19 Replies to “How did Rome fail?”

  1. That’s easy. They had too many inbred Europeans.

    Without diversity every empire will die!

    1. Nice try, but the truth is the Romans absorbed dozens of cultures and millions of foreign peoples.
      Diversity is the acid that erodes social cohesion.

      1. “..Diversity is the acid that erodes social cohesion..”

        I love it PJ. As for Unthing…? I usually place that particular dipshit on Ignore.
        In my opinion – the Diversity we see on a daily basis is designed to Destroy our Culture if not ourselves in the end. When its half a million+ per year on a regular basis with none of it being True Immigrants nor of Euro Descent…yea, its a destructive force all right – and done so ON PURPOSE.

    2. And it was just yesterday you accused Reader of lying!

      I for one hope that you keep posting, Un-Real… because it keeps us all on our toes as to what and how the other side thinks and acts as our “morally and intellectually superior” class.

  2. If you’re smarter than your boss…
    Usually not a good thing.
    Either people will try to rip off your creation or take credit for what they didn’t do.
    Being fired would be a blessing compared to what they can do to you or how foolish that they have made themselves.
    Even when you try to have other people be aware of the error…boss looked foolish praising a mistake he created and another showed his error.
    Site supervisor was aware

  3. America is heading down many dangerous paths right now. In fact they’ve already arrived at several undesirable destinations.

    1. And the Romans didn’t have “The View”…. Where Whoopi just suggested that the President has the authority to throw all Republicans in jail. And that he needs to. And in the very same breath said the Bush vs Gore Supreme Court ruling was ” the day democracy died”. Her not seeing the obvious double standard and those that believe her, is why the empire is dying. I mean, if Trump were to say exactly her words but towards Democrats, she’d looooooooose her mind. The fact that networks support and promote crap like this (are you listening, CBC) is a sign of the downfall.

  4. Bread and circuses. Welfare and smartphones.

    The more things change, the more they remain the same.

  5. Takers Dominate.
    Makers stop making.
    When The State becomes more repulsive and destructive than the Barbarians..
    Welcome to Nero Land.
    The State of Thuggery.
    Being old enough to remember the days when our “Civil Service” had standards and ethical citizenry ..
    We be done.
    Every 80 years,or so Bill Whittle says.

  6. Gradually at first.
    Then all at once.
    Glad you asked.
    There can be no “Reform” when you must first fight and then carry your enemies to sanity..
    When your enemies proudly self identify?
    Take notes.
    Then thank them kindly.
    Right now,thanks to government wisdom,outliving most of our enemies is easy..
    The best revenge.

  7. Lets see now. Allowing people to serve in our armed forces with (zero) back ground checks.
    What could go wrong?


  8. Rome self-destructed very much like the ‘West’ is doing now.
    The ruling class will not admit it, though they know it.
    The ruling class graduated in social studies, and they know things.
    How to lie with persuasion. How to say that white is obviously black. How to tell you the sky is falling on just about everything when sky will be there whatever they say. How to tell when they burn the cities and tell you that it’s mostly peaceful. How a mostly peaceful demonstration on the grounds of congress is an insurrection.
    And so on and so on and so on.

  9. I’m sure GOD’s list of America’s sins is almost big enough to exact GOD’s coming righteous judgement.
