40 Replies to “Hockey Night In Trudeaupia”

  1. Liberal justice system.
    Democracy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

    I’ve heard it said, “you get the government you vote for.” I’ve never once voted for such a misguided corrupt bunch of thieves and degenerates yet here we are.

    What a shame. Canada had such promise.

    1. Just rereading Hermann Hesse’s “Steppenwolf” (written in 1927) Repeat, repeat, repeat.

  2. No wonder the Liberals needed a carbon tax, someone has to pay for criminals and their lavish lifestyles.

  3. The Bernardo case highlighted how utterly feckless the OPP were and are. Crown prosecutors were just straight up lazy.
    The fact Karla Holmolka did her minimal time, managed to get married…pop out a kid or two over the last 20 years is a slap in the face to the families.

    1. Every time I hear about guys like this my only thought is “why is he alive?”
      Next election cycle, seriously, ask your MP why? They all get really squirrelly about the death penalty.
      It’s this slippery slope that starts eliminating MAPS and that REALLY terrifies people that work in the swamp.

  4. 3 young women murdered? Pffft!
    He’s a Sunday School boy compared to our leaders and doctors who pushed lockdowns and the jab, and they’re living even better!

  5. I would think skates would be dangerous – you could slash someone’s throat with one or at least do a serious injury.
    And yes, the OPP were absolutely clueless. The video tapes of the tortures and rapes were hidden in the accessible tile ceiling of his house. If you read any crime novels, you know that is one of the first places to stash your contraband. Mind you, I also think that the RCMP are living off of their glory days from 100 years ago. I have a very “low” opinion of government and quasi government employees.

    1. They might have had a chance to find those tapes if Homolka’s lawyer hadn’t scooped them up first, which he then leveraged into the sweetheart deal.

      1. The obvious problem is that her lawyer was concealing evidence, but he never paid any price for it.

        1. It isn’t so much that he concealed the evidence because one of the basic tenets of our legal systems is the defense doesn’t have to disclose all of their evidence. The problem is that he breached a secured crime scene to get them.

          1. exactly. at some point he knew where the recordings were.
            if he kept his mouf SLAMMED SHUT thats std procedure, but
            that wasnt enough he had to make sure the investigators didnt find them.

    1. Someone deserves to die, so give the same courts who locked up pastors for feeding people, locked u[p the Coutts 4, etc the power to kill people.
      What could go wrong?

      1. Yeah. That would be my take on it. Yes, Bernardo should have got the long drop. And no, the authorities absolutely can’t be trusted with that power. Never, not for a second.

        Sucks, but there it is.

        1. I have to agree with you. Government cannot be permitted the power to kill people regardless of what they’ve done. Canada has a history of far too many judicial abuses involving executions. It’s for exactly this kind of reason that most of us here object to MAID or eugenics.

          “Sucks, but there it is.” Agreed, we live in an imperfect world which cannot be easily “improved”. The socialists and social scientists are always trying to improve things, and generally they only make them worse. The only question is how much worse.

          1. I agree that the government should not be given that power.

            However, the government needs reminding that certain criminals should never see freedom every again, and warehousing them in a max security prison is for the good of society.

          2. “Government cannot be permitted the power to kill people…”

            My take on it exactly. Too many higher-ups calling for severe repercussions against people who questioned COVID vaxes and lockdowns, who deny global warming, who challenge gov’t-sponsored “misinformation” campaigns; you know they’d be weaponizing “involuntary MAID” at the first opportunity. ” – Oh, it’s VERY humane”…

            Nope. Sociopathic scum like Bernardo, Allan Legere, “Mister” Williams… those guys proved they’re unworthy of being called “human”, they’re dangerous zoo animals whose social camouflage is perfect. They get adjoining cells; and their cell doors don’t have locks, they have thick steel pads. Shove ’em in the cell and the door gets welded shut, and they get out when their remains can be hosed under the door.

            And I hear the bleeding-hearts howl ” – But that’s CRUEL!!!” – not as cruel as what I’d like to do to them; trust me. Treat ’em worse than farm animals, yep! – with their own actions, they’ve earned no better. And if it turns-out they were railroaded by crooked cops and ‘overzealous’ judiciary and are actually innocent, the welders come back and re-open the door, we hand ’em a big lump of cash and tell them how sorry we are, and we turn them loose to live-out their lives. Too late to find that out once they’re dead.

      2. you got it YH. the really really serious bad ones the ones we can all agree are guilty, those ones in fact deserve the needle, noose, volts etc.
        sadly having slaked their bloodlust then they go after the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tier.

        and proceed to execute the likes of Guy Paul Morin because . . . because . . . . . . . .
        he played the piccolo and thats WEIRRRRRRRDDDDDDD so MUST BE HIM!!!
        and that dear Canaduh is why l oppose said death penalty because YOUR legal cystem is PURE SHYT when it comes to the big cases, the headline grabbers.

