Your Moral and Intellectual Superiors

Jeffrey A. Tucker has recently published a stinging rebuke of the WEF cretins and their supporters who have been stuck on stupid for years:

More and more, it’s obvious what a disaster this was. And yet no one has apologized. Hardly anyone has admitted error. The big shots who wrecked the world are still in power.

The rest of us are left holding the bag, and paying very high repair bills for cars that are non-optimal for driving from one town to another and back again in the cold weather that was supposed to be gone by now had the “climate change” prophets been correct. They turn out to be as correct as those who promised us that we would no longer need “fossil fuels” and that the magic inoculation would protect everyone from a killer virus.

What astonishing illusions were born of this nutty and destructive period. At some point, not even corporate CEOs will be tricked by the experts.

h/t James MacMaster

26 Replies to “Your Moral and Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Why are we the citizens not consulted on our politicians spending sprees on new technology before they give billions away to the concept not yet available or so early in production that huge failure occurs with the technology?
    Let’s look at hydrogen engineering engines… current have a heck of a problem with burning the engine due to higher temperature heat the engine gets and difficult when using inferior products to try and correct like aluminum or plastic pieces.

  2. Banks know it’s bullshit, otherwise they wouldn’t be giving 30 year loans on properties that “will disappear as a result of “climate change”” but they continue to mouth the pieties so that they don’t run afoul of the government religion and get declared heretics.

  3. “More and more, it’s obvious what a disaster this was. And yet no one has apologized.”
    I watched a Dr Thomas Sowell interview where he mentions that no politician has to face the consequences of their poor decisions, so no matter how disastrous the policy is, there are no repercussions.

    1. And for those rare occasions where consequences become due the venal Rulers have ensured the consequences are of little consequence. Nothing encourages bad behaviour more than absence of consequence.

  4. I don’t think too many corporate CEOs were “tricked” in any sense. They willingly collude in blatant and monstrous lies to win fleeting favors. The same goes for the union heads.

    1. Exactly!

      My life was far from perfect prior to 2020, but in retrospect, compared to what it is like today, it wasn’t that bad.
      These bastards wrecked any chance I could have had for a peaceful retirement. It will be difficult for me to forgive what they have done to me and my family.

      They should all rot in that very special place where ne’er-do-wells go when their time on this planet expires.

      As I said… VERY difficult to forgive!

      1. I love my country. I HATE the government, bureaucracy both federal and provincial!!
        May they rot in hell!!!
        I will never never forget or forgive them!!!

        1. I think you are speaking for millions of Canadians.
          It’s time for a major purge of out current leadership … including the hapless desk jockeys who actually do SFA but they will get a pension for it.

  5. It’s not over until Canada stops telling people everyone needs an experimental mRNA shot in a lipid nanoparticle transfection unit with known harms all by itself, contaminated with dsDNA and an SV40 promoter, that forces our own cells to produce a toxic spike protein.

    It’s over when the combination of snivelling butt kissers who keep looking the other way and the corrupt losers happy to let their fellow Canadians die of adverse effects so they can collect Big Pharma and government kick backs are in jail where they belong.

    That’s when the great reset is over and not one minute sooner.

    1. Well said. I couldn’t agree more.
      I never took the jab and warned others, but most fell for the BS. My family didn’t comply.
      We paid a heavy price for non-compliance, but it seems now … to have been worthwhile.

      I will never forgive my fellow citizenry and government for how they treated we who didn’t buy in. They were calling for us to be imprisoned or forced to take the jab or killed outright.

      How’s your myo-cardio doing these days?

      1. Cancer everywhere in my community. We just had another case of Stage 4 advanced cancer in someone that had their gallbladder removed a few months ago and who had nothing bad going on. Now she has gone from 0 to stage 4 cancer in the four months since her last booster.

        1. A friend of mine just had to have half his tongue removed from a form of oral cancer so rare less than 1 in 10,000 chain smokers ever get it. He’s 45. Never smoked a day in his life, but he’s up to date on all his boosters.

    2. Justin

      100% Agree.
      I want a fking PUBLIC apology at bare minimum for being called to my face an “Anti Science, Racist Misogynist who is Not to be tolerated” and by reference, should be done away with.

      I’ve said it before, this Liberal party is the 21st century equivalent of the NSDAP.

  6. This is why I believe in small government. Anything (and I DO mean anything) which the government tries to control, turns to crap. Our “wonderful” healthcare system is close to collapse and that is why MAID is being offered to more and more people – get rid of the “useless eaters (I am 72 and am considered to be “no longer productive” – paying taxes). Two days ago, I received in the mail a form to sign up for free dental care. I did, but within a few years, this will have turned to crap as well.
    Small government to me, means following international regulations, maintaining our inter-provincial roads (sorry Guilbault!), airports and ports; maintaining a good defense of the country (our military has gone from being one of the best in WWII, to now being a laughingstock in the world); maintaining good international relationships both politically and mercantile (helping our industries become international successes); and going after ALL criminals and defending our borders (no illegal immigration). It would be nice, if real budgets were prepared and adhered to along with sustainable repayment of international loans. I can only dream!

