9 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. When will the hostages held by the terrorists in Gaza be freed?
    If they’re holding hostages today, why are they being fed today?
    1 truckload of food, 1 hostage.
    Tomorrow? 1 more truckload of food, 1 freed hostage.

  2. My personal experience with Muslims was in the late 1990’s in Toronto and could be out-of-date. I was in design and construction, primarily restaurants and banquet halls. It was my experience that Muslims will lie, cheat and steal. Once any of this happened, I ceased doing business with them. One client, who was building a large banquet hall (which falls under the A2 Public Occupancy part of the Building Code – very stringent) was flagrantly not building to code. I flagged his attention to this and he replied that he could just pay a bribe to City Hall. So I formally resigned from the job, forfeited the remainder of my fee and also let City Hall know what violations were occurring.

    1. They are encouraged to lie, cheat, steal if it furthers the religion or it’s followers.

    2. it’s no surprise..even a cursory reading of the quran demonstrates that many surahs borrow from the OT, albeit such a distorted interpretation so the original is rendered uninteligible .Taqiyya is at the very heart of Islam.

  3. Re: fears about Islam are entirely rational.

    At the end of Dawkins article, he says “Will I be arrested for stating the undenied fact that apostasy carries the death penalty? If so, bring it on. I look forward to defending myself in court.”

    Unfortunately, in Canada, Truth is not a defense! According to the SCOC in the Bill Whatcott case.
