47 Replies to “Rematch”

    1. In regard to presidential campaign, the Secret Service is authorized by law (18 United States Code § 3056) to protect: Major presidential and vice presidential candidates and their spouses within 120 days of a general presidential election.

      So, the Secret Service does not legally have to protect Trump until sometime starting around July 8, 2024. Interesting.

      1. Except, that as a former President he already had Secret Service protection. (Of course he’s not actually the FORMER President. Sigh.)

  1. I’m kinda stoked for the debates between the various contenders to begin.

    Anyone know which drugs Joe’s taking?
    What if someone finds a way of interfering with Joe’s earpiece and starts talking about only ice cream and how “cute” that young gal in the front row is? etc…. I can’t be the only one who wants to see this…

    1. Adderall is one of I’ve read.
      Joe couldn’t debate a house plant without getting angry and shouty.

  2. Biden versus Trump.

    Is this the best America can come up with? There’s not even an independent candidate I can stand.

    1. Trump will win. And he’ll do just fine.

      If you aren’t in the pocket of Communist China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Woke Wall Street or the pedophile brotherhood, you have nothing to fear from a second Trump term.

      If you are, well. Trump plans to see to it that he’s not the one who’ll die in prison for your sins.

      1. Trump should not be assumed to be a friend of Canada. Some of the things he did were beneficial (e.g., pushed the Keystone Pipeline), and some were not (quotas on Canadian automobile parts).

        1. unDORK
          How do you do it, as you are always full of Shit with your posts, on any and all topics.
          Once the USA is doing good, it will drag Kanukistan along with it.

          1. Why are you now GYYM and not GYM?

            Did you get kicked off for bad behaviour, and have to reregister under a different name? If so, don’t you think you should have changed your moniker a little more?

        2. “Trump should not be assumed to be a friend of Canada.”
          Nor should he be, given our current governance, which is Democrat Lite coupled to Son King’s airs.
          President Biden is no friend to Canada either, or enemy for that matter.
          He does what he’s told.

          Trump has some experience dealing with nasty local bureaucrats and bankrupt enterprises, which is the USA today, so to speak.

        3. I think it was Churchill who said countries don’t have friends, they have interests. I like Trump’s honesty with the America first stuff, you may not like what he says, but unlike every other politician he means it.

          He will certainly make the US economy better, and we benefit. The US is currently adding debt at 1 Trillion every 100 days, that is unsustainable, even by them, he is the most likely to improve that with pro growth i.e. anti-government policies. The question will be if he can rout the entrenched permanent political class, round one he lost. His history is that he recovers from defeats stronger and with more knowledge. It will be interesting.

          1. With between ten and twenty million invaders, young men who hate us, the problems will continue to grow and become increasingly violent. Rough days ahead.

          2. Look how Trumps people dealt with the RINOs and never-Trumpers in the RNC recently. I expect to see that in the Federal government when he’s elected. So do all the people in the government, so expect further shenanigans before November 4th.

          3. I think his # 1 Security Issue will be the thousands of CCP Military aged MEN who have infiltrated the US over the past 3-4 yrs through Panama/Darien Gap

            Talk about a Clear & Present Danger.

          4. “I think it was Churchill who said countries don’t have friends, they have interests. I like Trump’s honesty with the America first stuff, you may not like what he says, but unlike every other politician he means it.”

            Absolutely. I laugh at the left-wingers who whined about how Trump was so unfair to Canada in trade negotiations. Yeah, that would be because he represents the American people, not Canadians…he is out to get the best deal for *his* people, not ours. Justin Trudeau was supposed to represent Canada.

  3. That’s assuming that Biden makes it that far. He may have clinched the Democrat nomination, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be the candidate come November.

      1. The Democrat puppet masters are very worried about Biden as a candidate. I’m guessing they’re begging Michelle to run, and if she does, she will win easily.

        1. I believe Hillary is poised to step up to the plate. There is a general feeling that Biden will not make it to the election.

          1. Read MO’s university thesis.
            She’s an angry dunce, that even with the world’s finest advanced training in public speaking like Prime Minister Blackie and Freeland took, she won’t be viable.
            She knows it and will not submit herself to such a public outing, she is set for life and can continue with ghost written books and short one way speeches and Jimmy Kimmel sycophant adoring interviews for life the way it is.

  4. Expect a President Harris and VP Newsom ticket come the right time to play that card.
    They’ve transformed California, and have the chops to trans-form the rest of the country.

  5. Biden did not win the nomination because he is the best man, he won because he is the only man. Any Democrat is sure to lose, and politicians hate to lose. Biden is a convenient sacrificial goat.

  6. At some point the Noisome Newsom will be plugged in and Biden wheeled out.

    1. RFK Jr..does have some integrity, but what those of you in his corner fail to grasp is he’s a primarily leftist and all in for the “green” agenda.

  7. Jesse Ventura would be a better VP then the last 10 at least.
    Actually having trouble naming a good VP….
    Anyway, “interesting”, to say the least.
    What makes it better is for the love of comedy and fun, everybody has an impersonation of Chistopher Walken, John Malkovich, Robert Deniro and Jesse Ventura dying to be released after two beers.
