5 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See On The CBC”

  1. Sames but on X/twitter…

    *The #Libranos may have some difficulty finding anyone who agrees with them in the next federal gov’t when P.P. and the Conservatives either simply defund them or privatise them. I’d prefer they privatise them, knowing that it’ll be hell for the left when they see the ACTUAL value attributed to their mothercorp as they try to sell assets (outside of Toronto only?) in an ill-fated attempt to save the ship.

    1. The first thing that needs to be done is to sell the CBC Puzzle palace down on front street. The second thing is to do a full public audit to show were all the money goes…

    2. DEFUND the CBC…??
      Oh God Please.

      Listed under things I would LOVE to see Happen

      (And why stop there..?? Defund the entirety of the MSM)
      Lets see what survives

  2. The CBC doesn’t own its own soul anymore. It is ‘government (taxpayer) funded drunk’ and is cutting its own throat.

    No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
