Just Leave It Unlocked and Running…

…with a full tank of gas. And don’t forget to leave drinks and snacks in the passenger seat.

Ian Miles Cheong- Canadian police advise home owners to leave their car fobs outside so armed thieves can steal them more easily without confronting home owners.

Update: More here

The Line- The police have given up. They’ve surrendered

And their best advice to you is to do the same, if you know what’s good for you.

56 Replies to “Just Leave It Unlocked and Running…”

    1. The first car owner with a 12g. will have the book thrown at them.. But by the time its the 10th, maybe opinions will have changed, on both sides.

      1. Again, if you have an acreage and a backhoe… But keep your 12g locked up or you could go to jail.

  1. In a country that doesn’t enshrine property rights in its constitution nor rights to self defense and has an appointed judiciary of progressives and in the process of fully disarming its serfs, oops I mean citizens and has police forces run by toadies of elected Bolsheviks and Jacobins, this is what you get.

    “We don’t let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?” – Joseph Stalin

  2. No doubt if you defend yourself, you’ll be arrested.
    TPS are now accomplices.
    …and then there’s Roger Kotanko.

    1. I have had 2 bad experiences with Toronto Police. In 1983, after moving in to my first house, I was robbed of my jewelery, booze and Christmas presents. The Police said I should be thankful that the thieves did not vandalize my house, because I did not have much of anything of value.
      The second time was after I moved into my second house in Toronto in 1991. Again, I was robbed and was told that since only my booze and jewelery was again stolen, that I should not bother submitting an insurance claim.
      They were useless “C**Ts then and they are useless “C**Ts now.

  3. We have seen the enemy. And it is the unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats running the government.
    Government is where those who completely suck at life go to live off taxpayers.

    1. In a culture where no honest person is electable, it isn’t just the unelected that are the problem.

      “When people want the impossible, only liars will satisfy them.” – Thomas Sowell

    2. Yeah, the big brains in the Liberal Caucus convened in Ottawa last month to talk about the problem of out of control car thefts in Canada and this is what they come up with. Uber and Skip the Dishes should come up with a recruiting strategy, steal a car? – come join our team.

  4. In all fairness, i head “at your front door” as inside but by the door, so if someone does break in they stop there, take the keys, and leave.
    I like my car and all, but it isn’t worth the risk of dying for ( or a family member), and even if armed there’s still the risk.

      1. Amen. In Texas, you blow the assholes head off, the cops will clean up the mess for you. Here, off to jail with you, plebe.


      2. Hussein makes a lot of great points. Why not leave our bank cards and pin numbers by the front door so the theives aren’t compelled to beat it out of your family.
        It’s really no different than voting for higher taxes.

    1. Seriously, couldn’t Officer CoffeeNDonuts have provided other better advice than this?
      How about park in the garage?
      How about using The Club, for steering wheel and brake pedal (they work, ahem!)
      How about installing a kill switch? How about an aftermarket security system? How about a GPS tracker?
      The cops are getting stupider and lazyer by the day, as to useless, but still draw a 6 figure salary for their uselessness!

      1. How about don’t try to steal my car, or if and when you wake up you will looking up at the sky.

    2. What sort of lunatic thinks that if they are willing to break down your door, they are just going to stop at getting your car keys? They’ll want any valuables that you have, as my cousin found out recently.

    3. Well, if you don’t really care, let me have it?

      I don’t need it, we have a civic, a wrangler and a 4×4 f150.

      But if you’re giving it away, i am pleased to accept.

    4. You’re living in a country where the COPS are telling you to leave your keys at the front door so the robbers can take them and go.

      And the unstated but very obvious subtext is that if you toast one of those robbers, or maybe several of them if you’re pretty good at it, YOU will very much be arrested and very much be in jail for murder forever.

      Because let us recall that the reason all this is happening is that the COPS are not allowed to arrest these robbers. If they do finally arrest one for doing something unbelievable, the COURTS will let them back out again. Like, the same day usually.

      But -you- they will not let out. You will be tossed in a cell forever. For sure.

      So now you have to ask yourself, why bother having a car? Or a job? Or a house?

  5. What’s next telling women to wear tight pants to slow down a serial rapist? Good gawd common sense seems to have been vaporized. How about making car theft a federal offense and put the little dirt bags in the federal pen for ten years.

    1. No. She should wear lose pants so as not to enrage her rapist. Or plan B which would end up with the rapist unable to commit future offences.

      On a lighter note there is a youtube video where a guy puts a bike in a park and films people stealing it. They don’t know there is a rope tied to the rear of the seat until they run out of rope and fly over the handlebars.

