The Libranos: ArriveScam


It is right on his LinkedIn that ArriveCAN contractor David Yeo, President of Dalian, works for the Department of National Defence. He has worked for the DND for *37* years – since 1987.

They just figured out he’s a federal employee that also won massive contracts? For real?

To complete the trifecta of corruption, enter Chief Big Screen TV.

The Globe and Mail first reported that the company presents itself as Indigenous-owned and together with another company, Coradix, worked on the ArriveCan app. According to the Globe, the two companies are in receipt of $400 million in government contracts.

Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu yesterday announced a review of how it awards contracts to Indigenous-owned businesses. The government’s policy is that five percent of the total value of government contracts go to Indigenous businesses by 2024.

31 Replies to “The Libranos: ArriveScam”

  1. As a consultant I’ve worked along side other consultants who were fully employed by the Federal Government and who billed their expenses to the government while I billed mine to the client. It’s maddening but what can you do?

    1. Steve… I too billed my services to the client (the head-hunter recruiting companies such as Coradix).

      Will you admit that pretty much the entire city of Ottawa works this way in collusion with these companies and the government.

      When I tell you fine folks at SDA that the City of Ottawa is totally corrupt, please believe me!

      $14 BILLION paid towards the government shrubs who are directly employed by the feds… not just in salaries, but in benefits INCLUDING a golden parachute of a pension. I’ve worked with people who DO NOTHING ALL DAY but COUNT THE DAYS UNTIL RETIREMENT!

      You folks can relax. I don’t have a pension plan. I can’t retire. I got paid for the actual work I did, and that’s it. The taxpayer is off the hook as far as I’m concerned. I can’t even collect EI. Only CPP, just like everybody else, but only when I turn 65.

      In case you were wondering, No! I did not work on Arrivescam. My involvement with Coradix ended well before 2020.

      1. Rod Bryden, a very successful Ottawa entrepreneur, made the public statement that civil servants were iirc ” contaminated” and should not be hired.

      2. I posted how this entire scam works somewhere – either here or BCF.
        This is how consulting/contracting has worked in Ottawa since I entered the workforce in 1986.
        Standing offers, sub-contracts, aboriginal set aside, two-step, head-hunters, call it what ever you want – its a scam.

    2. They “won” their own contracts (insiders), didn’t go through the process and have to give a share to the pimps. I whittled my pimp down to a very small percentage, they couldn’t find anyone else :=) . Also forced them to use my pimp when another wh*remaster won the contract as I refused to work with them.

      Then I retired on my own pension. Hopefully for good this time.

      I was private industry before doing contract work. Watching the processes inside the gov’t I’m not in the least surprised by any of these findings, or how insiders are abusing the process and nobody “notices”.

  2. More than 1000 contracts totalling $411,583,011, for a pair of companies that “share a two-floor commercial office in downtown Ottawa.”

    Colin Wood, who is the president of Coradix is ” also a director at Dalian.”

    Are they separate entities?

  3. Ah, the aboriginal procurement scam. Those not familiar with Ottawa are probably shocked, but vast amounts of technology the government buys gets skimmed through aboriginal shell companies.
    Check out, for example. It’s basically a one man company that he runs from his luxury waterfront house on the Rideau river in Ottawa. Note the company HQ of 802 Nesbitt place and look it up on google maps if you don’t believe me.

    Then look at the huge list of tech company logos on their web site. All that stuff gets bought through this one man aboriginal company with him taking a cut from it all.

    No doubt that is shocking to outsiders, and it should be, but it’s business as usual in Ottawa.

    1. DonnaCona. geebus… I’m so ashamed. Truly… Business as usual in that pit of a city.
      Just about everyone who lives there benefits off the tit of the federal government. Their entire society is a leach off of the rest of the country.

      Without the feds’ bubble, Ottawa wouldn’t know how to cope with the real world. Their society would cease to function. Just look at what happened to the city during the feds’ austerity phase back in the 90’s under the Chretien government.

    2. You are 100% correct – the only shocking thing here is that its news to the rest of Canada.
      Also – 802 Nesbitt place – isnt that Mac Browns old “business office” from the Hardware Canada days ?

  4. Tip. Of. Iceberg.

    Will our political and journalist classes have the cojones to investigate further?

    1. Documents lost or erased if not classified. Requests for info ignored or delayed. Shut down in committee.

      Business as usual the last 8 years.

      1. Pretty soon, the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government will just declare all contracts, data, communications and all other government information are not publicly available because of national security issues, cabinet confidentiality or sensitive trade secrets. Basically, that’s what this Trudeau government has already been doing during every one of their numerous scandals.

        The level of corruption of the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government is simply astonishing. It’s obvious that all of the watchdogs (rcmp, judges, media, etc.) are protecting Trudeau and not Canadian citizens and Canadian taxpayers. Typical of Banana Republic government systems.

  5. I got a kick out of Fraulein Short Chief Perogie Thighs at a press conference about affordable housing “we need to build more faster.”

    Just make everyone a Federal contractor and the problem is solved.

  6. Andrew Coyne furiously trying to find out what conventional wisdom is on this issue.

  7. “The government’s policy is that five percent of the total value of government contracts go to Indigenous businesses by 2024.”

    Institutionalized racism should be illegal.

    1. Section 15(2) of the constitution makes it mandatory.

      And of course that 5% is just for money laundering it through connected indigenous businesses, who then just give the actual work to someone else.

    2. Does anyone remember Reverend Reginald Bacon’s Urban Guaranty Investments in the novel “Bonfire of the Vanities”?
      Same sort of thing
      Rev. Bacon called it “Steam Control”

  8. Those who live more than 100Km from the Ottawa “bubble” have no idea of the corruption there.

    It is possible the 2-4 man company involved in ArriveCan had a “Standing Offer” in place.

    A Standing Offer is intended to be used to buy routine items like office supplies, etc. without issuing a tender , but is used by those with “connections” to obtain a directed a contract , often at a price below the Standing Offer maximum limit , but often escalated over time using the Salami Technique.

  9. At what point is the corruption via the Liberal regime enough to make people start protesting the waste of OUR money?

  10. Who is David Yeo? From his LinkedIn profile:

    “I am an Entrepreneur, War Veteran and direct descendant of our Treaty Signing First Nations Chiefs. (Alderville FN)

    DALIAN Enterprises Inc. specializes in Military Grade Security for commercially owned companies or Government Departments. Focused on Cloud Protection Services via SASE, we have the tools and experience that sets us apart from the other cloud security companies.

    Veteran Operated-Aboriginal Owned Company”

  11. ” … presents itself as Indigenous-owned and together with another company, Coradix, worked on the ArriveCan app.”

    Coradix: old Shuswap word meaning “Corps of dicks”.

    1. Yes. PPC have denounced him as he didn’t disclose the Dalian connection.

      Btw … Wonder if he was a Liberal plant as he would have needed Liberal help to pull off the $200M Dalian scheme.


    People who reside outside the 50km Ottawa bubble have no idea of the corruption in Ottawa. Dalian probably has a “standing offer” agreement set up with DSS. Yeo being a DND Insider would know how to do it and would have connections . Get a small project then he would slice off $$$ using the Salami Technique by escalating the project incrementally
