Your Criminal Future

The notion of prior restraint, or the idea that a person can be sanctioned today for a crime that he has not yet committed, but might commit in the future, just got a whole new lease on life in Canada. This idea gained traction during the pandemic when people were forced to quarantine despite the absence of any evidence that they were carrying Covid, so it’s not surprising to see some innovative totalitarians finding new uses for evil ideas.

Justice Minister Arif Virani has defended a new power in the online harms bill to impose house arrest on someone who is feared to commit a hate crime in the future – even if they have not yet done so already.

The person could be made to wear an electronic tag, if the attorney-general requests it, or ordered by a judge to remain at home, the bill says.

21 Replies to “Your Criminal Future”

  1. Could come in handy the next time the government decides to impose a lock-down, and you choose to remain unjabbed.

  2. Nice.. Self fulfilling murderous scumbag destiny.. When all I really wanted to do was talk.. = Insane..

    1. What I love the most about this is the focus.

      Here we are, February 2024, and the parks of Canada’s big cities are filled with… campers. Guys are taking a dump on the sidewalks in Toronto, because there’s no place else to take a dump.

      There’s a whole fricking house built of pallets and plastic sheet on a nature trail in the middle of the on-ramp circle from the Red Hill Expressway to the QEW in Hamilton right now. I’m sure that guy didn’t build it there because he liked the view. More for access to the creek.

      What’s Ottawa talking about? PreCrime! And verbal PreCrime at that, in case somebody might say something mean. Like in case somebody mentions the park campers, maybe.

      1. ^^this

        Thinking of building a camp in public is more criminal than actually building the camp in public. Same with thinking of say stealing a car, or some groceries. Perhaps you think of selling crack laced with fentanyl instead of selling said crack…
        Wow, our government is just soooo good at protecting us, aren’t they? It’s remarkable actually. Imagine all the pooh pooh head dumb dumbs in office they’re protecting.

        To think, 90 years ago people could build the Empire State Building in 13mo. Today’s day and age it would take 13mo to get past the gender equity study to allow someone to even submit for a building permit.

        Our fake problems are so bad we need to be protected from them.

  3. Every accusation by our Liberals is their confession.
    They really are this Sick,Twisted and Stupid.
    Future communications,with these creatures and those who support them..will begin;’Listen Pervert..”
    And as the convicts used to say,if I am to be hanged for stealing a lamb..
    “Tonight mutton chops”.

  4. To be fair, in the United States, you cannot get a driver’s license without registering at least a thumb print with the Department of Motor Vehicles. Which implies that all citizens with driver’s licenses are criminals who must provide the necessaries for future biometric tracking as needed.

  5. Mass migration is a hate crime, and per the UN is genocide. Here you have a man who immigrated to a country that was gracious enough to accept him, and now he’s putting into play future crime for the offense of criticizing him. We all know how these “anti bias” and “hate crime” laws work. They’re special anti white laws. Maybe we a catchy moniker for them? The Jonathan Codes?

  6. The reason Liberals want to curb free speech, including prior restraint, is because in the marketplace of ideas they are peddling an inferior product.

  7. The next election can be held while Rebel News, True North and every online news personality is de-banked , horse-stomped and locked up.
    You Raciss!

  8. Once more, with “feeling”:

    “”Show me the man and I will find you the crime.”

    Applied politics from Lavrentiy Beria, all round nasty man and Stalin’s NKVD chief for quite some years.

    Ayn Rand had some words to say about this in “Atlas Shrugged”:

    “Did you really think we want those laws observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them to be broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against… We’re after power and we mean it… There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.”

  9. and still they vote for this and cheer him on in avoid an answer period.

    etc etc etc.


  10. Don’t think for a second this blog won’t be the first thing they come for. The gov wants to shut people up because in recent light it has been revealed that Winnipeg was ground zero for C19 and they are responsible.
    They’ll come for everyone on here.

    1. Let them come. I’ve had a full life, and if my finale is to take a handful of them with me, so be it.

  11. “Let them think of eating cake.”

    I really hope you folks are sharpening the blade on the guillotine.

    1. I hear that when ever I hear a stranger say ” oh well what are you supposed to do” when the times we are in comes up in conversation.
