Wuhan, Manitoba


Two scientists at Canada’s high-security infectious disease laboratory – Xiangguo Qiu and her husband, Keding Cheng – provided confidential scientific information to China and were fired after a probe concluded she posed “a realistic and credible threat to Canada’s economic security” and it was discovered they engaged in clandestine meetings with Chinese officials, documents tabled in the House of Commons reveal.

Dr. Qiu, who worked at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, was dishonest when confronted with her actions, making “blanket denials” and “half-truths, and personally benefited from the arrangement,” the documents state, noting that she repeatedly lied to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and “refused to admit to any involvement in various PRC [People’s Republic of China] programs.”

The two infectious-disease scientists were escorted out of the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg in July, 2019, and later had their security clearances revoked. They were fired in January, 2021. Their whereabouts are not known.

Xiangguo Qiu an Keding Cheng’s connections to China are outlined in detail in a CSIS security assessment from Jan. 8, 2021, marked secret.Governor General’s Innovation Awards; Excerpt from CSIS report

CSIS, in a Jan. 8, 2021, report marked secret, said its findings call “into question Ms. Qiu’s loyalty to Canada and her reliability as it relates to loyalty.”


Dr. Qiu and her husband had an undisclosed bank account in China’s Commercial Bank, the documents reveal, and she had conducted research connected to the People’s Liberation Army. CSIS said it found an unfinalized work agreement for a talent program with Hebei Medical University that stipulated she would be provided with funding worth the equivalent of $1.2-million Canadian between 2018 and 2022.

The agency said it found an application from her to the program that said she would work for China’s Wuhan Virology Institute for at least two months every year.

As part of her enrolment, CSIS said, Dr. Qiu committed to “building the People’s Republic of China’s biosecurity platform for new and potent infectious disease research.”

The CSIS investigation found Dr. Qiu led a project at Wuhan Virology Institute that would assess cross-species infection and pathogenic risks of filoviruses – work that the service said suggests “gain-of-function studies were possibly to take place.”

Just ended: Pierre Poilievre comments on Winnipeg lab documents

37 Replies to “Wuhan, Manitoba”

    1. CBC has a lovely article explaining how it was all a misunderstanding. They were good people just sharing things the way all good scientists do.

  1. I just watched Pierre Poilievre’s 17 minute press conference. Unbelievable corruption, coverup and foreign interference. It looks like the majority of the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government scandals are circling back to the Chinese government. IMO, Justin Trudeau doesn’t just admire communist China…he is working hand in hand with them to fundamentally change Canada from a free country into an authoritarian, unfree country.

    I used to joke tongue-in-cheek
    that we might have to rename Canada to China North but what’s been happening for the last 8 years looks like that is reality, not a joke at all. Canadians should be angry and disturbed by what has been going on with the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government.

    1. “Canadians should be angry and disturbed by what has been going on ….

      here, let me finish that sentence for you:

      … but like my in-laws and the odd family member, they are fixated on the evil orange squirrel.

      1. “The real problem is that most Canadians are ridiculous, self-righteous, small-souled, ressentiment-addled little people.”

        To focus on the corruption that’s being reported is – apparently – to betray the gentle Canadian consensus (“the Peaceable Kingdom”), encourage “backlash” (“Stop Asian Hate”), and to give succor to those “dark forces” who are daring to call into question the inherent righteousness of the Trudeaupian Multicultural State; indeed, to highlight such apparently poses a Grave Existential Danger to the fragile Canadian federation.

        In some jurisdictions, criticism of the regime is seen as inherently patriotic – the US for example (“I love my country but I fear my government”) – but in Canada, whose largest province’s foundational narrative is an affirmation of servile obedience (“Loyal She Remains”), it is not.

      2. Canadians are too passive and complacent but if this level of corruption, collusion and cover up doesn’t wake them up, I’m not sure what will. Is this the biggest breach of national security in Canadian history? And it’s concerning deadly pathogens and research secrets that can be used in biological warfare, stolen by a country increasingly hostile to Canada and its allies. I can’t imagine anything more serious.

