16 Replies to “Oh?”

  1. File this under “there never was one”, in the main folder “No Shit, Sherlock.”

  2. Who could have guessed that might happen? It’s only ten or twenty million. Sheesh. Meanwhile, Biden is doing a photo op at one of the quietest sectors of the Texas/Mexico border.

  3. Back When, when P.E.T. was pushing ‘Multiculturalism’, it appeared to me that he envisioned a Tammany Hall type setup, Portuguese here, Italians here, Greeks here, etc, (Jihadists hadn’t come onto the radar yet…perhaps), with an ethnically-associated Liberal Ward Boss pushing/manipulating them to vote Red for eternity……something akin to LBJ’s purported “I’ll have those….”

  4. I believe destroying our society was their goal, they can’t make us vote liberal or dipper so they replaced us with an entirely new Welfare Class for their votes.

  5. Reading a story about this on the Red Star website, one would think the exact opposite: that mass immigration is the only thing keeping Canada going, and that Pierre Poilievre and the CPC are just racist dinosaurs for believing otherwise. Housing crisis? Don’t worry, more immigration will fix that…

    (seriously…that’s what they believe; I tried suggesting that they fix the housing issue *first*…did not go over well)

  6. Why does it always take so long for the left to comprehend the blatantly obvious?

    And yet they’ll keep doing it because to stop would be to admit they were wrong and the “radical, far-right extremists” were right all along. They NEVER. EVER admit they were wrong.

  7. Re: “It’s hard not to think that Britain is following Canada into its third world-style population trap, where the cost of providing tools, housing and infrastructure for new arrivals has brought income growth to a halt.”

    And it takes a U.K. newspaper to point this out. I haven’t seen any mainstream Canadian paper do this (with the possible exception of the National Post).

  8. There was never a case for mass migration.


    Mass migration was used to largely replace the existing ethnicities, and excuses for doing something this treasonous were therefore required.

    It was obvious on its face that bringing in immigrants when unemployment remained high was foolish. The cost to train the unemployed is waaaaAAAAAaaaay lower than importing people who purportedly have those skills, but who have little to no English, their families, and the social costs for all of them – of which they contributed nothing.

    This was not the result of stupidity, but rather evil.

    The fact that the puppets in gov’t who are seen to lead these projects are often stupid is irrelevant.

  9. It’s a stupid “theory” to begin with.

    High in demand immigrants are going to go to the countries that provide them the best benefits, including freedom, low taxes, etc. And there isn’t a “mass” of them to begin with.

    The low in demand immigrants are going to go to the countries which provide them with the best benefits, including free health care, free education, free housing and welfare. There is a mass of these people, and you can find them in various enclaves (formerly ghettos) in Toronto.

  10. The nearly invisible Fraser Institute did a study many years ago, the upshot of which was that immigration was actually net negative to the economy; Not positive, not neutral but net negative.

    Please excuse my Smallwoodian rhetorical style. I spent my childhood on the Rock.
