End State Diversity

Haiti spirals to collapse;

Over the weekend, the violence in the capital Port-au-Prince ramped up once again. Heavily armed gangs attacked the National Palace and set part of the Interior Ministry on fire with petrol bombs.

It comes after a sustained attack on the international airport, which remains closed to all flights – including one carrying Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

He tried to fly back to Haiti from the United States last week, but his plane was refused permission to land. He was then turned away from the neighbouring Dominican Republic too.

Mr Henry is now stuck in Puerto Rico, unable to set foot in the nation he ostensibly leads.

Among those who did manage to get into the stricken Caribbean nation, though, was a group of US military personnel.

Following a request from the US State Department, the Pentagon confirmed it had carried out an operation to, as it put it, “augment the security” of the US embassy in Port-au-Prince and airlift all non-essential staff to safety.

Soon after, the EU said it had evacuated all of its diplomats, fleeing a nation mired in violence and facing its biggest humanitarian crisis since the 2010 earthquake.

Millions of Haitians, however, simply don’t have that luxury. They’re trapped, no matter how bad things get.


32 Replies to “End State Diversity”

  1. Addendum to QOTD:

    …. and promises that women and the LGBTQ crowd will be given equal representation by the new justice system.

  2. Seems like a good time to freeze their bank accounts and invoke the Emergencies Act!

    I didn’t know that Kenya was part of Caricom?

  3. So as not to upset the balance of racial harmony in Haiti, all foreign troops sent there must be Black and speak French. France should be able to conscript a large force meeting those requirements. Since France owns the island of Martinique, which is French and Black, it would be the ideal base of operations for the French forces to be sent to Haiti.

    1. Yeah, sending troops from a country responsible for the slavery that birthed that particular nation sounds like a real good idea, I’m sure the locals will appreciate.

  4. It’s too bad, but it seems the only elixir that will cure Haiti is a well placed nuke.

    Haiti is a living example of complete retrograde humanity. Not worth saving .. South Africa is heading in the same direction. Somalia and few others are already there. We absolutely should mind our own business and let these cesspools resolve their own bullshit.

    There is ample evidence that the inhabitants therein are not predisposed to peaceful cooperative living … much like the wogs of the Middle East. Another damning feature of Haiti is they all speak French.

    I feel like Larry David this morning. I think I have managed to insult half the planet.
    We are living in a world where Megalomaniacs are running the joint from top to bottom.

  5. Chalkboard Heresy @CBHeresy
    1. Woman goes to Haiti to write about r*pe in Haiti being exaggerated.
    2. Gets r*ped repeatedly by Haitian man.
    3. Blames it on misdirected “Black rage” against “white world.”
    4. Says she is “grateful for the experience.

    White liberal women are not well.

    [Link to Twitchy report.]

  6. The inevitable end of all debauched oligarchies, Haiti stretching the limits of poor and rich, corrupt and cowed;
    As they approach the Embassy, no doubt aware Americans allow their own people to be looted and pillaged.

    Surely angry, incompetent, negligently weak, but very energetic and heartwarming, likely medicated Biden will deter atrocities against Americans subjected to an Antifa BLM fusion of racial justice should the Embassy be breached.

    No? Likely yet another failure. OK, thanks; thought I’d check in. Still at DeMarxists progressing to general war.

      1. Like I said, debauched oligarchies.
        What’s in store for all of us unless and until voters in all forums put a stop to it.

        Along with some judges and other sane sages, now so few, given our Supreme Court is good with government harm from healthcare to Charter violations, but hopefully not Trudeau’s martial law gambit.

      1. @Reader:
        Well, the Haitians refugees will have to get in line behind all the Afghan refugees Turdoo is again bring to Canada.

  7. Wonder if Conan O’Brien will again visit to “disprove” Trump’s characterization of this fine, fine example of humanity.

  8. Tell me again about “The White Man’s Burden”?

    Only the American Left wants to Colonize Haiti … then make it the 58th State (didn’t Obama claim we were already up to 57 States?)

  9. They had some dumb white Canuck on TV moaning on about the difficulty he was having in trying to get out of Haiti. Well, wtf was he doing there anyway? Being a tourist?

  10. My neighbor went there long ago to help train law enforcement. He never really got over the ditches full of human skulls. Told me it was useless and hopeless. I wonder where all the money we have sent ended up.