        Yet we still allow that hostile country to buy up Canadian land, homes and businesses. To interfere in our elections. To operate foreign police stations in our country. Conduct joint military exercises. Trudeau was going to buy their covid vaccines. They fund Canadian university level research. We even give them taxpayer’s money through various political and “investment” organizations. It’s appalling.

        1. Nothing, because they don’t want to wake up. It’s scary being a grown up!! Mommy government save me, wah! Wah!

      3. In addition, over 20% of those employed in Canada are in the public sector. They, plus everyone else in their households, will never say or do anything to upset the gravy train they are riding.

  2. So this is where we are? Two scientists with security clearance sell state secrets to the Chinese, and it’s a fireable offence? after a two year investigation? If this had happened the other way, and they had Chinese security clearance and were selling information to Canada, the family would have had the bill for the bullet 5-years ago.

  3. Slight change to the narrative….it should read “its findings call “into question Mr. TRUDEAU’s loyalty to Canada and his reliability as it relates to loyalty.”

    1. When the same country that infiltrating our highest security biolabs is also implicated in interfering in our election to mainly benefit the Liberal Party, an election that was called shortly after the Trudeau Winnipeg-Chinese biolab scandal emerged, I think stronger words that disloyalty might be considered appropriate.

      But I won’t be surprised if the mainstream media headlines will be “Pollievre’s Conservatives pounce…” and then bury the all the scandals as quickly as possible. Justin’s asskissing journalists will be working hard to earn their Trudeau government paychecks for awhile.

  4. So, yet another conspiracy theory that wasn’t?

    Remember the whole “you’re a racist for suggesting …………..” media thing following the original perp walk out the door? BTW, a country isn’t a race.

    Followed by the “national security” media blasts? National embarrassment actually.

    Figure this will blow over quickly, if it blows around at all.

    1. We have such short memories.
      Recall that the Speaker Rota had attempted to release info but was gagged by Trudeau, even sued.
      That event was mentioned today in Pollievre’s press conference.
      Also, I personally asked the question frequently on socialmedia: What happened at the Winnipeg lab at the start of the scamdemic?

      All ignored by his payed off MSM.

      1. Flank Prummer

        Why is “the smartest guy in Canada” a raging alcoholic?
        Is there something that drives him to drink?
        Is putting a guy with brain electrodes that drinks like a fish in charge of hiring Chinese Communist Spies for Canada’s most protected lab a good idea?
        Can our enemies blackmail him?

        Shut up, Raciss!

  5. Such a pity that their commie connections couldn’t be determined before they were hired, eh? (eye roll)

  6. It’s no surprise that Chinese scientists working in the Winnipeg lab had access to the lab. The real question is what was the lab itself researching? Also it wasn’t the Chinese alone that developed COVID via gain of function. America , through NGOs had a hand in Wuhan as well. Were we involved as well?
    Oh well pollievre is a politician and is playing it accordingly.

  7. Did anyone hear Pierre’s press conference today??
    He was barely done talking about the extreme corruption in the government and the media started screaming about his views on the free pharmacare.
    Evil , evil people in Ottawa.

  8. It was bad enough that the two were hired without proper vetting. But I’d be willing to let that slide, as CSIS did eventually discover the issues, and frog march them out of the lab.

    But to then wait a *A FULL YEAR* before yanking her security clearance? And now ‘whereabouts unknown’? And for the ‘sunny ways’ and ‘open information’ government that Pierre Jr. promised us to fight disclosure tooth and nail, to the point of having to cower before a Federal court to try to keep the facts hidden?

    If we accept this, then we truly have the government we deserve. Every gov’t facebook, twitter, and official page should be swamped with cries of “Resign!”.

  9. So through corruption, Canada became part of China’s bio weapons program. I wonder how much this contributed to the Wuhan virus. The Quid Pro Quo was tilting the elections to the Liberals. Let’s see if this story gets any legs.

  10. Jodie Wilson Raybold has chimed in on her Twitter/X.

    “Time for change”

    Will try to post link but my links are often ‘rejected’
    It is also well past time for Anthony Rota to speak up!

  11. so does Trudeau have an undisclosed bank account in China’s Commercial Bank? or is all funding laundered through the Trudeau Foundation? It will be twenty months before questions will be allowed to be asked. Is this the hate speech the new legislation is needed for?
