March 5, 2024: Reader Tips

The following movie was scheduled for March 25th but a reader with the same first name as yours truly recommended it as well so we’re moving it to today. With 93%/91% ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, and very timely to what’s going on today, we present the 1964 film, Fail Safe.

Don’t play safe with your tips. Do share, share away!

78 Replies to “March 5, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. “Very neat video about the SR-71:”

      Saw it at an airshow years ago (Abbotsford). Incredible aircraft.

    2. speaking of aircraft, looking for suggestions.
      l have a 1/32 scale model P51 still in the box unopened purchased long ago, before l came into possession of 3 fine part mastiffs, daddy and 2 kids, and a Yamaha guitar lm determined to learn. as such zero time left of the 100 hours to turn this plastic into a beautiful collectors item.
      lm willing to ship it anywhere n america to an organization can assure me one of theirs will do just that. specifically a vintage aircraft club, veterans support organization, museum or such.
      please confirm independently and post reply only here.
      l saw one of these follow the niagara river at its mouth, niagara-on-the-lake. had to be around 1986. he banked left and l saw that bubble canopy and the checkerboard, and never forgot the doppler on that enormous engine sound.

      1. Try the National Air Force Museum of Canada at Trenton air base, Ontario…Open Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 5pm. Phone 1-613-965-7223.
        Check out their website.

        1. acknowledged. will advise. tq.
          l know how exactingly beautiful these scale models can be, but just dont have the time anymore. at present for instance spending lots of my retirement prepping this place for divestiture.
          l cannot do this artifact justice and hate to think it would wind up some yard sale gubbage.
          l consider l owe it to all those who flew them in the process of pulverizing tyranny.

        1. Dustoff

          I’ve never seen a B-58 Hustler in person. Had a model of one when I was a kid. Very cool.

          Knew a guy who flew Sabres for an Air National Guard. He saw a Hustler in the distance. From the morning briefing he knew the Hustler would be making a right turn, so he flew his Sabre at a 45 degree angle towards the Hustler’s new course and was able to pull up along side it. The Hustler pilot looked over at him, lit the afterburners and pulled rapidly away.

      1. Kate and I agreed that it would be best if I don’t reply to your posts anymore, so from now on I will be treating you like I have been treating GYN, that applies to all your personalities.

          1. Yawn. Remind me again, how many T-90s (declared by Poo to be “best tanks in the world”) burned on the battlefield against this single M-1? And how many thousands of feet did the turrets of those T-90 fly up in the air, if combined?

            I’m sure I already posted it here, but one more time will not hurt:

            Those russische schweine must be just like you, attempting to mock others after mountains of ridicule they willingly brought upon themselves.

        1. “Kate and I agreed that it would be best if I don’t reply to your posts anymore, so from now on I will be treating you like I have been treating GYN, that applies to all your personalities.”

          That’s okay, you can always use your own sock puppet ‘Surfer’ to continue making a fool of yourself here.

          1. LOL, says the poster who previously wrote to me “unlike your buddy Colon, you can see”. Not only you’re shit-st00pid, but also have a memory of a goldfish. I suggest you jot it down on a sticker whether I’m a sock-puppet or not, so as not to embarass yourself anyone.

          2. Kate and I agreed that it would be best if I don’t reply to your posts anymore, so from now on I will be treating you like I have been treating GYN and Paul/YeahWell.

          3. Too bad you don’t respond to them anymore; your attacks on schweinie-lovers were the biggest single reason for reading this blog.

          4. “Ukraine Is Russia”, LOL, sure the midget can talk the talk, but so far his fellow ruϟϟische schweine have been unable to walk the walk, and he himself hasn’t even tried.

          5. “Too bad you don’t respond to them anymore; your attacks on schweinie-lovers were the biggest single reason for reading this blog.”

            I appreciate that, and I enjoy your writing too. It is just the agreement I made with Kate and I intend to stick to it. I have been ignoring several of them already anyway.

          6. Reads like a nazi bathhouse orgy around here today.

            You two should get a room. Gag.

          7. Not sure what you’re talking about, but in any case, the only Nazis in the real world are Ruϟϟischeschweinazis and you show yourself to be one from time to time.