  7. The left is more comfortable working in government. That is why there is so much stupidity in government. That is why so many things make no sense.

    We need to purge those millions who pretend to work for government when, in reality they are doing little of importance … Their lives are pointless and that, in part, is why they are so unhappy and bitter. They hate their own lives. They blame us conservatives for their woes. Hahaha blame away … we enjoy your pain.

    My schadenfreude flares up when see yet another disillusioned young person with a useless arts degree whining to a reporter that they cannot get a job that pays enough to live and pay their student loan. Hahahahah …. sorry but you should have known better. This world needs skilled tradesmen not a women’s studies grad.

      1. Fair point, roaddog. There seems to be an oversupply of basket cases thanks to the march through the institutions. They are all gonna need baskets.

  8. Ain’t no cure for stupid.
    You do not give Stupid the truck keys.
    We have elected the Useless and Clueless for decades.
    “The Lesser Evil” When those lusting for power all stink on ice.
    If they want the job,so badly that they will humiliate themselves,tell any tale necessary and adopt any persona..To sell themselves to the masses..
    These people are by default unfit for the job.

    Hence we get the current crop.
    All 338 voted to stomp on the citizens.
    All 338 stood up to applaud a genuine NASTY relic from WW2.
    All stepped aside as the State of Thuggery (And Panic) attacked their real political opposition..
    Confederation is a fraud.
    Canada may be too big,housing too many parasites to be viable.
    A Nation must have common ethics and goals.
    Borders that it can defend.

    So much for Can Ahh Duh.
    Splitting up into Makers and Takers Nations will be a real eyeopener.
    WEXIT,while the parasites still believe they can flee to their Welfare State homeland.
    Saves all kinds of nastiness.
    And the experiment with Big Government has been run.
    Total failure.
    A debt that is blatant treason against our grandchildren.
    Time to reverse the order of “Government”..

    Taxes to be paid locally,never exceeding 10%.
    Province and Federal to be paid from the local collection.
    10% of 10% of 10% is still too much for the Ottawa Freeloaders.

    All who tax air,shall be denied it,preferably in a up close and loving fashion with two opposable thumbs.
    Stupidity must be rewarded.
    And I am feeling mighty generous,in that respect, toward our “helpers”.

    Stupid has come out and clearly identified themselves..As The state of Thuggery.
    A State that no decent person can support.
    Every ethical person should be duty bound to destroy such a state…

    And the Dear Leaders know this,hence they rush to criminalize all discussion and expression of doubt.
    “Hate Crimes” only exist in the fetid little minds of Haters.
    Every accusation from our Progressive Comrades is confession.
    They hate,with a mindless passion and lack of reason that only a Progg can sustain.
    “Mummy,they are mocking me”
    Make them stop..

  9. The Ministry of The Problem
    Feb 29, 2024

    Once upon a time, there was a problem. It was a big problem to the people who were bothered by it.
    So, a few of the people took their problem to the government, hoping for them to fix it. A meeting was scheduled and there was hope that the problem would soon be rectified.
    As the government studied the problem, they came to the conclusion that it was indeed a problem and that something had to be done. They brought it up at the next council meeting, and they too agreed that it was a big problem. So a vote was taken and they decided to form a committee to study the problem.
    Of course, the committee would need resources. So, they had another meeting to decide on the resources they would need. The first thing they discovered was that they would need a committee to decide what resources they were going to need. The first thing they would need was a budget for the new committee.
    At the next council meeting, they presented their case. They explained how the problem was much bigger than they originally suspected, and that the funding for the problem committee was urgent. The council voted and they decided to fund the committee, but told them that their budget was limited, as it was, after all, money taken from the tax payers and they were responsible to them. It was agreed to fund the committee with $1,000,000 per year, but they warned that they had better come up with the solution to the problem or the committee would be dissolved.
    With a budget now in place, the committee got to work. At first they met in a board room in the government offices, but it was quickly determined that it was too small and that they didn’t have the man power needed to effectively deal with the problem. So, they went to the council and informed them that their budget was too small, since they needed more people and more room. The council agreed and increased their budget in order to help them solve the problem.
    A new building was procured and the committee moved in and hired a few more people. A receptionist, a manager and a janitor, all relatives of the head of the committee. Now the work of solving the problem could begin in earnest.
    Every morning, after coffee, they met to dig into the problem. Solutions were offered, and then rejected. But they all came to the conclusion that the problem was way bigger than they first thought, in fact it was a dire emergency and they decided that an actual ministry was needed. They presented their findings to the government.
    A special meeting was called and, even though a few members didn’t think it was a big enough problem to warrant an entire ministry, they were outvoted and a new ministry was formed, The Ministry of The Problem.
