71 Replies to “Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word”

  1. Poor little terrorists. All they did was rape and murder some women and children and everyone got upset. Obviously a case of Islamophobia.

  2. What a POS! I sincerely hope Israel wipes Hamas from the face of the planet.

    1. He’s trying to tell the arabs that the whole western world is attacking them. He’s ashamed that it’s the Jews alone kicking their ass. Again.

    2. for my part l hope the IDF is utterly stone deaf to protests and opposition to their mission of WIPING HAMAS OUT OF EXISTENCE.
      becaue my hunch is word came down ‘from higher ups’ to focus on the mission, be extremely cautious of boobytraps, suicide bombers, snipers WHATEVER but ‘soldier on’. furthermore were l 30 years younger and fluent in hebrew *l* would fly to tel aviv and demand some support role, some opportunity to ‘do my part’.

  3. Unbelievable the crap this turd spews. I admire Israel for responding as they did. I hope they’re successful in wiping out Hamas and their fellow criminals.

  4. Why would they expect any different – they have always gotten away with Israel being held to marginal “proportional” responses to their relentless, ongoing attacks.

      1. Ray Rice @Breezin5247 Dec 24 Replying to @SalmaZahid15
        When you ask the gorilla to dance, you dance until the gorilla decides to stop. It’s best not to start a war.

  5. FAFO Mousa. Bibi isn’t like the rest of the milquetoasts leading western nations. Our own little Justin would have thought a UN resolution would do. Not just because is is an Israel hater, but because he is an effeminate little coward.

    1. I have no doubt whatsoever that whenever Canada sends money to UNRWA Turdo gets a kickback. 10% for the pansy ass?

  6. This strategist has leveraged a few innocent Palestinian lives along with many more cooperative Palestinians in pursuit of Palestinian victimhood for the greater good of Jihad. Judging by the unleashed hordes of Jihadi colonists of the west and their western useful idiots, it’s been a smashing success.

  7. Just as I’m sure Napoleon didn’t anticipate the consequences of Russian winters. Marzouk has a seat in the FAFO club.
    Releasing the hostages might be a good start to solving your problems but saving face is more important apparently.

  8. Hamas is used to never being held responsible for their actions; thus their bewilderment.

  9. My view is that the Oct. 7th attack has been a huge victory for radical Islam (RI), even if Hamas in Gaza is eventually eliminated by Israel. The cost of several thousand innocent Palestinians to RI is immaterial.

    RI plays the long game. Its population base continues to expand three to four times that of the Christian West. It has ever increasing support in the West where its young males continue to expand their occupation. The mainstream media, academics, leftists and even the alphabet people publicly and overwhelmingly support Hamas.

    Most significantly, RI now knows it can threaten and intimidate elected politicians in the West with impunity. No elected politician in the West dares to denounce the clearly pro-terrorism protests, while their police forces do very little to stop outright illegal activities. Our prime minister is cowered into silence by them, while publicly condemning patriotic Canadians who disagree with his policies.

    Expect RI to continue to grow and prosper in the West. It has taken over many areas of the U.K. and Belgium. Dearborn, Michigan is a clear example of what is in store for many parts of the U.S. and Canada.

    Remember, RI does not separate religion from politics. Once it controls politics, its religious beliefs become public policy and law. If you don’t submit of your own accord, the RI-controlled government will force you to.

    1. Agreed. and the real tragedy of the west is the mainstream censorship of such truths. That politicians would bend for Islam is moot as they are terrified (terrorism works as a strategy, its not a noun) of them, hence the progressive transference of Islamophobia. In our degraded culture honesty is a trait of the unelectable.

      1. Reply to John Chittick;
        “Islamophobia” – the fear of offending muslims because they are prone to violence.

    2. You nailed it MJ
      Once they get enough terrorist in these areas. Terror will ensue.

    3. MJ, I think the glass as half full. Fingers crossed, but Oct 7 might equivalent to the last German offensive of WW2. Battle of the Bulge. Hopefully, a final act of desperation. Freedom is winning.