      1. Snicker, when we built hubby’s workshop he left bow rakes and wheel barrels lying around with string tied every where lest some thief ran off with his lumber said thief would end up with a head wound and in the wheel barrel.

      1. Wrong, if a crime is committed it can be a provincial crime or a federal crime. 2 years less a day is usually provincial and 2 years plus a day is federal.

    1. So by allowing and encouraging unfettered immigration of a criminal element, the government of Canada could be considered an accomplice in the car crimes, and charged with the Canadian equivalent of aiding and abetting? Is that your argument?

      Wouldn’t that be lovely if any immigration minister that allows the entry of any illegal that commits a crime ends up right beside them in prison? I would vote for that policy tomorrow. It would certainly put the fear of the citizen back into their hearts.

      1. The Trudeaupian Multicultural State and the Immigration-Industrial Complex must be protected at all costs.

        Is it me, but I want to see if readers of this blog have noticed that the names of perps (and vics if the crime is a “domestic”) do not get printed in the news anymore? I am assuming that there are dozens, possibly hundreds of “community spokesmen” for each ethnic group, all probably receiving some sort of taxpayer-funded stipend, who have put pressure on various local police forces and media outlets not release names so as “not to make the community look bad” which all the usual parties fear will cause “backlash” against both the Trudeaupian Multicultural State and the Immigration-Industrial Complex.

        Is this my being paranoid? What do other readers think or does anyone have frontline experience confirming my suspicions?

      2. Right.

        Wasn’t there a hue and wail from lieberals about being the car theft mecca?

        Now the cops are encouraging you to just hand’em over.

        What a country we live in!!!

    1. Years ago we were told that the key to fighting car break ins was to leave nothing of value in the car. I thought that was a weak cop out (no pun intended). Now our homes are open for business. What’s next, wear snaps instead of buttons so our clothes don’t get torn while we are being assaulted?
      Orrrrr, the cops and judiciary could start doing their effing jobs.

  6. Having watched a video of a guy in Ontario who has had two cars stolen out of his driveway (and installed a tracking device in the second)…I’m convinced from that video that your local law enforcement is involved in the theft ring. You’ll find that video in the tips thread from about a week ago.

  7. A few questions not being asked:
    If they have guns and law abiding homeowners are not allowed guns for self defence ( as per PM Sparklesox) can we change the law?
    Also…Viva presented this question: if we leave our keys ‘for them’ does insurance cover the theft??
    Also…does this not encourage more crime? Buddy arranges for friend to steal his truck by leaving keys out, they claim theft and split the $$ from insurance.

  8. So then the insurance won’t cover the theft. Whoever came up with this stupid idea needs to be fired and put into a padded room.

  9. Just for comparison. A lot of jurisdictions have made it illegal to leave your keys in your car in the US. The entire state of Florida has a law in place that makes it illegal. The entire country of Australia has a law in place that makes it the obligation of the motorist to secure the vehicle upon parking (inclusive of taking your keys out of the car). Smaller municipalities have done the same. Lancaster, PA (for example) has a law in place since 2009 that makes it illegal to leave your keys in the ignition and have written thousands of citations since its initiation.

    Laws in the States (at least), also consider the keys in the ignition to be synonymous with “operation of a vehicle”. So, for example, you got hammered at the local bar, go out to your car, realize you’re too drunk to drive and decide to sleep it off in the parking lot. If you put your keys in the ignition and the cops come around (even if the motor is not running)…you are subject to a DUI. I worked with a guy this happened to. He got his license suspended for a year.

    1. In the U.K. you don’t have to put the key in the ignition, if it’s with you in the vehicle you are ” drunk in charge of” the vehicle.

  10. Thieves regularly walk through neighbourhoods in the early morning looking to steal anything left in a car. If there’s something visible and the vehicle is locked, they will break the window. Someone stole the license plates off my son’s car when it was parked in the driveway overnight. You can’t even make a report with a police officer. You have to do it online. The police do absolutely nothing even if you have video evidence of the event. The advice from the cops is to make sure nothing gets left in the vehicle and leave the doors unlocked.

    They claim the dollar amount of things damaged and stolen doesn’t make it worthwhile to do anything. Meanwhile there are hundreds, if not thousands, of occurrences per month which add up to millions of dollars in stolen goods and damaged vehicles. They just can’t be bothered. Sending prowl cars through residential neighbourhoods on a semi-regular base would reduce the problem.

    I used to support increasing police budgets. Not any more. Tell me what you’re going to do with the money and be held accountable for what you say you’re going to do and maybe then we’ll talk.

