24 Replies to “DEI On The Operating Table”

  1. What do you expect from a diversity hire? Competence? Honesty? Integrity? No, of course not. Grift, lying, plagiarism, incompetence. It’s the only way diversity can get ahead.

  2. When you’ve been grade inflated and falsely promoted your entire educational career, what other options do you have? When are blacks going to realize that horrible government monopoly education is being masked by lies, and they are being victimized and falsely promoted simply to capture their votes and their support?

  3. From his LinkedIn profile:
    1) Ph.D. in Social and Cultural Studies of Education from Iowa State University (2015-21)

    2) His current job: “As the Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer, my role is to provide the necessary leadership, perspective, and vision to implement impactful programs and initiatives in partnership with the four schools that make up CUIMC, the Provost’s office, and other leadership teams. My office is responsible for promoting and supporting the implementation and evaluation of best practices related to diversity, equity, and inclusion on our campus.”

    3) About: “I am self-motivated, detail-oriented, and a fast learner. Coupled with excellent communication skills I have demonstrated patience, loyalty, honesty, and dependability through various job experiences and activities. My experiences have been desirably “hands on,” thus I have a working knowledge of working with people and the community.”

    1. I bet those are all talking points from the on-line CV generator that he probably used. The university probably helped him with the copying and pasting.

  4. BTW, Global pushed again yesterday some BS ‘news’ about ‘black medicine’. And I saw in the past similar crap from CBC and CTV as well. What the hell is this?!? Is ‘black’ some different race now?
    I remember they pushed in GTA for a high school catering to black-only and I think it’s still going: black-history ok I guess, black-literature ok but Black-Sciences? What is 2+2 in Black-Math? What about Newton’s laws in Black-Physics?
    What a monumental load of crap this whole narrative is.

  5. There are probably honest and well-intentioned people in the DEI juggernaut (ed note: needs confirmation).

    But it’s perfectly designed for predatory sociopaths with little to contribute but a sense of moral outrage.

    1. Honesty would require understanding that you are combating past racism with present racism. Anyone in the DEI racket who is honest is ipso facto rock, hard, stupid.

      1. It’s based on an unspoken assumption of collective guilt — that we can get back at slave owners from the 19th century by punishing people today who look like them. How this guilt is transferred from them to us is never explained.

  6. continuation of this fake black ink is going to cause a lot of red ink for these Universities in the end. however, they deserve it

  7. yo. all youse post secondary outfits.
    a suggestion to save time and column space.
    do a census and find out which diversity hires did NOT plagiarize and hand out those names. the rest we will assume are lying cheats and save all the stress and time.

    1. My thought too. If you are going to grift, might a well do a splendid job (not referring just to Wiki but all of the rest Mcken copied). Chutzpah indeed.

  8. That explains the maid program. If your a fake doctor who go where you are by lying how better to hide your mistakes then cremate them.

  9. It’s based on an unspoken assumption of collective guilt — that we can get back at slave owners from the 19th century by punishing people today who look like them. How this guilt is transferred from them to us is never explained.

  10. Well, those Dr. Death mini-series based on true events aren’t going to write themselves. Oh, wait.

  11. Hired to be a white hating disagreeable black man.. I would say his black KKK credentials are in order.. Why are we even doing this?.. Its no surprise..