      RI (or Marxist Islam?) has been getting away with everything for decades. Arafat addressing the UN carrying a holster in 1974. Olympic massacre in 1972. A decade of highjackings. Insert a thousand more examples from before 911. And more recently, the daily firing of ROCKETS at civilian areas. And the entire time, the progressive response has been : “Here’s some money for your oppression.” The fact that Israel hasn’t been stopped yet, and that UNRWA even had some funding cut … is unprecedented.

      In all, it feels like the world is waking up to the fact that progressive ideas have run their course, and in many areas just don’t work. The Crown Prince of Saudi sounds like he is reforming… and Iran is feeling the pressure. There are worldwide movements for governments to be concerned for their citizens, and a loss in trust of the MSM. It is slow to replace that progressive mindset, but it is happening in the minds of men.

      And with the internet, the muslim world is gonna change for the better. There will be another Arab spring, and eventually they will get it right.

      And don’t forget our mightiest weapon, our culture. Manal Al Sharif was a very devout one who was converted by … the Backstreet Boys. The Middle east will change, given time, and internet.

  10. “The consequences of the attack [against Israel] … nobody in the world expected them [Israel] to be so barbaric”.

    That is how a double-edged sword works. What Hamas did to the innocent Israeli citizens they attacked on Oct.07 “nobody in the world expected […] to be so barbaric”. That probably explains the lack of sympathy. Now, if they had targeted only the IDF, many Hamas fighters would be dead (obviously) but at least they could claim the high ground (maybe).

    1. Yeah, it’s almost as if he wasn’t a Muslim and wasn’t less than 1500 miles from Afganistan on September 11, 2001.

      Maybe he’s imbibed in too much poppy extract.

  11. In another age, the Romans would have turned Gaza into rubble, killed or enslaved the population and salted the land so nothing would grow. These people should thank their stars that the Israelis are civilized. Personally, I’m with the Romans.

    1. An excellent suggestion. The Romans had been locked in a death struggle with Carthage for generations (sounds familiar to the situation with Israel and Palestinians).

      The final battle between them in 146 BCE also sounds very similar to what is happening in Gaza:

      ” Scipio (the Roman commander) launched a major assault which quickly captured the city’s main square, where the legions camped overnight. The next morning the Romans started systematically working their way through the residential part of the city, killing everyone they encountered and firing the buildings behind them. At times the Romans progressed from rooftop to rooftop, to prevent missiles being hurled down on them. It took six days to clear the city of resistance; only on the last day did Scipio take prisoners. The last holdouts, including Roman deserters in Carthaginian service, fought on from the Temple of Eshmoun and burnt it down around themselves when all hope was gone. There were 50,000 Carthaginian prisoners, a small proportion of the pre-war population, who were sold into slavery.”

      The Roman victory had major, long-lasting implications:

      “The Carthaginian defeat was total and absolute, instilling fear and horror into Rome’s enemies and allies and opening the path for the formation of the Roman Empire.”


      1. Yes, the Jews fought and lost to the Romans, but the Jews survived in what is now Israel. But having lost to the Romans, as so many other peoples and civilizations did for a thousand years, does not mean that the Jews should not learn how to win long-lasting wars from the Romans.

        Taking the historical example further, Rome lost many battles and early wars to the Carthaginians. One of the main reasons was that Carthage had a much superior navy, while Rome in its early days had almost no navy. Rome recognized Carthage’s superiority at sea, copied it and eventually became a superior sea power to Carthage, which was one of the key reasons for Rome’s ultimate and final victory in 146 B.C.

        1. Thomas, you’re with the guys who devastated the Jewish state and called it Palestine, in a thread against the guys who want to devastate the Jewish state and call it Palestine. If you don’t get that that’s ironic, the black fly in your Chardonnay will tell you how to be with some other guys who attempted proper final solutions.

  12. Act like modern day Amelakites, get annihilated like ancient Amelakites.

    Gazans attacked during the Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah holiday. Now FJB demands Israel stand down for Ramadan.

  13. We better have these conversations quick, with the online harms bill we’ll all be jailed and fined for offending the Hamas supporters. Oh well three squares a day and no monthly rent sounds lovely, will I get to use the pool and rink like Paul and his freaky prison mate?

    1. I’m looking forward to jail. If Paul Bernardo is any indication, life in jail could be much better than the life I’m living now.

