Our Little Secret

More educators titillated by the prospect of deceiving parents:

Teachers are also warned not to congratulate parents on their child’s performance in a school play. Why this humdrum politeness should be avoided, with the threat of disciplinary consequences, is not entirely obvious and no hints are offered as to the reasoning. It is, however, framed as equal in sinfulness to informing a parent that their child has been “snorting a white powder.”

Because if little Billy is chopping them out in class, it’s now a teacher’s duty to keep parents in the dark, you see.

Oh, there’s more.

10 Replies to “Our Little Secret”

  1. Burning wood and fossil fuels are illegal…


    Forest fires don’t count.
    Nor does how to create materials to use or travel with that aren’t invented yet.
    We’ve yet to mine or know what exactly we’re going to need to accomplish this.

    Have our politicians and government actually done an audit of our resources?

  2. The only things kids should be snorting in school are Pixie Stix and pencil shavings

  3. Time to declare k-12 to be a political free zone with a zero tolerance policy. After a few of our classroom radicals ‘transition’ into alternate careers, the rest can get down to the business of teaching. A strike you say? I love it when targets self identify.
    We don’t owe every commie a government cheque.

    1. A better solution is a voucher system where a parent’s money can go to a system that is worth the time, and not the public system rife with corruption and unions. Of course, the communist unions and governments want control, not choice.

  4. Teachers unions see it as their duty to convince their members to rear the children in their care however they want to regardless of the wishes of the parents.

    1. The NDP which provides election support to most of those successfully running to be school trustees is no different.

  5. “Co Parenting” Apparently.
    Home school may be your only defence.
    How does one “negotiate” with a destructive parasite?
    Teachers once knew better,that to lie to their clients and paymasters.
    So what are they “teaching” when they deceive?
    As they lecture the kids about plagerism and cheating??
    Hypocrisy 101?
    Children are smart.
    Why are they doing time ,when they committed no crime?
    And look at their jailers and trustees..
    Sheesh,Life Lessons alround.
