The Libranos: Just Another Day In Bananada


The RCMP yesterday acknowledged it never interviewed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau or had access to secret cabinet records before dismissing obstruction charges in the SNC-Lavalin Group scandal. The admission came under questioning at the Commons ethics committee: “We still don’t know to this day all the information that is out there.”

12 Replies to “The Libranos: Just Another Day In Bananada”

  1. In the event the RCMP ever gets reformed, it should solely be tasked with investigating government wrongdoing, to make up for the last 60 years of dirty tricks, and their continued covering up of government wrongdoing.

  2. I can’t believe that cities and provinces still think these political sycophants are worth the price paid to be their police force.

    1. If you think the RCMP are here to protect us from harm, let me disabuse you of that notion. They do what their paymaster demands. And the Liberal government is their paymaster. It should be obvious by now.

  3. The good old RCMP. If it were Adolf Trudeau’s GESTAPO, would it act any different?

  4. Anyone who thinks this ends well is nuts.
    Our country is done. We’re broken, broke and woke.

    Cultural Marxism won. All those FILTHY assholes in your family and the public who attacked you during Covid are the “winner”
    Look what they’ve won. Men in womens bathrooms, Open Government Corruption, Men in womens sports, country produces nothing, and the DUMBEST People get elected to lead us.
    WE ARE AN UNSERIOUS FORMER NATION. We elected a complete Sociopathic Narcissist, and a goof with a shaggy FILTHY beard to keep him there with the occassional handjob I’m sure.

  5. is it possible this maggot is so ruthless withthe corruption to stay in power to keep this stuff getting out.
    what happens to these records with Conservative majority.

  6. Just imagine what it will take to clean this swamp.

    A problem of similar scale to Rudy Giuliani digging out the corruption in the New York Police Department. If memory serves, Rudy essentially offered early retirement with reduced benefits, no questions asked. Get out before whatever the drop-dead date was, keep some pension. After that, no mercy. Jail time, loss of pension, the works.

    I don’t see any appetite for that kind of housecleaning in Canada these days.

  7. Well, the Muslims will clean up the fake women’s problems at least.
    So we got that going for us…

  8. The RCMP is the military wing of the Liberal Party.
    The Nova Scotia shootings were staged to get an AR15 ban through.
    Many other staged events.
    Ask your local Mountie where xe is from. Not your province I promise. They are missionary-mercenaries from Upper Canada to enforce the rulers dictats.
    Do not engage with them or make them feel welcome in your community. It should be common but so is not wearing a face diaper and taking a vaccine because Justin told you to.
