Face Brennan speaks ARABIC fluently, is a MUSLIM, and has waged JIHAD against the United States since he voted for a COMMUNIST in 1976. Quite the asshole.
      I HOPE HE HANGS after the Military Tribunals..

    1. “Some people will side with anyone, abandon any principle, if it gives just the merest chance to see the objects of their hatred brought low. ”

      I was a bit like that when I watched hockey. I’d cheer for any teams that kicked the snot out of Montreal and Ottawa.

      And if Singalong suddenly backed up and turdo fell to his death from the balcony they were groping on, I’d applaud the NDP for the first time in my life … for a second or two.

    2. What’s the problem with praising the CIA doing its actual job? It’s supposed to spy and agitate against foreign adversaries.

    3. Spying on russia = good.
      Spying on Trump = bad.

      It really is easy to grasp for anyone who is not a pathobiological team player and a demagogue.

  2. The “revelation” link in the article has nothing to do with what the article says, or did I miss it?

  3. Any Canadians involved in what was clearly illegal, should be named, stripped naked, handcuffed and delivered to the new Trump admit for whatever form of abuse at GITMO they choose.

  4. John Brennan is an evil man. The fact that he was even allowed to join the CIA, let alone run the joint, after he admitted voting for a communist in the 76 election, was when I realized the country is in very, VERY bad shape. I mean I’ve always known things were bad, but NOT THIS BAD. The Swamp/Deep State needs to be completely destroyed if this country is to survive.

  5. If five countries are spying together, should they not be Ten Eyes?

    Anyway, the harm is not so much investigation but the apparent planting of false information about Trump’s visits to Russia, such as the apparently fictitious story about an encounter with prostitutes, which is the basis of allegations Putin had blackmail leverage on Trump. This is common nowadays with globalists, to develop a narrative and then if actual facts don’t support it, make some up and keep re-stating these false facts (well lies really) until people start to believe them. Same goes for so-called business frauds where banks are already paid back and never complained about what Trump is now found “guilty” of doing to get loans. A victimless non-crime, but turned into a big deal by NYC progs.

    Same concept with the recent sleight of hand about cold spells being part of climate change, it’s all a big lie but a lot of people swallowed it. Just made up b.s. because original narrative was looking shaky when instead of record warmth, some cases of extreme cold occurred instead. Yet the entire stated goal of the response to climate change is to turn the weather colder! Only a progressive could make sense of such absurdities, or trot them out with evident pride like a toddler showing off a bowel movement. I would go on to other examples of pride as Orwell gets endless verification points.

  6. Am I the only one who believes they knew this 2 or 3 years ago? Not faulting Kate. But in my mind, this was “known” for some time. I guess that’s what happens when too many conspiracy theories regularly come true!

    1. I’m right there with you, Robert.

      It’s important that all the lies keep coming up, though. Some people bought the narrative back then but are new to this ‘old’ information. Late to the party, maybe. But to their credit, they have shown up.

  7. It’s an outrage. If the people want to elect anyone, that is their choice. It doesn’t matter if you approve of that person, it’s the peoples choice. That’s how a democracy works.

    Those who conspire to thwart the will of the people should be charged with treason.

  8. With Trudeau in power, dreaming of blowing Obama, you can be sure the Mounties and CSIS were up to their eyeballs in this. Just another day at the office for the sub human garbage of the RCMP.

  9. If you go digging on Twitter around that time frame you will find a tweet by John Brennan. It’s cryptic and only says “Don’t do it, Mr. President.” There was never any clarification on the topic.

  10. In a tragic way, you’ve got to hand it to the swamp for so early recognizing Trump’s threat to the evolving bureaucratic neo regal state DeMarxism, as yet another vexed vector of village idiot Karl’s, as discussed on this site, of big media and government.

    And labour. And corporations, many courts, but not the decisive one. Of popular culture. Of race and gender nihilism.

    With lots of helpers erecting 5th column mayhem to aid our new media, arts and state royalty.

    They’ve gone full fascist to get him out of there. He has clearly terrified them from day one.
    Are they harbouring deep seated and realistically entertained fears will get to the bottom of their sedition?
    They will never stop. Not now. Not if Trump is elected, or after, or for one second while he’s president.

    To the progressives, statists and the rest of the fatal conceit cabal, so wise they know they are over us, this is a fight for survival, theirs, to the death, and they will have to be stopped by voters, by laws, by civil society.

    Inoculate yourselves for the dystopic paradigm partisan virus coming. Some of you might need to mask.
    They will not go quietly into the night and feel free to attack civil society when the only other option is loss.

    It’s us versus them, and we are the majority imho so can prevail; but must know it’s the Anywheres versus the Somewheres. It’s Civic versus Civil Society. It’s globalists versus patriots. It’s barbarity versus civilization.

    1. Indeed. It is the Deep bureaucratic leftist State -vs- The People. -vs- Democracy. It’s no accident that they accuse Trump (us) of undermining our “Democracy” … because that’s EXACTLY what they’re doing. Oh!? Imagine that? Leftists accusing the “Far Right” (read: what used to be considered “The Middle”) of what they, themselves are doing. It’s almost a Tourette’s compulsion with them … to swear the opposition is doing what they are in-fact doing.

      In another great moment of leftist Tourette’s … “you’re all racists!!” … or … “you’re all homophobes!!” (when in fact they’re all “Christophobes”

  11. Why don’t we just simplify who these people really are and quit the bullshit already so let’s quote the most influential sec of state Henry Kissinger every time the subject of Ukraine shows up here.

    Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.

  12. It seems that Trump haunts them still. Every day it gets clearer that they are terrified despite all their dirty tricks and criminality the American people may be going to give the deep state the middle finger, and return him to office.

    His test will be if he has the strength and foresight to eliminate them, root and branch. It is D12 time, and infantry with chainsaws. They must err on the side of assumed guilt, no one can be trusted.

    All of this depends on him not being assasinated by them. It would hardly be the first time.
