28 Replies to “Today In Islam”

    1. Did you even try looking at the polling and how it was done. Bet not.

      PS the author is a nut.
      Author: Dave DeCamp

      Dave DeCamp is the news editor of Antiwar.co

          1. Still trying to distract. The polling method is irrelevant.

            Wholesale murder is wrong.

            You can have the last word here. I don’t mind.

        1. “Polling methodology and author sanity are distractions from the point:”

          Not when the point is “your poll is a push-poll, and therefore worthless” .

          “Innocent people are being murdered wholesale. ”

          NO THEY ARE NOT. Not even close.

          The IDF does more to avoid civilian causalities than any other army in history. They go to great lengths to warn civilians to leave buildings or areas they are about to target. When Hamas deliberately blocks civilian efforts to evacuate or inserts themselves into fleeing crowds, hides in schools and hospitals or in the middle of refugee camps, that’s *on them*, not the IDF.

          “More people are becoming more aware and concerned. This is good.”

          More people are being angered by watching the professional protesters who are being *paid* to promote hatred of Jews on university campuses and and at public events. Expect a crackdown soon.

          “Aaron Bushnell made a lot of people more aware and concerned. He will continue to make more people aware and concerned for a very long time:”

          He was mentally ill, and everyone knows it.


          Those guys take ‘concern-trolling’ to new heights, making their Jew-hatred sound very lofty and intellectual, for sure…but for more down-and-dirty Jew hatred, I recommend ZeroHedge (they don’t even bother trying to hide what they are)…

      1. “Hamas doesn’t want a permanent cease fire”

        They don’t, but they are going to get one anyway when they are all killed or imprisoned and a new entity takes over to govern Gaza.

        1. Israel wants to permanently eliminate Palestinians whether Christian or Muslim. Do you have an actual point to make?

          1. “Israel wants to permanently eliminate Palestinians whether Christian or Muslim. Do you have an actual point to make?”

            How about the fact that the population of the Gaza strip in 1967 was about 350,000…but today it is over 2.1 MILLION. If Israel is indeed trying to commit ‘genocide’ in Gaza, as you repeatedly claim here, they are obviously *the worst mass-murderers in history* despite being heavily armed and having one of the most effective armies in the world. They need to ask some of the Arab nations how to do ‘genocide’ properly, I guess?…

            (maybe they could start by ceasing to provide food, water and electricity to these people they are supposedly trying to eliminate?)

          2. So Fred how about you do a little research before beckoning yourself again. Maybe you missed the Israeli land grab that force Palestinians into Gaza.

          3. Joe Albertan
            The so called Palestinians (aka Philistines as Joe Albertan said they were)
            need to go back to where they came from; namely the Aegean.

          4. Yes Joe Palestinians should return to their ancestral homes and the Zionists return to Europe.

  1. Towards the latter part of the last century, the company I was employed by, (out of Toronto), had an extensive project in KSA, (Saudi). As was their wont, said organization conducted ‘meet & greet’ info sessions for those about to depart for that venue.

    Some of us were heading out alone, some with families in tow; also, par for said course, there was a “Go around the (large) table and tell us why you’re joining the project” portion….I was almost the furthest away from the first respondent.

    “I’m/we’re going for the culture/food/experience, etc, etc..” was the standard answer…….until it was my turn – “I’ve seen enough Arabs in my life, I’m going for the money”.

    Shock & Awe personified……and I never even mentioned being detained at gunpoint for ~12 hours in Basra, Iraq.

        1. And bias perhaps? (Oh, and AFAIK approx 25% of The Israeli population isn’t even Jewish…they’re primarily Arab, and the Druze can even join the IDF).

        2. “One guy’s extremely well-informed opinion based on years of first hand experience.”

          And for every guy like him, there are ten or twenty that say the opposite.

  2. Pals strike back in the days

    TWA Flight 847 (June 1985)**: This Trans World Airlines flight was hijacked by Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad members during its flight from Athens to Rome. During the ordeal, U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem was murdered, and his body was thrown onto the airport tarmac. The incident lasted for 17 days with passengers and crew members being held hostage before an agreement was reached for their release.

    Pan Am Flight 73 (September 1986)**: This Pan American World Airways flight was on the ground in Karachi, Pakistan, when it was hijacked by the Palestinian group Abu Nidal Organization. The hijackers opened fire on passengers and crew during the 17-hour ordeal, leading to 20 deaths and over 100 injuries. The situation ended when the hijackers attempted to flee the scene.

    1. TWA – referred to by some Arabs as ‘Travel With Amal’, (although Amal, in actuality, ‘jacked a Royal Jordanian flight)…..ah, what the hell, regardless of what they call themselves they’re all the same…carry on.

  3. It’s comforting that most Israelis now agree with Palestinians on one thing:

    A two state solution will not work.

    1. “It’s comforting that most Israelis now agree with Palestinians on one thing:

      A two state solution will not work.”

      Yeah, finally they admit the obvious (although that will not stop the useful idiots from demanding it).

      You can’t have any such agreement between two parties if one party refuses to accept even the mere existence of the other. The “Three No’s”, they call it.
