Wednesday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  Victor Davis Hanson on the global elites.  A vow of silence.  The airman who set himself on fire.  What New York City is like now.

The Planet Is Boiling News:  Green billionaires and Hollywood.  The Net Zero war on the working class.

Blackie’s Canada:  Warning about extremist attacks.  I’m sure Justin will get his revenge with the censorship bill.  Everything in Canada must have an Indian name.

Your morning meme.  Bonus meme.  Another meme.

15 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. After 7 October, are there any known Jewish terror groups attacking anyone?


    So it is hamas that owns this shite.

    Lies to the contrary will be met with what they give.

  2. I’m sure Justin will get his revenge with the censorship bill.

    I’ve said this before: treating a private business as if it’s a public utility just because a lot of people use it is going to blow up in conservatives’ faces. Apparently we’ve learned nothing from Sir Henry Pellatt.

  3. Note that under Justin’s censorship bill, the CHRC will not consider any cases that include:

    “White People”
    “White Men”

    On the basis that they are “not identifiable groups

    Feel free to add any others you can think of.

  4. “Such an attack would likely be carried out by a “radicalized lone actor” using readily available weapons, ITAC wrote in the briefs circulated last October and released to Global News.”

    And if it’s an attack on anything “islamic”, then the question needs to be asked, “Was this a known wolf, who the government had contact with?”

    1. If Canada was serious about subverting foreign terror attacks they would stop importing it wholesale.

      Especially after stirring the pot first beforehand.

  5. As to green billionaires and Hollywood, was that not tried about 20 years ago with the production of crap movies like “2012” and a few others? All I can think of is that those movies tanked the career of John Cusack. I realize he and his sister Joan Cusack are leftists, but I actually enjoyed some of his movies (The Grifters, Grosse Point Blank to name a couple).

    1. also from the link:
      “Aileen Getty and is one of the paymasters of the Just Stop Oil pests.”
      *that* Getty family? oh such irony. how *can* she live with herself.

  6. Am I the only one who is deeply disturbed that a psychotic Socialist ANTIFA anti-Israeli pro-Hamas whack job is … an “Airman” … in the USAF branch of the American military? Have we become THAT desperate for recruiting into our military? Or is this another intentional “replacement” tactic? Replacing conservative Nationalist lovers of our country and its underlying values … for well … the opposite of that.

  7. Essentially, the general effect of Net Zero is similar to that of regressive taxation. Just as a tax that is the same for everyone will most hurt those who earn the least, Net Zero policies mete out more pain to those who are least well-off. This won’t just affect the very poorest though. As the ICS warns, even ‘middle-income households that were not previously experiencing financial precarity’ might struggle.

    10 years ago, I was sitting at lunch with a group of fellow Professionals in my lovely little suburban enclave in the SF Bay Area when the topic turned to all the “wonderful” new “green” policies and requirements. Not caring about “reading the room”, I blurted out that all these policies were going to be debilitating regressive taxes on the poor. Wow! But did I get shouted-down, mocked, and laughed at. And no, not a single cogent argument was made to the contrary … just opposition to my assertion.

    I didn’t want to tell them it doesn’t take a rocket brain scientist to figure it out … that would have been cruel.

  8. “Everything in Canada must have an Indian name.”

    Did the Mi’kmaq in the region build the damn thing?
    I didn’t think so.
    I wonder where that “wide support” is coming from? Did they consult the residents of PEI and NB? Or did they just talk to the Mi’kmaq on the island?

  9. Clarence, I know you’re under cover over at the Israeli
    Embassy. Just checking the weather over there. Is it Hot. CLARENCE , ‘What the hell man, You think ‘I’m the damn weather man.’
    ‘Hell Yes it’s Hot over here, and with rockets exploding, even hotter.’
    Clarence, How Hot ?
    Clarence “Fool, it’s hot! I told you again! Were you born on the SUN? It’s damn hot! I saw – It’s so damn hot, I saw an Airman taking off his hat and red coat burst into flames. Hot!
    Now let me alone, I’m calling a cab to get the hell out of here