        2. “Kate and I agreed that it would be best if I don’t reply to your posts anymore, ..”
          Given the “quality” of your emotional outbursts on the subject of Russia Ukraine,I will be most amused to see if Kate and yourself share the same agreement..
          You show every sign of hearing only what you want to hear and a staggeringly exaggerated opinion of your own abilities.
          You will be befouling this site with your droppings until your gracious hostess cuts you right off.
          Then you will be back with yet another persona.
          This is a real easy 2024 prediction.

          1. @John Robertson

            He’s been shamed and neutered go easy on him, even Smegle got a little pity in LOR regardless of what a vile little creature it became.

          2. I see a colon post and most of the time I scroll on by. Same with the un one and a couple of others. Once in awhile I will snark on one.

          3. Kate and I agreed that it would be best if I don’t reply to your posts anymore, so from now on I will be treating you like I have been treating GYN, Paul/YeahWell and Low IQ Freddie.

    1. LOL, and don’t forget that the human-fancying pig were trying to scare the world with “Armata” for over a decade, never mind that it was an embarrassment from the very beginning, when it stalled the Red Square.

      The simple truth is, Ruϟϟischeschweinen Pediration is extremely backward technologically, much more so than the USSR was. Even their propaganda machine would hardly ever challenge that fact for consumer-grade products (even seen what a Russian CPU looks like?), but until this little war in Ukraine they could always raise the pride of 25+ generation alkie quadrupeds by touting their “analogovnet” weapons ad nauseum (because you can’t buy a Russian missile and see what’s inside, like you could do with a “Russian” phone and see that it was made in China mostly from Chinese components).

      Unfortunately for the human-fancying pigs, the war has mercilessly torn the carefully woven fabric of propaganda off the shitty pockmarked hemorrhoidal Ruϟϟischeschweinen arse. Every unbiased observer can see now that Kinzhal is shit, T-90 is shit, Armata is worse than shit (because it, basically, doesn exist), etc., etc. Their only outlet now is nuclear weapons, which they will likely never use, so I’m sure we’ll hear a lot about “nuclear-powered” Durevestnik, etc.

      1. Well they have reached their evolutionary limit in the 80s (and that only because they were sucking the life force out of civilized people they have conquered). Since then it has been a time of suckage. Armata is not the first new best tank ever that will dominate the planet they abandoned. Remember T-95 or the Black Eagle? they too got nowhere. They would not even have T-90M without western tech. That is why the few surviving T-90Ms are so highly praised. Ukrainians have compared captured/destroyed T-90Ms and it is clear that the war production of their top tanks has been dumbed down to russian tech levels.

        How many newest bestest fighters have they developed since the end of Cold War? Remember Su-37, S-37/Su47, MiG 1.42/1.44? They actually cancelled the last one decades ago because Su-57 was supposed to be more promising. LOL. You know the one they still can’t get beyond prototype stage and more than six have never been photographed at the same time (at least until recently). Americans are producing their fifth stealth aircraft type while orcs have produced six stealth aircraft.

        This shithole seriously needs to be taken down to its natural nomadic level and not be a threat to the civilized.

        1. Yes, I do remember “black eagle”. Hyped disproportionally, I believe it’s just a modernised T-80 and they did make a handful, some of which were lost in Ukraine.

    2. My God, but you Uke-lovers are boring. Go find another blog to infest.

      1. “My God, but you Uke-lovers are boring. Go find another blog to infest.”

        I once thought Colonialista and Surfer were two separate people, but now I’ve come to realize that the odds of finding two individuals as shamelessly hateful and gleefully bloodthirsty (not to mention grossly immature) as these on one blog is a real stretch. One sociopath is what ‘they’ really are.

        1. Is that how you try wiggle your way from yet another self-contradiction you displayed here?

          Also, clearly you haven’t done your homework after I told you to learn the difference between hatred and contempt.

          1. “Is that how you try wiggle your way from yet another self-contradiction you displayed here?”

            What contradiction? At first I thought you were two different people, until I read enough of your posts to convince me that you were not. That’s what normal, rational people always do…we don’t jump to immediate conclusions until we have some kind of evidence to support them.

            (yeah, I know…you can’t relate to ‘normal’. That’s fine, little guy…you do you…)

            “Also, clearly you haven’t done your homework after I told you to learn the difference between hatred and contempt.”

            I can see how this might be confusing for you. I’ll explain it in as simple terms as I can:

            Wishing people painfully, bloody deaths and calling entire populations ‘subhuman’ is the very definition of hatred. Contempt, on the other hand, is what the rest of us here feel towards you.