        1. Dustoff
          Mossad killed gen Bull in Belgium , so I don’t think distance is a factor.

  14. It seems to me that Israel is providing a template that our own feckless politicians and military need to follow … one that we’ve been embarrassed to pursue since WWII … and that is: complete and total annihilation of your enemies.

    Compare and contrast to what SHE did in Benghazi. SHE refused to provide the necessary security (read: military) to protect our Embassy in newly fallen Libya. SHE actually believed that a “peaceful posture” would be just the right kind of olive branch that the Muzzies would appreciate. Well … SHE came, SHE saw, and OUR people died.

  15. You are so right.
    Hillery made a mess of that country with O-dumbers help.
    Libya is now a black slave trading country. Great job you two fools.

  16. Classic example of FAFO. One cannot anticipate consequences if one does not have the mental capacity to think.

  17. Clears things up.

    Borrowed from that twitter x thingy….

    Chase Geiser
    Oct 9, 2023
    Over 30% of marriages in Gaza are between 1st cousins.

    The average IQ is 67.9

    For context, Forrest Gump’s IQ is 75.

  18. Israel was the victim, they and they alone will decide when they’ve extracted vengeance from the terrorists in Gaza, and not the journalists from Europe or MSNBC etc…

    The innocent Gazans? Support for Hamas was in the 86% range, German’s support for the Nazis was about 12% ?

    It’s not difficult to see where this is going. Also, has anyone in Hamas had the thought that perhaps they should release the hostages, not “some of them” but all of them, and maybe re-examine their plan and ask for mercy?
    Perhaps it’s not to be taken to seriously though, this asking for mercy while still holding hostages.

    The next 70 years in Gaza may be rough, given their comprehensive inability to learn their lesson. Any lesson at all really… then to blame others, and to ask for more aid.
    I have no doubt that future Gazans will F around and find out again and again and again and again and again

    Their I.Q. being on par with Haitians isn’t going to dig them out of that hole. They are below the level of competence that the US Army requires recruits to have in order to be taught “repeatable tasks”.

    Churchill was correct regarding Islam. And if the Gazans don’t want to be making mud pies for the next 70 years, they could start by abandoning islam en mass

  19. Can’t add anything to the comments here except, “When you play stupid games you win stupid prizes!” The Arabs have been playing stupid games for 1400 years ever since Mohamud came on the scene with his religion of global dominance. Despite multiple defeats over those centuries the Muslims still want to play stupid games. The Israeli state has existed for hundreds of years before the appearance of the Islamic religion, or the UN. For the last 70 plus years the Israelis have endured countless unproked attacks by every branch of Islam and have in those attacks responded with a reserved civility. October 7 was the final straw, the bridge too far, and the Israeli government decided to remove the threat once and for all. There is not one country in the world throughout history that would have endured what Israel has undergone in the last seventy plus years. It would bode well for universal peace for other nations to copy Israel’s example.

  20. Super retard?
    Lets see,you orchestrate atrocity against the most weak and defenceless.
    Then you film those acts.
    Then you post them for all to see,proclaiming yourselves “Heroes”.
    And now,as you discover that your victims families,friends and complete strangers are all working together to cure what ails you..By making you extinct..
    You complain?
    Any who act as Hamas did and any who condone what Hamas did are not people you can turn your back on.
    You cannot share a civilization with such.
    What common points do we have?
    Life is too short to allow such cretins to threaten your loved one.
    Extinction really does cure all their problems..
    So Sad Too Bad.

    1. So true.

      Israel needs to reclaim their lands and make it another great place to live. Hamas had their chance and blew it.

  21. Cupid stunt hasn’t seen jack shit yet.
    When the Israelis get mad enough they’ll nuke you.
    When the IDF or Mossad finally gets to this pederast, the fires in Hell will burn a bit brighter.

  22. Late to the thread as usual…. I STAND WITH ISRAEL!

    Oh, and yeah, Hamas and all their affiliates need to be eradicated permanently!

  23. It’s odd, the IDF cares more about the people of Gaza than their own elected government, Hamas does. I wonder how many people see the irony of this.

  24. That’s the funny thing about war.. No mulligans and no time outs.. It was an act of war and you got war.. Crying like a baby isn’t going to save you.. Unconditional surrender will..
