11 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. If a vaccine is actually a vaccine, then how can anybody who is vaccinated be put at risk by exposure to somebody who isn’t? This isn’t about science. It’s about logic. They are unthinking cultists.

    1. There is no “covid” vaccine, there is a gene therapy shot that has zero efficacy, is killing and injuring millions but, hey that’s ok because we believe government lies.
      The shots cannot provide sterilizing immunity and are not vaccines.

    2. geoih,

      I keep asking that question. The loony leftists won’t answer. And the bought-and-paid-for media won’t call them on it.

  2. I recommend reading the Irish link.

    “the government’s bid to bring in the most draconian hate speech laws of any Western nation in a move which has brought global attention. The bill is widely seen as an attempt to clamp down on criticism of the government’s handling of immigration.”

    It appears that the Irish need to do more than light fires. A lot more.

  3. Re: so the Irish traded one master for another, not that today’s British government isn’t as malignant.
    Have no idea if it’s true, but there are claims that Irish politicians are invested in the hotels for migrants so it looks and sounds like a racket.

  4. I wonder if that intolerant Liberal MP would say the self same hateful things in public without the protection of legal immunity. Politicians like him deserve to be fired in the next election.

  5. For that liberal Asshat of an MP, the Liberals treated the unvaxxed the same as Nazi Germany treated The Jews. There is a divide in Canada that will never heal. I will never trust the medical profession again. They should all be charged with murder as they are murderers. This includes all the members of parliament of all parties. Just my opinion, but prove me wrong.