            (clear now? You’re welcome, Colon…)

          2. Whatever, Flinny. I’m sure you have as much “evidence to support” that claim of yours as you did for “Ukraine having no Air Force left” and all other instances when you said something stupid and then pathetically attempted to backtrack when presented with facts. If you want some friendly advice, go and get examined by a shrink, cause it looks to me like you’re on tack to become another Kahane Tzadek… Or perhaps you consider that poster a perfectly normal person and don’t mind?

        1. You’re right about “they really got some emotional attachment to tanks”; it’s a bit of a cult among the russische schweine, but that’s not so much because of what tanks are. They were just one of those things that the human-fancying pigs could fool themselves about (you can’t really compare Russian and Western tanks the way you can compare cars) and due to their inferiority complex the orcs need self-aggrandising myths as much as humans need air to breathe. They will just switch to their nuclear missiles now.

  1. 5D chess I tell ya:

    “In February alone, some of China’s biggest banks stopped doing business with Russia. On February 7, Chouzhou Commercial Bank, the main Chinese bank facilitating Russia’s imports, stopped doing business with Russia. By February 21, three of China’s four largest banks—the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the China Construction Bank, and the Bank of China—had stopped doing business with sanctioned Russian institutions. More financial institutions will likely follow suit …

    The effects of secondary sanctions are also beginning to work their way through the Russian economy. Since the beginning of 2024, banks in Turkey have severed nearly all financial ties with Russia. The UAE (which recently joined the BRICS) has similarly begun exiting the Russian market. Cyprus, once a safe haven for the Russian ultra-rich, announced it would begin partnering with financial crimes specialists from the U.S. FBI to root out sanctions evasion. ”

    For those who have problems understanding: the role of sanctions is not to knock out but to cripple. Iran and NK exist under sanctions for decades, they aren’t exactly thriving though, are they?

      1. Far from it, also irrelevant. Chicoms are in crisis, entirely self inflected but it does not change the fact that they are a lifeline for orcs, and the lifeline has just got cut off. Orcs are running out of alternatives to do international banking on large scale. Read the article.

    1. If you haven’t already seen it, check out the movie Control. Decent time-waster.

    1. There’s a few problems here. The big one being su34s aren’t flying any more.

  2. Yet another Ruϟϟischeschweinen warship has just sailed to where they all destined to (ask Ukrainians on the Snake Island): Ukraine blows up ANOTHER Russian warship as vid shows moment sea drones hit £35million Sergey Kotov corvette

    And this was one of the most modern ships they had there. I wonder how long before the Ruϟϟischeschweinen top brass starts pulling their brats out of the Black Arse (I mean Sea) Fleet “service”… Unless it’s been done already, that is.

    1. Burn baby burn. Couple of days ago I have written that Ukrainian naval drones haven’t sunk a modern fleet warship yet. They did now. Russkiy voyennyy korabl’ idi na khuy. And so he went.

      1. Yes, I remember that you’d said the drones hadn’t sank a modern warship, that’s why I mentioned that one was modern (commissioned in 2021).

        1. I wonder if Russian submarines have any value? Heard somewhere that Russia puts its primary navel focus on subs.

          Possibly you military experts can validate Ukraine taking out subs, or if Russian subs in the Atlantic, Baltic, North Sea or Pacific is a nothing- burger as you seem to believe…..

  3. The year 1964 had a whole bunch of great B/W movies. Besides Fail Safe, there was the funny version, Dr Strangelove, the amazing The Manchurian Candidate, and one of the few movies better than the novel, Seven Days in May. There’s also The Best Man, dealing with a contested political convention that was based on a play by Gore Vidal. The TCM lady introducing it claimed it portrays a Republican convention, but that just shows here ignorance of US politics in the early 1960s. It’s obviously a Democrat convention, with Lee Tracy portraying a Harry Truman style former president and Henry Fonda being an Adlai Stevenson clone who can’t decide about anything. The Cantwell brothers are obviously the Kennedy brothers, who Vidal hated. The movie is on Youtube at:

    1. Thanks. The only one I hadn’t seen was The Best Man. The others I have seen many times.

    1. Reader.

      OMG…. he or she is a full blow nightmare. Who in their right mind would hire this monster.