  6. Pure outrage porn made by a politician trying to make political hay out of it to advance his career.
    The jabs and lockdowns killed, and are still killing more people than dozens of Paul Bernardos, and yet he, and the rest of our owners are silent. He and his colleagues are pikers compared to Bernardo when it comes to killing people.

    1. 100% on your first comment against capital punishment : preventing government from killing a convicted murderer due to widely acknowledged incompetence.

      This one, which de-ranks the serial killer/rapist Bernardo, is “Whataboutism”, an extreme logic fail. You cannot equate these two forms of killing.

      1. One killed 3, the other thousands or millions.
        I can hear you bleating that Adolph didn’t actually kill anybody.

    2. “Government cannot be permitted the power to kill people…”

      The government has had that power for years. Consider abortion. In Sask Moe said abortion was an essential service. The government kills innocent people with our tax dollars every day. So the government can kill people ‘legally’ but if I kill someone it is a crime. Double standard. Government is our enemy.

  7. First of all, the guy doesn’t deserve to be alive. They should have put him down like a rabid dog long ago. But I get it, this is Canada, and Canadians are just too polite to look a murderer in his cold dead eyes and pull the trigger. Unless it’s a 13 year old with spina bifida, then here’s your pills.

    But really, it’s probably a cheap way to entertain the prisoners, and entertained prisoners are probably a lot easier and cheaper to deal with than not. Plus there’s probably a lot less screaming and moaning at night if the guys are all tuckered out after a good hockey game.

    I still wouldn’t trade my freedom for a hockey rink/tennis court.

      1. joe, coincidentally I was mulling over this concept myself recently. MAiD, or the various suicide tools like rope, sharp edges, etc. left in the cell. I don’t have a moral problem with this; certainly far less of a moral problem that making MAiD available to people suffering from depression.

  8. Here’s the key word to all of this … “compassion”.

    Come on Canadians … where is your “compassion”? What’s that you say? Where is the compassion for his victims? They’re all dead … so they don’t NEED your compassion. But these killers are alive, and a society will be judged by how well we take care of our prisoners. A society will be judged by our compassion for the least among us. Come on Christian’s? Didn’t Christ himself ask if you’ve visited prisoners? To show your compassion?

    Yes, this is what Marxist revisionist culture has done to us … it’s redefined our language. Compassion used to be deployed for the victims of EVIL or unfortunate circumstances beyond their control … now, it’s the EVIL we’re told deserves our compassion. Yes, “Lola” … “ It’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world …” … and it’s not good. It won’t end well.

  9. Bets on how cushy they’ve set up Col Russel Williams after they paid him his pension?

  10. Magnotta or whatever his name is today has also been transferred to the same prison.

    You have to wonder who else that we don’t know about so far has been.

    And ultimately it’s as a result of Liberal Legislation that says prisoners should be held in the lowest level security available.

  11. This isn’t the 17th century where they tortured prisoners for the guards psychopathic pleasure.

    If prisons aren’t run humanely they will become dangerous places with regular riots and attacks on the staff.

  12. Crown Prosecutors would send your grandma to jail for canning, if it got them a win. I have had the opportunity to engage them on multiple occasions, and I’m no criminal, nor have I ever been. They are promoted and celebrated for victories regardless of how the facts play out. They are glorious tax collectors and modern day executioners. They wrap themselves in “honor”, “justice”, and “equality”, but you all know it’s true.

    When has a serious politician ever been charged by the crown for misappropriating? Running Foundations? Giving away taxpayer money terrorist groups? Deliberately hiding evidence of a crime? I’ve seen crown go after people like a hitman for Covid infractions. I’ve seen the crown lie and pull out all stops to get a conviction on a speeding ticket. I have worked in the courts, and most defence attorneys are at least honest about what they are trying to accomplish. The crown only surrenders if they know they can’t win, but will try and trick confessions, admitances, or paying a fine even when they know they are wrong.

    Having said that, Bernardo should be dead by now for what he did. Homolka too. We tolerate the intolerable, and embrace the absurd.

  13. I’m surprised Bernardo hasn’t yet declared himself trans and asked to be moved to a women’s prison.

  14. Prisons used to be self-sufficient. Grew their own food, did their own laundry and took care of maintenance of the facilities. The inmates were required to work to keep it that way. Then some libtard decided that was cruel and unusual punishment.

  15. A government should never get to kill its citizens.

    With imprisonment, I believe a big problem is not “knowing” that some people can’t be rehabilitated and not “knowing” that some people shouldn’t be rehabilitated.
    Bernardo is one or the other or both. So is that evil bitch Homolka.

    These prisoners in “punishment only” – no parole, no skating, no visitors, no TV/computer, no books with pictures, etc. – should be able to ask for MAID.
    But they’re never getting out alive.
    And they’re never having a conversation with anyone but themselves ever again.
