8 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. “The Democrats haven’t given up.”

    Hydras don’t. Cut off one head and a dozen more sprout. (Interestingly, according to Mythology Source, the hydra was a swamp creature.)

    “It could spit a type of venom so powerful that even the scent of its breath could prove deadly.”

    Sound familiar?

  2. Of course Jamie Raskin disagrees with nine Supreme Court judges. Liberal humility, don’t you know?

  3. The Democrats will always have all their life-absent voters to mail in their ballots.

    After all, nowhere in the US Constitution does it say you lose your right to vote just because you are pushing up daisies!

  4. “That mob in front of the AGO, many of them the same professional protesters who have occupied Toronto’s streets for the last five months, led to the cancellation of an event between our prime minister and new Italian PM Giorgia Meloni.”

    I’m sure that Justin, didn’t really want to meet with Giorgia Meloni anyway, given that his lapdog media describes her as “far-right”. The protests were just an excuse.

  5. “…The protests were just an excuse…”

    And you can Bet the the Islamic ASS kissing Scum that infests the PMO was 100% involved in arranging said protest too no.?? Just a tad convenient dont ya think..??
