Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

The BBC used an anti-Israel journalist bankrolled by Iran as a key source in its reporting on the Gaza conflict, it has emerged.

In a report over the weekend, the BBC analysed video and eyewitness accounts of a rush on an aid convoy in Gaza that led to the deaths of more than 100 Palestinians.

The report cited an eyewitness account from Mahmoud Awadeyah, who was described as a journalist on the scene.

But it has emerged that Mr Awadeyah works for Tansim News Agency, an Iranian outlet with links to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which has vowed to destroy the Israeli state.

In social media posts, the activist praised violence against Israelis and posted photos of himself dining with militant leaders.

Danny Cohen, the former director of BBC Television, accused the corporation of “failing in the most basic of journalistic practices” by not checking one of its key sources.

Writing in The Telegraph, he said: “The BBC has a habit of accepting at face value what they are told by people who present as Palestinian civilians or officials from civic authorities and either don’t understand or don’t care that they are representatives of terrorist organisations.

21 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. State run media is garbage
    BBC in UK
    CBC in Canada
    PBS in US

    When Western Nations finally go bankrupt it would be a good idea to ditch these companies. Not that private sources are much better. George Soros just bought 200 radio stations – that was after buying 6 Hispanic stations

    1. I see Twaddels is financing the media until 2027 now. Nothing quite like a bought and paid for media.

    2. JOhn

      I’m pretty sure that ALL MSM world wide is GARBAGE.
      All of it bought n paid for by those who seek to destroy Humanity

  2. Saving “our democracy” really means saving “our democrat party machine”
    Sorry, this comment was for the previous story.

  3. So it’s incompetence, laziness, and stupidity at the BBC, rather than actual malice. I wish I could believe that made even the slightest bit of difference.

    1. Ya just gotta love this guy..!!
      Taking a wrecking ball to SOCIALIST garbage…!
      That we could be so lucky…

  4. As opposed to all the Israeli sponsored propaganda we are fed on a daily basis. Too funny. “Mustn’t listen to the other side cause they’re bad”. How do you know? “Cause our side said they were bad”.

    1. No, there’s stuff like the videos members of the HAMAS uploaded to boast about their murderous gang raping, baby burning, beheading savagery. And there is also all those schwarma videos from Gaza showing how only those who can’t eat schwarma are starving. The rest are throwing American aid into the garbage. And then there’s those ridiculous Pallywood videos put out by the HAMAS using obvious reborn baby dolls for women to wail over (multiple times same women, same dolls) and then there’s Mr. Pallywood, this year’s version of Green Helmut guy who has variously appeared in HAMAS propaganda as a journalist, several different wounded men, a health care aid, a doctor, a father, and at least a dozen other roles.

      Only those who hate Jews so much they will believe anything bad said about Jews no matter how preposterous ignores the stuff HAMAS did, takes their propaganda as truth and anything contrary to that distorted version of truth is dismissed as “Israeli sponsored propaganda.”

      1. Seeking both sides of the story is being intellectually honest. Unlike knuckle dragging you. You are a sad little bigot.

        1. You only see the Pali side of the story, you fxcking hypocrite. Go play with your suicide vest.

        2. Both sides of the story, oh really raping women and maiming babies and you wanna know why they did such things? Speaking of sick forks.

        3. “Seeking both sides of the story is being intellectually honest.”

          How would you know? You only ever come here to spew Hamas propaganda, then run away when challenged. You post the same LIES about Israeli ‘genocide’ over and over. What kind of ‘honesty’ is that?

    2. Are you a Muslim..??
      That might explain whats wrong with your cranium..??

      For the record, It would please me to NO Extent to see ISLAM and its FILTH obliterated world wide.
      That includes HAMAS.

      As for BBC & pretty much all MSM, they have long ago sided with this Islamic filth. That much is obvious and should be no surprise to anyone.

      1. No I am a Christian. That means I want to see Muslims and Jews and Atheists and Socialists and Catholics to convert. I would never advocate killing any of them. That is what Nazis do and I am definitely not a Nazi. Are you a Nazi? Do you wish death upon those you disagree with?

  5. Britain is rife with polite Jew Haters especially in the upper and chattering classes. They are the kind who would never promote gas chambers but they also would never let you into their Polo club. Because of this, they readily believe anything bad they hear about Jews. Because BBC is essentially filled with Jew haters, why would they even think to question someone telling them what they already think they know?

  6. Very disappointed with Redacted this a.m.
    Host had George Galloway on, whom he welcomed as an old buddy.
    Okay, but he also retailed the blood libel that Israel is committing genocide against the Gazans.

    I disapprove of the menticide needed to believe it’s a genocide.
