51 Replies to “March 13, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. I used to call him Eric “Slowhand” Carmen, but only because I was mean. He was pretty good, and frankly, the Raspberries were pretty damned good. May he rest in peace.

  1. What’s the income tax rate for investors into Canada?

    In El Salvador, where you don’t have to shovel any snow and strangely enough the crime rate has fallen well below Canada’s rate, and the butter you buy may have been formed 2 days ago by some farmer down the road… it’s now taxed at zero
    *I don’t know if they’re a big beef eating country but at some point, Argentina is going to follow suite


    **Always have a plan for when the P.P. Conservatives drop the ball 7 years +/- from now and the #Libranos come back to tier 2 Canada’s federal gov’t with a hard on for vengeance to make AB/Sask pay


  2. All of the usual suspects changing their monikers, and yet, I’m the one that’s been accused of assuming other identities.
    The only thing that’s changed with my moniker is going back and forth from upper and lower case (because I use different devices to post). otherwise I have been, and always will be “FC”

    1. @fc

      That’s because you have not been shamed and de-named like many openly mentally ill bigots who supported the pedo-globalist destruction of Ukraine by funding it’s nazi elements with your tax dollars.

      1. “That’s because you have not been shamed and de-named like many openly mentally ill bigots who supported the pedo-globalist destruction of Ukraine by funding it’s nazi elements with your tax dollars.”

        It’s so much more pleasant here now that they have been (temporarily) neutered). But it won’t last…their kind doesn’t have the emotional maturity to exercise self-control for any length of time.

    2. “All”???

      I see that the most vile supporters of genocide have kept their names.

          1. Yup. Gone! Passing Venus at the speed of light. Straightforward, non-controversial comments with no links just vanish into the ether.

  3. TikTok Ban law (as written) is really about information control:


    “ If TikTok data collection was the issue, the law would be structured to ban foreign data collection. That’s not what this is. This is a law written to give the Executive Branch the power to define any platform as “foreign owned” by the service provider (even if domestic) and the substance of the content contained and/or distributed. This has to be stopped.”

    1. Not just politicians feeding at the trough. How many retired RCMP/Military/Police are working for the Feds and getting two pensions? Justified in some cases, but a money grab in others.

      1. I agree it justified in many instances for retired employees continuing through full time or contracting positions. Continuation of experience is important. Retired Services personnel going full time gov’t after mandatory age retirement, or taking contracts is no different that me taking gov’t contracts after retiring from private industry, still pulling a pension and getting contract $$.
        If the gov’t spent more of its training $$$$ on real career advancement skills courses and less on social or political indoctrination, this may not be as necessary.
        Now, you could raise some issues on the processes involved, favoritism or procurement process, etc. Witnessed a few incidences of favoritism and “job creation” “empire building”.

    2. Meanwhile, over at the Department of National Defence, it is perfectly acceptable to be “working” at DND while at the same time getting paid by an outside party who has a contract with DND. In fact, DND does not even keep track of its employees that are also being paid by outside contractors. No wonder Canada’s military is in such fine shape.

      “There are no rules against serving military personnel or public servants at National Defence having contracts on the side with their own department or the federal government, this newspaper has confirmed.

      And, although such side deals are allowed, National Defence admits it doesn’t know how many such contracts are in place.”


    3. NOOOooo..!!!

      Say it aint So..!!??
      Public Servants in a Liberal Controlled Govt. are being found to be Sleazy Scumbags in earning CASH on the side using Govt programs to do so…??

      How on earth can THAT be..??

      Same old same old.
      LIBERAL is properly spelled: CORRUPTION

  4. “The White House announced on Tuesday that the US is sending a new $300 million arms package to Ukraine that includes more cluster bombs, which are notorious for killing and maiming civilians.

    POLITICO reported that the new arms package also includes a cluster bomb variant of the Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMs), known as Anti-Personnel/Anti-Materiel (APAM) missiles, which have a range of about 100 miles. The US first sent APAMs to Ukraine last year but did not initially publicly disclose the shipment.

    Cluster bombs spread small submunitions, known as bomblets, over a large area. They are so hazardous to civilians because many of the submunitions do not explode on impact and can be found years or decades later, often by children, as they have in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, where the US dropped hundreds of millions of bomblets during the Vietnam War.”


  5. ‘We live in fear’ – Gang warfare with automatic weapons breaks out in French city of Rennes, 2 injured before police restore calm

    ‘She thought she was going to die’ – French stars and wealthy terrorized in wave of violent ‘home-jackings’
