47 Replies to “You’re On Your Own”

  1. So what they’re announcing is the optimal time to commit crime.

    How do they think that will work out?

    No, seriously!

    1. Hey Texas, send more “undocumented”immigrants to Pittsburgh.

      They’ll flourish. It’ll be just like home.

      1. That would be worth it to them to get another representative.

        More power mwhahaHAHA!

  2. ?
    is this a first?
    a city size of pittsburgh NO COPS for 4 hours a day?

  3. “Sorry, we spent all your tax dollars that were supposed to be for roads and safety on climate pontificating, welfare and foreign money laundering; but I repeat myself. Vote for us again and we’ll try and do slightly better (probably not hehe).”

    We really are our own worst enemy. Voters are so stupid I’m starting to think we might be better off with an inbred King.

  4. …and the next state to pass permit-less concealed carry is…
    You can already open carry there, which is already miles better than having cops on speed-dial.

  5. Gee, I can’t wait to see how successful this new Democratic policy will be. Imagine how much safer and more peaceful the streets will be at that time!

      1. mmmmm, mebbe open season in both directions?
        also the major problem ‘calling the cops’ far too frequently they wind up shooting the victim. or trashing their house lookin’ fer the ‘bad guy’. sometimes its the wrong address altogether in which case its a civil case facing ‘qualified immunity’ aaaaaand sure as shyt THAT gets abused also. aka ‘green lite to haul off and bust heads and bust property all ye care too’, ’cause shucksamighty, GOTTA LET OFF STEAM SOMEHOW . . . so just a suggestion south of the 49th, you know who the bad guys are, pop pop pop away!!

        1. I know who the bad guys are, alright, they’re in my house and in my sights!
          So eff you and all your BS obfuscation of the reality of the situation!

  6. Canadian conservatives are too stupid to live. They watched cops on horses trample old ladies protesting for freedom, and then cry out for “more cops, crack down on ‘illegal’ guns!!!”, etc.

  7. Since certain demographics want to defund the police, these should be the neighbourhoods that first get depoliced.

    1. LOL.
      The first places where you can shoot an aggressor and get away with it. Of course, you would much rather wait for the cops when your life is on the line, which would be fine, but you would prefer to trust the cops to save your wife and kids.
      When seconds count…you’re…on the phone?

  8. Americans: When the goin’ gets rough, we rise to the occasion and deal with it.
    Canadians: When the goin’ gets rough, we whine to the government to fix it.

  9. “You’re On Your Own”
    What is your enlightened alternative?
    Having a guardian angel?
    Tell us your solution, Francicso.
    Maybe everyone should just straighten up and fly right?
    Yeah, that’s gonna happen.

    1. As much as I agree with self defense, in this scenario I see the cops coming back on shift and unless you have ensured no witnesses or CCTV and ensured no evidence leading back to the shooter, the cops arrest the defender / shooter. This isn’t Texas, this is a Democrat run shithole where real crimes are ignored and low risk (to the cops) low hanging fruit for the prosecutors are processed.

    2. Shoot, shovel, shut up.

      Where I live cops are 90 minutes away in a life and death emergency. You get used to it.

  10. Let us not stray from the whole point here:
    When confronted by criminals you can:
    1. Defend yourself, or
    2. Call the cops.

    1. Happens instantly.
    2. Takes at least 10 minutes.

    Why are Canadians so retarded?
    Why does Francisco, a supposed “conservative” want Canadians to die waiting for cops?
    WTF is wrong with you people?

      1. You must be one of them magical Canadian conservatives who loves cops and hates guns, kinda like OJ and the gang.

  11. “The Purge” is one step closer to becoming reality!

    …and people are still sleeping!!!

  12. Again:
    Let us not stray from the whole point here:
    When confronted by criminals you can:
    1. Defend yourself, or
    2. Call the cops.

    1. Happens instantly.
    2. Takes at least 10 minutes.

    Why are Canadians so retarded?
    Why does Francisco, a supposed “conservative” want Canadians to die waiting for cops?
    WTF is wrong with you people?

  13. Why are Canadians so retarded?
    Why does Francisco, a supposed “conservative” want Canadians to die waiting for cops?

    No one is straying from the point so knock it off! I don’t ever recall Francisco recommending Canadians die before the cops arrive…so stop with the B.S. Unlike the U.S. we don’t have a castle doctrine and never will which inevitably means that we’d face 5- 10 years of misery and expense in the courts to justify our actions coupled with the real possibility of doing time for our actions if we’re ever found guilty. (Yeah, it’s that effed up over here, but don’t you worry “Yeah Well”, if you’re American you’re almost there, I’m seeing it already) They know the process is the punishment. Would we do it anyways? Of course we would…no price is too expensive when it comes to protecting the lives of those we love.
    No one here is endorsing being the victims of criminals. Calling Canadians “retarded” is a bridge too far. But you do you.

      1. https://www.heritage.org/firearms/commentary/new-york-man-got-arrested-after-defending-his-own-home

        I like this – The problem was that he failed to obtain his own handgun permit and register the gun in his name. Thus, under state law, this otherwise law-abiding citizen was “guilty” of a class E felony punishable by up to four years in state prison and the permanent loss of his Second Amendment rights.

        Nice huh? See how this works? And in 20219 no less, imagine what it’s like now.

      2. That’s so Canadian.

        What part of your being, “Sub”, as in “SUBject” don’t you understand?

        Resume your station in life. As a lowly sub-ject.

    1. Burton, I have been yapping about the stupidity and cowardice of my fellow Canadians for decades and it has only gotten worse. Just wait until bill c63 is shoved in our faces. Who will you stand up to?

  14. Look at the comments here!
    Canadians love to watch their fellow citizens trampled by the RCMP!
    No wonder they voted Trudeau in!

  15. “I’m for limiting government in any way for any reason”
    Milton Friedman

    I agree with YeahWell without the nasty hysterics and false accusations.

  16. Super funny guy and I Was a longtime subscriber to QDD channel until he started pushing the jab. Then, it was bye-bye.

    1. “Why are posters dumping on Canadians. Isn’t this happening in Pittsburgh?”
      Simple: Because Canadians are scared of guns.
      That you can be so stupid as to be blind to this fact is amazing.

        1. I will try again last time the comment vanished.
          Thomas you now live in the U S. Unless I have read your comments incorrectly. If so of course you can own several guns.

  17. So cops MIA in Pittsburgh but National Guard are positioned in New York. Seems like the plan is all coming together, positioning the National Guard to take over policing, where did I see something like that happen before? Something akin to getting rid of the Brownshirts and installing the Blackshirts. That worked out really well didn’t it.

    1. Except NYC’s governor isn’t allowing the National Guard to have their rifles. So glad I’m not in NY State anymore.