    1. The police will happily do low risk revenue enforcement, although that is now being taken over by mounted speed cameras.

      They won’t investigate crimes, because that requires effort.

  11. The police have started the process of winding down their traditional crime-fighting activities. Instead, after extensive training in critical race theory and DEI, they will be trolling the Internet to find those saying anything nasty about what the Dear Leader says is nasty under his new Bill C-63. Once they have identified suspects, officers will be dispatched to kick in the door of the nasty-speaker and place he/she/they under lifetime house arrest. Much more fun for the officers, and a lot less risk that arresting real criminals with firearms.

  12. This isn’t an unsolvable problem no matter what experts say.
    A few years ago my small city was declared the car theft capital by Maclean’s mag. The mayor got upset and the local paper picked it up. In three months our crime rate plummeted after the arrest of three or four people. Here’s the worst part: the cops knew who was doing it but couldn’t be bothered.
    My partners jeep was stolen, a citizen recognized the guy and the cops busted him. He took off before trial and even though they picked him up in Ontario they refused to get him shipped back here so they let him go.

    1. The car theft in Canada is very structured. Vehicles stolen in Toronto are moved (almost immediately) to Montreal and vice versa. A portion of stolen vehicles are moved via shipping to Dubai. I’m convinced that the Dock Law Enforcement is in on it to some extent. As an example, one stolen vehicle (that I mentioned earlier) had two Apple Air trackers in it (for the express purpose of tracking the vehicle if it was stolen). It was stolen.

      The owner immediately called the police and tracked it personally to the Train yard (that serves Montreal and Toronto to the shipping docks). The local police at the train yard refused outright to investigate. The owner then followed it to Toronto’s biggest shipping yard. The Apple tracker was so precise that the police of the man’s municipality were able to go into the yard and locate the exact shipping container that held the man’s stolen truck. The police officer actually took a photo of it and confirmed the vehicle was there. HOWEVER, the dock police force refused any action to recover the vehicle and shipped it to Europe, and eventually to Dubai. The rightful owner then hired a private investigator who took photos of the truck sitting in a Used Car dealer’s lot in Dubai for sale.

      Your dock police force is dirty. Or, your special task force to combat car theft decided to screw the owner over so they could track the process used by the theft ring. That’s what’s going on right now.

      1. A lot of those port management firms are arab. Huge uproar during the aftermath of 9/11 about that.

  13. Follow the idiot cop’s advice and find out how the insurance company reacts. Don’t be surprised when the insurance company refuses to honour your claim. If your car is subsequently used in a crime, be prepared to be the defendant in a lawsuit.

    1. Only if they can prove the house was not locked.
      If locked, keys by the front door would not be an issue.

  14. Get out of the big cities, if you can. Toronto and Vancouver are in a race to become Canada’s San Francisco. Tent cities (aka. Trudeau towns), open drug use, violent crime, home invasions, ethnic/religious/race protests…general lawlessness.

    What’s it like here where I live? I looked out the back window into the field and saw the first geese have returned from the south and fresh deer hoof prints in the back yard in the remaining snow. My heating bill doesn’t have a carbon tax. No porch pirates. No homeless camps. No drug needles in our play parks. No panhandlers. No traffic jams.

    Being a hick in the boonies has perks.

    * you can buy a nice newer house for $400,00 in town and my neighborhood has a large, riverfront home on an acre of land for about $650,000.

  15. With a warrant from a pedo judge, the cops will come to your house in a large gang, maybe pre-sunup, with a door breacher and all their guns drawn to arrest you for SFA.
    And if you dare resist, they’ll kill you, your dog and probably everyone else.

    So they’re actually worse than the thieves.

  16. How many cops are sitting in emerg, with some drug addicted , mentally ill person right now for hours on end?
    Lots , it’s no excuse but the burdens of the bleeding hearts , and blindly tolerant should be theirs to bare.
    Instead we all swim in their needless sht.
    And if society is indeed crumbling , you might be wise to take some advice given years ago, I think on this site on how to blend in and look poor.
    I think I’d worry more about big friggin fences, and other things , especially if your living in that “nice” overpriced place the “underprivileged” would love to squat in.
    Interesting times, that seem to be coming at us fast.
    And I don’t see Pierre stepping into a telephone booth flying out if it , and saving the day.
    But we all know the cult of prog and its current leader has been busy for years now.

  17. What would the awesome public policy plan be if this police man telling people to leave their keys for the robbers and the supreme court judge that can’t stop saying “vagina” had ten minutes to brainstorm together?

  18. Toronto you say can’t believe that would happen there.Liberal voters abound and everyone is happy
