Down The Primrose Path

A follow-up to the Taibbi piece of yesterday. Read it first if you missed it.

BURN NOTICE: The most interesting fact was the CIA’s obvious decision to burn its vast, unimaginably-expensive, militarized, networked, anti-Russia intelligence operation in Ukraine.

Do you think Trump was briefed on the CIA’s massive network of bases and its captive army in Ukraine? Could that have been what Trump was trying to figure out when he called Ukraine’s president, a call the deep-state immediately leaked and impeached him over? Was the great quid-pro-quo-ing of Trump really intended to send a message: keep your hands off Ukraine, or else?

Is that what Chucky Schumer meant when he gleefully warned Rachel Maddow the CIA has six ways from Sunday to get back at you?

Greenwald: You’ll notice that no NYT reporters are being arrested or put on trial for this supposedly sensitive disclosure.

(h/t LindaL)

20 Replies to “Down The Primrose Path”

  1. I’m hearing a lot that this NYT’s piece is fake news from the usual suspects, which means there’s likely a lot of truth to it. Remember, it was NYT’s that leaked Hillary’s private server and the back channels she and Obama were using, so like a clock…

    1. That’s funny because they’ve been parroting NYT & Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) talking points since Feb 2022.

  2. “The most interesting fact was the CIA’s obvious decision to burn its vast, unimaginably-expensive, militarized, networked, anti-Russia intelligence operation in Ukraine.”

    I see Childer’s opinion that this is a “fact” about an “obvious decision”, but I don’t see anything in the NYT piece to this effect. There is nothing there that would cause operations to stop; indeed there is nothing there that is necessarily true (except the stuff already known peppered throughout). Are there really 12+ CIA spy bases? Sounds very 007, but how would we know? Are the Russians frantically searching?

    I think this post needs the “It’s Probably Nothing” tag.

  3. … “ Who declassified this detailed, top-secret CIA information which runs 34 pages in the NYT naming unit numbers and members. Who invited these NYT reporters to tour top-secret CIA underground bases on the Russian border? Bases which the CIA obviously expects Russia has captured.”

  4. … “so according to the CIA, on the same day Ukraine’s democratically-elected pro-Russian government fell in 2014 CIA director John Brennan’s private government plane landed in Kiev. And immediately formed an enduring friendship with the new, pro-Western replacement president (Zelensky’s predecessor). And forged a lasting work relationship with its brand-new spy chief Valentyn Nalyvaichenko. Many analysts credibly believe the CIA helped or even engineered that coup which overthrew Ukraine’s fairly-elected, Russia-friendly government on February 24th 2014. Eight years to the day later, Russia invaded.”

  5. … “If true, the CIA had a complete claim to the government it created. And, if true, all the top Ukrainians are actually handpicked CIA assets.”

    … “Also, Hunter Biden joined the Burisma board in May 2014, immediately on the heels of CIA Chief John Brennan’s departure from Ukraine.”

  6. In the Putin interview, he mentioned one U.S. President, that upon learning the extent of CIA involvement in stirring the pot in Ukraine, and being shown proof, said “I’m gonna kick their asses”. Good chance that was Trump. I remember when Trump had his one on one closed door discussion with Putin he came out looking upset and the usual MSM comment was that Putin laid some compromat on him, while Trump caracterized it as frank and direct. We know DoD and the CIA did things behind his back. I’d bet a case of beer Trump learned it from Putin and tried to corroborate directly with Ukraine. Then the moles in his administration ratted him out and he got impeached. Not sure about the timing of events.

    1. Soro’s and plenty of other oligarchs.

      Things haven’t changed much, or are reverting back to a modern neo feudalism. Long gone are Lords, Barons, and Dukes with title. Regardless still the same sympathies of elites and a disposable serf class with iPhones and a controlled bank account.

  7. The entire CIA should be terminated with hundreds, if not thousands arrested, the headquarters used to house illegal aliens, and the former employees forced to work as maids, butlers and sex slaves for their new masters.

  8. Perhaps the “missing” document(s) that Trump supposedly took when he left office , which apparently the CIA have in their possession , which triggered the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago , which Trump apparently declassified , were about to be revealed with the Supreme Court accepting the Trump immunity appeal.

    Thus the need for the CIA to get out in front of the issue.

  9. Tuned in to American Armed Forces radio broadcasting to Eastern Europe this morning – they keep playing “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby. Seems odd. Wonder whats up?

  10. I know nothing and I love nobody.. But Ukraine is fighting a enemy that’s 10X larger and 75% less corrupt.. What to do with that?.. They have to win every battle to Moscow and beyond.. Reminds me of the idiot Nazis in 1941..

    Kick the door in and the whole heap will fall in?.. That didn’t happen..

    1. Oh dear, Larry Johnson tells us “But the article starts with the big lie by claiming that the CIA relationship with Ukraine started in February 2022 . . .”

      However, the NYT article actually begins with the subheading:
      “For more than a decade, the United States has nurtured a secret intelligence partnership with Ukraine . . .”
      Johnson’s error is is even more egregious considering that he had just quoted the article saying the relationship was not a wartime creation but had begun ten years ago.

      There are other clangers too; this is not a person with useful insight. At least he wears his bias on his sleeve, he’s a Russophile who attends Russophile conferences in Moscow with a special trip to Lenin’s Tomb.

      No surprise Johnson is a fan of Col. Macgregor. You know who else is? George freaking Galloway,
      the treasonous wretch who just got returned to the UK parliament via the Jew-hating Muslim immigrant vote.
      The woke-left and the woke-right are coming together in a festering festival of stupid to trash Western civilisation in favour of our enemies.

