68 Replies to “February 29, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. In our current system of greed for money…
    There is little time for efficiency in generation actual electricity.
    Inversion technology would be banned as too smart and efficient where a single turbine can generate an immense amount of electricity with each turn, needing multiple lines to use as burning up the line is quite possible.
    All 360 degrees pushing energy at the same time.
    It would need 36 lines at 10 sparks producing at the same time every turn.
    Our current system is so inefficient that it would burn out with overheating or electrical lines.

    1. We are where America is at this point in time. The west has descended into tyranny we just keep ignoring it.

      1. I remember the great Dave Burge (Iowahawk) suggesting the license plate slogan: “Illinois! Where The Governors Make The License Plates!”

  2. Strange coincidence. I’m about to go outside and see if I can “get the motor runnin” because my battery is weak.
    I’m going to sing that if it works.

  3. “Russia claims that Ukrainian forces are using banned chemical weapons and chemical agents they received from the U.S., which would mean both the U.S. and Ukraine are violating the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) agreement.

    This is according to the leader of the Russian Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces, Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, who cited Ukraine’s use of drones to drop American-made grenades that contained a compound known as CS in late December. CS is considered a riot control tool and is known for causing irritation to the upper respiratory tract and eyes. However, in high concentrations, it can lead to skin burns, respiratory paralysis and even cardiac arrest.”


    CS gas is the same stuff the BATF, etc. used to murder the Davidians in Waco, TX in 1993.

    “CS tear gas is outlawed on the battlefield. It can also be lethal, especially when used against children. Yet federal agents fired 400 football-sized canisters of the gas into the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas, in an effort to end the 51-day standoff with the religious group.”


      1. “Forbes (/fɔːrbz/) is an American business magazine founded by B.C. Forbes in 1917 and owned by Hong Kong-based investment group Integrated Whale Media Investments since 2014”


        Forbes cannot be trusted. It is part of the problem.

    1. Yet again Russia accuses Ukraine of doing exactly what it is doing.

      Russia can remove themselves at any time.

      1. “Russia can remove themselves at any time.”

        Or stay as long as they like, since we have no means to remove them.

  4. December 12th, 2023:

    “When US President Joseph Biden warned overnight that Israel’s military methods were threatening “[world] support by the indiscriminate bombing that takes place”, and that “[Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] has to change, and with this government”, Biden was signalling the US will not escalate if the Israelis try to provoke it.

    Cohen’s ghost – Russian intervention – is behind the Biden warning to Israel. “We continue to provide military assistance to Israel until they get rid of Hamas. But — but — we have to be careful,” Biden said twice. “Have to be careful.” (Biden was also revealing his re-election calculation of donor money now, votes later, depends on it. )

    What Biden and President Vladimir Putin secretly suspect is that Israel has already escalated to tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield, to genetic destruction warfare against the Palestinians, — and to something like the neutron bomb.

    This is not the Cohen version of forty years ago. Nor is it the depleted uranium (DU) artillery shells and air-dropped DU bombs or rockets, which have been used for years by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) in Gaza and Lebanon.

    Here is the case, the physical evidence, that the Israelis are using a new type of uranium radiation weapon.”


    1. Just 1?

      He most definitely has a case for discrimination. That’s worth 10.8 million in a Post National State.

  5. Run! Run for your life! More evidence of the end of rain and snow in California:

    “A Pacific storm packing powerful winds and heavy snow is shaping up to be the strongest of the season, forecasters say, as it pushes toward California with potential blizzard conditions in the Sierra and up to 10 feet (3 meters) of snow in the mountains around Lake Tahoe by the weekend.”


    1. Had a coworker a few years ago, he loved the reusable bags, threw them away and bought new ones EVERY time he went shopping…

    1. I wonder if the extra money is so the CBC can hire the reporters that AP and Reuters fired after it was revealed they had been involved in the October 7th Islamic terrorist invasion of Israel?

  6. France: During a concert at Le Bataclan, the audience chanted “Free Palestine”

    France: Again stone crosses and a bus shelter were sprayed with the inscription “Today land of the infidels, tomorrow land of Allah”
